25,329 research outputs found

    A review of physics-based models in prognostics: application to gears and bearings of rotating machinery

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    Health condition monitoring for rotating machinery has been developed for many years due to its potential to reduce the cost of the maintenance operations and increase availability. Covering aspects include sensors, signal processing, health assessment and decision-making. This article focuses on prognostics based on physics-based models. While the majority of the research in health condition monitoring focuses on data-driven techniques, physics-based techniques are particularly important if accuracy is a critical factor and testing is restricted. Moreover, the benefits of both approaches can be combined when data-driven and physics-based techniques are integrated. This article reviews the concept of physics-based models for prognostics. An overview of common failure modes of rotating machinery is provided along with the most relevant degradation mechanisms. The models available to represent these degradation mechanisms and their application for prognostics are discussed. Models that have not been applied to health condition monitoring, for example, wear due to metal–metal contact in hydrodynamic bearings, are also included due to its potential for health condition monitoring. The main contribution of this article is the identification of potential physics-based models for prognostics in rotating machinery

    Major challenges in prognostics: study on benchmarking prognostic datasets

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    Even though prognostics has been defined to be one of the most difficult tasks in Condition Based Maintenance (CBM), many studies have reported promising results in recent years. The nature of the prognostics problem is different from diagnostics with its own challenges. There exist two major approaches to prognostics: data-driven and physics-based models. This paper aims to present the major challenges in both of these approaches by examining a number of published datasets for their suitability for analysis. Data-driven methods require sufficient samples that were run until failure whereas physics-based methods need physics of failure progression

    On the Thermodynamics of Degradation

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    All materials when subjected to fatigue loading are prone to failure if the number of cycles exceeds a certain level. Prediction of the number of cycles to failure is, therefore, of utmost importance in nearly all engineering applications. The existing methods for evaluating the fatigue life are tedious, expensive, and extremely time consuming as fatigue often takes many thousands to millions of cycles until failure occurs. Therefore, methods that can readily estimate the number of cycles to failure are highly desirable. In this work, innovative solutions to fatigue problems are presented and their practical significance is discussed. The premise of this research is that the energy dissipation due to hysteresis effect manifests itself as heat, raising the temperature of the specimen. The temperature evolution during fatigue can be utilized as an index to assess the useful fatigue life and fast prediction of premature failure. Specifically, fatigue experiments of two types of metals (Aluminum 6061-T6 and Stainless Steel 304L) show that the slope of the temperature at the beginning of the test is intimately related to the fatigue life, thereby, it provides a fast prediction technique to assess failure. An experimental investigation was conducted to study the effect of surface cooling on the improvement of fatigue life. Experiments show that the surface cooling has significant effect on the fatigue life. For example, 1000% improvement is observed for Steel 4145 undergoing rotating-bending fatigue. It is proposed that the concept of self-organization within the context of irreversible thermodynamics can be used to gain insight into the observed phenomenon. Further, it is shown that fatigue degradation and thermodynamic entropy generation are intimately connected and that their relationship can be used for prediction of failure and making fundamental advances in the study of fatigue without having to resort to traditional approaches that depend on empirical models

    A hybrid prognostics approach for motorized spindle-tool holder remaining useful life prediction

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    The quality and efficiency of high-speed machining are restricted by the matching performance of the motorized spindle-tool holder. In high speed cutting process, the mating surface is subjected to alternating torque, repeated clamping wear and centrifugal force, which results in serious degradation of mating performance. Therefore, for the purpose of the optimum maintenance time, periodic evaluation and prediction of remaining useful life (RUL) should be carried out. Firstly, the mapping model between the current of the motorized spindle and matching performance was extracted, and the degradation characteristics of spindle-tool holder were emphatically analyzed. After the original current is de-noised by an adaptive threshold function, the extent of degradation was identified by the amplitudes of wavelet packet entropy. A hybrid prognostics combining Relevance Vector Machine (RVM) i.e. AI-model with power regression i.e. statistical model was proposed to predict the RUL. Finally, the proposed scheme was verified based on a motorized spindle reliability test platform. The experimental results show that the current signal processing method based on wavelet packet and entropy can reflect the change of the degradation characteristics sensitively. Compared with other two similar models, the hybrid model proposed can accurately predict the RUL. This model is suitable for complex and high reliability equipment when Condition Monitoring (CM) data is scarcer

    Remote monitoring and failure prediction of guiding elements and diverting pulleys in passenger elevators

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    Accelerated urbanization has lead to the rising height of buildings and demand for intensive high performance of elevators in recent years. Consequently, condition monitoring has become a highly desirable capability as the complexity of elevator systems increased. The goal of this study is to develop a monitoring method for elevator components which are subjected to mechanical degradation and failures. The method is capable of indicating the current health condition, predicting future failure as well as detecting emerging issues during operation. Studies of the fundamental principle of elements of condition monitoring such as measurement and measuring equipment, remaining useful life models laid the foundation for new method developing. Moreover, there were reviews of the implementation of health management systems in aerospace and marine industry. A prototype was built from the inductive sensor and open sources embedded system. The device has been installed in two different elevators for data acquisition. Basic data visualization and analysis models were employed for current health state assessment and failure trend prediction. The results include validation of the condition monitoring method and prediction of time-to-failure. Arithmetic means of displacement data determined operating condition whereas the linear regression model was used to predict failure event. Moreover, while suggesting the potential usefulness of the method for system condition assessment, the analysis of the data also exposed challenges inconsistency of the measuring method, data filtering technique as well as large data size requirement

    Towards Prognostics of Electrolytic Capacitors

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    A remaining useful life prediction algorithm and degradation model for electrolytic capacitors is presented. Electrolytic capacitors are used in several applications ranging from power supplies on critical avionics equipment to power drivers for electro-mechanical actuators. These devices are known for their low reliability and given their criticality in electronics subsystems they are a good candidate for component level prognostics and health management research. Prognostics provides a way to assess remaining useful life of a capacitor based on its current state of health and its anticipated future usage and operational conditions. In particular, experimental results of an accelerated aging test under electrical stresses are presented. The capacitors used in this test form the basis for a remaining life prediction algorithm where a model of the degradation process is suggested. This preliminary remaining life prediction algorithm serves as a demonstration of how prognostics methodologies could be used for electrolytic capacitors

    Remaining useful life estimation in heterogeneous fleets working under variable operating conditions

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    The availability of condition monitoring data for large fleets of similar equipment motivates the development of data-driven prognostic approaches that capitalize on the information contained in such data to estimate equipment Remaining Useful Life (RUL). A main difficulty is that the fleet of equipment typically experiences different operating conditions, which influence both the condition monitoring data and the degradation processes that physically determine the RUL. We propose an approach for RUL estimation from heterogeneous fleet data based on three phases: firstly, the degradation levels (states) of an homogeneous discrete-time finite-state semi-markov model are identified by resorting to an unsupervised ensemble clustering approach. Then, the parameters of the discrete Weibull distributions describing the transitions among the states and their uncertainties are inferred by resorting to the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) method and to the Fisher Information Matrix (FIM), respectively. Finally, the inferred degradation model is used to estimate the RUL of fleet equipment by direct Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. The proposed approach is applied to two case studies regarding heterogeneous fleets of aluminium electrolytic capacitors and turbofan engines. Results show the effectiveness of the proposed approach in predicting the RUL and its superiority compared to a fuzzy similarity-based approach of literature
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