1 research outputs found

    Relieving Hotspots in Data Center Networks with Wireless Neighborways

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    Abstract-Recent studies show that the 60GHz wireless technology could help resolving the hotspot issue in data center networks (DCNs). However, transmissions over 60GHz suffer from limitations of short transmission range and blockage, which makes it a new challenge how to appropriately establish wireless links in the DCN. In this paper, we propose to integrate wireless links into the DCN with the wireless neighborway scheme. Each top-of-rack switch (ToR) has multiple 60GHz wireless links connecting to its neighboring ToRs, which are termed as neighborways. The elephant flow from the sending ToR can be partially offloaded through neighborways, which are then delivered to the ToRs around the receiving ToR through wired links of the DCN, and finally converged to the receiving ToR. The fundamental challenge for the design is how to prevent the offloaded traffics from forming new hotspots in the network fabric. To this end, we developed a wireless network planning solution with corresponding IP address assignment and traffic engineering scheme, which can leverage the potential underutilized wired links in the DCN and meanwhile avoid forming new hotspots. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme can notably relieve the hotspots in the DCN