1,406 research outputs found

    The Computational Complexity of Training ReLU(s)

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    We consider the computational complexity of training depth-2 neural networks composed of rectified linear units (ReLUs). We show that, even for the case of a single ReLU, finding a set of weights that minimizes the squared error (even approximately) for a given training set is NP-hard. We also show that for a simple network consisting of two ReLUs, the error minimization problem is NP-hard, even in the realizable case. We complement these hardness results by showing that, when the weights and samples belong to the unit ball, one can (agnostically) properly and reliably learn depth-2 ReLUs with kk units and error at most ϵ\epsilon in time 2(k/ϵ)O(1)nO(1)2^{(k/\epsilon)^{O(1)}}n^{O(1)}; this extends upon a previous work of Goel, Kanade, Klivans and Thaler (2017) which provided efficient improper learning algorithms for ReLUs

    Dense Associative Memory for Pattern Recognition

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    A model of associative memory is studied, which stores and reliably retrieves many more patterns than the number of neurons in the network. We propose a simple duality between this dense associative memory and neural networks commonly used in deep learning. On the associative memory side of this duality, a family of models that smoothly interpolates between two limiting cases can be constructed. One limit is referred to as the feature-matching mode of pattern recognition, and the other one as the prototype regime. On the deep learning side of the duality, this family corresponds to feedforward neural networks with one hidden layer and various activation functions, which transmit the activities of the visible neurons to the hidden layer. This family of activation functions includes logistics, rectified linear units, and rectified polynomials of higher degrees. The proposed duality makes it possible to apply energy-based intuition from associative memory to analyze computational properties of neural networks with unusual activation functions - the higher rectified polynomials which until now have not been used in deep learning. The utility of the dense memories is illustrated for two test cases: the logical gate XOR and the recognition of handwritten digits from the MNIST data set.Comment: Accepted for publication at NIPS 201

    Static Activation Function Normalization

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    Recent seminal work at the intersection of deep neural networks practice and random matrix theory has linked the convergence speed and robustness of these networks with the combination of random weight initialization and nonlinear activation function in use. Building on those principles, we introduce a process to transform an existing activation function into another one with better properties. We term such transform \emph{static activation normalization}. More specifically we focus on this normalization applied to the ReLU unit, and show empirically that it significantly promotes convergence robustness, maximum training depth, and anytime performance. We verify these claims by examining empirical eigenvalue distributions of networks trained with those activations. Our static activation normalization provides a first step towards giving benefits similar in spirit to schemes like batch normalization, but without computational cost

    Eigenvalue Decay Implies Polynomial-Time Learnability for Neural Networks

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    We consider the problem of learning function classes computed by neural networks with various activations (e.g. ReLU or Sigmoid), a task believed to be computationally intractable in the worst-case. A major open problem is to understand the minimal assumptions under which these classes admit provably efficient algorithms. In this work we show that a natural distributional assumption corresponding to {\em eigenvalue decay} of the Gram matrix yields polynomial-time algorithms in the non-realizable setting for expressive classes of networks (e.g. feed-forward networks of ReLUs). We make no assumptions on the structure of the network or the labels. Given sufficiently-strong polynomial eigenvalue decay, we obtain {\em fully}-polynomial time algorithms in {\em all} the relevant parameters with respect to square-loss. Milder decay assumptions also lead to improved algorithms. This is the first purely distributional assumption that leads to polynomial-time algorithms for networks of ReLUs, even with one hidden layer. Further, unlike prior distributional assumptions (e.g., the marginal distribution is Gaussian), eigenvalue decay has been observed in practice on common data sets

    Neural networks and rational functions

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    Neural networks and rational functions efficiently approximate each other. In more detail, it is shown here that for any ReLU network, there exists a rational function of degree O(polylog(1/ϵ))O(\text{polylog}(1/\epsilon)) which is ϵ\epsilon-close, and similarly for any rational function there exists a ReLU network of size O(polylog(1/ϵ))O(\text{polylog}(1/\epsilon)) which is ϵ\epsilon-close. By contrast, polynomials need degree Ω(poly(1/ϵ))\Omega(\text{poly}(1/\epsilon)) to approximate even a single ReLU. When converting a ReLU network to a rational function as above, the hidden constants depend exponentially on the number of layers, which is shown to be tight; in other words, a compositional representation can be beneficial even for rational functions.Comment: To appear, ICML 201

    On the Learnability of Deep Random Networks

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    In this paper we study the learnability of deep random networks from both theoretical and practical points of view. On the theoretical front, we show that the learnability of random deep networks with sign activation drops exponentially with its depth. On the practical front, we find that the learnability drops sharply with depth even with the state-of-the-art training methods, suggesting that our stylized theoretical results are closer to reality

    Learning Neural Networks with Two Nonlinear Layers in Polynomial Time

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    We give a polynomial-time algorithm for learning neural networks with one layer of sigmoids feeding into any Lipschitz, monotone activation function (e.g., sigmoid or ReLU). We make no assumptions on the structure of the network, and the algorithm succeeds with respect to {\em any} distribution on the unit ball in nn dimensions (hidden weight vectors also have unit norm). This is the first assumption-free, provably efficient algorithm for learning neural networks with two nonlinear layers. Our algorithm-- {\em Alphatron}-- is a simple, iterative update rule that combines isotonic regression with kernel methods. It outputs a hypothesis that yields efficient oracle access to interpretable features. It also suggests a new approach to Boolean learning problems via real-valued conditional-mean functions, sidestepping traditional hardness results from computational learning theory. Along these lines, we subsume and improve many longstanding results for PAC learning Boolean functions to the more general, real-valued setting of {\em probabilistic concepts}, a model that (unlike PAC learning) requires non-i.i.d. noise-tolerance.Comment: Changed title, included new result

    Fitting ReLUs via SGD and Quantized SGD

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    In this paper we focus on the problem of finding the optimal weights of the shallowest of neural networks consisting of a single Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU). These functions are of the form xmax(0,w,x)\mathbf{x}\rightarrow \max(0,\langle\mathbf{w},\mathbf{x}\rangle) with wRd\mathbf{w}\in\mathbb{R}^d denoting the weight vector. We focus on a planted model where the inputs are chosen i.i.d. from a Gaussian distribution and the labels are generated according to a planted weight vector. We first show that mini-batch stochastic gradient descent when suitably initialized, converges at a geometric rate to the planted model with a number of samples that is optimal up to numerical constants. Next we focus on a parallel implementation where in each iteration the mini-batch gradient is calculated in a distributed manner across multiple processors and then broadcast to a master or all other processors. To reduce the communication cost in this setting we utilize a Quanitzed Stochastic Gradient Scheme (QSGD) where the partial gradients are quantized. Perhaps unexpectedly, we show that QSGD maintains the fast convergence of SGD to a globally optimal model while significantly reducing the communication cost. We further corroborate our numerical findings via various experiments including distributed implementations over Amazon EC2

    When is a Convolutional Filter Easy To Learn?

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    We analyze the convergence of (stochastic) gradient descent algorithm for learning a convolutional filter with Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) activation function. Our analysis does not rely on any specific form of the input distribution and our proofs only use the definition of ReLU, in contrast with previous works that are restricted to standard Gaussian input. We show that (stochastic) gradient descent with random initialization can learn the convolutional filter in polynomial time and the convergence rate depends on the smoothness of the input distribution and the closeness of patches. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first recovery guarantee of gradient-based algorithms for convolutional filter on non-Gaussian input distributions. Our theory also justifies the two-stage learning rate strategy in deep neural networks. While our focus is theoretical, we also present experiments that illustrate our theoretical findings.Comment: Published as a conference paper at ICLR 201

    Principled Deep Neural Network Training through Linear Programming

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    Deep Learning has received significant attention due to its impressive performance in many state-of-the-art learning tasks. Unfortunately, while very powerful, Deep Learning is not well understood theoretically and in particular only recently results for the complexity of training deep neural networks have been obtained. In this work we show that large classes of deep neural networks with various architectures (e.g., DNNs, CNNs, Binary Neural Networks, and ResNets), activation functions (e.g., ReLUs and leaky ReLUs), and loss functions (e.g., Hinge loss, Euclidean loss, etc) can be trained to near optimality with desired target accuracy using linear programming in time that is exponential in the input data and parameter space dimension and polynomial in the size of the data set; improvements of the dependence in the input dimension are known to be unlikely assuming PNPP\neq NP, and improving the dependence on the parameter space dimension remains open. In particular, we obtain polynomial time algorithms for training for a given fixed network architecture. Our work applies more broadly to empirical risk minimization problems which allows us to generalize various previous results and obtain new complexity results for previously unstudied architectures in the proper learning setting