3 research outputs found

    Reliable graph-based collaborative ranking

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    GRank is a recent graph-based recommendation approach the uses a novel heterogeneous information network to model users' priorities and analyze it to directly infer a recommendation list. Unfortunately, GRank neglects the semantics behind different types of paths in the network and during the process, it may use unreliable paths that are inconsistent with the general idea of similarity in neighborhood collaborative ranking. That negligence undermines the reliability of the recommendation list generated by GRank. This paper seeks to present a novel framework for reliable graph-based collaborative ranking, called ReGRank, that ranks items based on reliable recommendation paths that are in harmony with the semantics behind different approaches in neighborhood collaborative ranking. To our knowledge, ReGRank is the first unified framework for neighborhood collaborative ranking that in addition to traditional user-based collaborative ranking, can also be adapted for preference-based and representative-based collaborative ranking as well. Experimental results show that ReGRank significantly improves the state-of-the art neighborhood and graph-based collaborative ranking algorithms.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures, 3 Table

    GEMRank: Global Entity Embedding For Collaborative Filtering

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    Recently, word embedding algorithms have been applied to map the entities of recommender systems, such as users and items, to new feature spaces using textual element-context relations among them. Unlike many other domains, this approach has not achieved a desired performance in collaborative filtering problems, probably due to unavailability of appropriate textual data. In this paper we propose a new recommendation framework, called GEMRank that can be applied when the user-item matrix is the sole available souce of information. It uses the concept of profile co-occurrence for defining relations among entities and applies a factorization method for embedding the users and items. GEMRank then feeds the extracted representations to a neural network model to predict user-item like/dislike relations which the final recommendations are made based on. We evaluated GEMRank in an extensive set of experiments against state of the art recommendation methods. The results show that GEMRank significantly outperforms the baseline algorithms in a variety of data sets with different degrees of density

    Embedding Ranking-Oriented Recommender System Graphs

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    Graph-based recommender systems (GRSs) analyze the structural information in the graphical representation of data to make better recommendations, especially when the direct user-item relation data is sparse. Ranking-oriented GRSs that form a major class of recommendation systems, mostly use the graphical representation of preference (or rank) data for measuring node similarities, from which they can infer a recommendation list using a neighborhood-based mechanism. In this paper, we propose PGRec, a novel graph-based ranking-oriented recommendation framework. PGRec models the preferences of the users over items, by a novel graph structure called PrefGraph. This graph is then exploited by an improved embedding approach, taking advantage of both factorization and deep learning methods, to extract vectors representing users, items, and preferences. The resulting embedding are then used for predicting users' unknown pairwise preferences from which the final recommendation lists are inferred. We have evaluated the performance of the proposed method against the state of the art model-based and neighborhood-based recommendation methods, and our experiments show that PGRec outperforms the baseline algorithms up to 3.2% in terms of NDCG@10 in different MovieLens datasets