151 research outputs found

    Machine and deep learning techniques for detecting internet protocol version six attacks: a review

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    The rapid development of information and communication technologies has increased the demand for internet-facing devices that require publicly accessible internet protocol (IP) addresses, resulting in the depletion of internet protocol version 4 (IPv4) address space. As a result, internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) was designed to address this issue. However, IPv6 is still not widely used because of security concerns. An intrusion detection system (IDS) is one example of a security mechanism used to secure networks. Lately, the use of machine learning (ML) or deep learning (DL) detection models in IDSs is gaining popularity due to their ability to detect threats on IPv6 networks accurately. However, there is an apparent lack of studies that review ML and DL in IDS. Even the existing reviews of ML and DL fail to compare those techniques. Thus, this paper comprehensively elucidates ML and DL techniques and IPv6-based distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. Additionally, this paper includes a qualitative comparison with other related works. Moreover, this work also thoroughly reviews the existing ML and DL-based IDSs for detecting IPv6 and IPv4 attacks. Lastly, researchers could use this review as a guide in the future to improve their work on DL and ML-based IDS

    A Deep Learning Based Approach To Detect Covert Channels Attacks and Anomaly In New Generation Internet Protocol IPv6

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    The increased dependence of internet-based technologies in all facets of life challenges the government and policymakers with the need for effective shield mechanism against passive and active violations. Following up with the Qatar national vision 2030 activities and its goals for “Achieving Security, stability and maintaining public safety” objectives, the present paper aims to propose a model for safeguarding the information and monitor internet communications effectively. The current study utilizes a deep learning based approach for detecting malicious communications in the network traffic. Considering the efficiency of deep learning in data analysis and classification, a convolutional neural network model was proposed. The suggested model is equipped for detecting attacks in IPv6. The performance of the proposed detection algorithm was validated using a number of datasets, including a newly created dataset. The performance of the model was evaluated for covert channel, DDoS attacks detection in IPv6 and for anomaly detection. The performance assessment produced an accuracy of 100%, 85% and 98% for covert channel detection, DDoS detection and anomaly detection respectively. The project put forward a novel approach for detecting suspicious communications in the network traffic

    Security in IoT systems - Issues and Solutions

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    Federated Agentless Detection of Endpoints Using Behavioral and Characteristic Modeling

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    During the past two decades computer networks and security have evolved that, even though we use the same TCP/IP stack, network traffic behaviors and security needs have significantly changed. To secure modern computer networks, complete and accurate data must be gathered in a structured manner pertaining to the network and endpoint behavior. Security operations teams struggle to keep up with the ever-increasing number of devices and network attacks daily. Often the security aspect of networks gets managed reactively instead of providing proactive protection. Data collected at the backbone are becoming inadequate during security incidents. Incident response teams require data that is reliably attributed to each individual endpoint over time. With the current state of dissociated data collected from networks using different tools it is challenging to correlate the necessary data to find origin and propagation of attacks within the network. Critical indicators of compromise may go undetected due to the drawbacks of current data collection systems leaving endpoints vulnerable to attacks. Proliferation of distributed organizations demand distributed federated security solutions. Without robust data collection systems that are capable of transcending architectural and computational challenges, it is becoming increasingly difficult to provide endpoint protection at scale. This research focuses on reliable agentless endpoint detection and traffic attribution in federated networks using behavioral and characteristic modeling for incident response

    IPv6 Security Issues: A Systematic Review Following PRISMA Guidelines

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    Since Internet Protocol version 6 is a new technology, insecure network configurations are inevitable. The researchers contributed a lot to spreading knowledge about IPv6 vulnerabilities and how to address them over the past two decades. In this study, a systematic literature review is conducted to analyze research progress in IPv6 security field following the Preferred Reporting Items for the Systematics Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) method. A total of 427 studies have been reviewed from two databases, IEEE and Scopus. To fulfil the review goal, several key data elements were extracted from each study and two kinds of analysis were administered: descriptive analysis and literature classification. The results show positive signs of the research contributions in the field, and generally, they could be considered as a reference to explore the research of in the past two decades in IPv6 security field and to draw the future directions. For example, the percentage of publishing increased from 147 per decade from 2000-2010 to 330 per decade from 2011 to 2020 which means that the percentage increase was 124%. The number of citations is another key finding that reflects the great global interest in research devoted to IPv6 security issues, as it was 409 citations in the decade from 2000-2010, then increased to 1643 citations during the decade from 2011 to 2020, that is, the percentage increase was 302%

    Cyberprints: Identifying Cyber Attackers by Feature Analysis

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    The problem of attributing cyber attacks is one of increasing importance. Without a solid method of demonstrating the origin of a cyber attack, any attempts to deter would-be cyber attackers are wasted. Existing methods of attribution make unfounded assumptions about the environment in which they will operate: omniscience (the ability to gather, store, and analyze any data relevant to an attack), omnipresence (the ability to place sensors wherever necessary regardless of jurisdiction or ownership), and \emph{a priori} positioning (ignorance of the real costs of placing sensors in speculative locations). The reality is that attribution must be able to occur with only the information available directly to a forensic analyst, gathered within the target network, using budget-conscious placement of sensors and analyzers. These assumptions require a new form of attribution. This work evaluates the use of a number of network-level features as an analog of stylistic markers in literature. We find that principal component analysis is not a useful tool in analyzing these features. We are, however, able to perform Kolmogorov-Smirnov comparisons upon the feature set distributions directly to find a subset of the examined features which hold promise for forming the foundation of a \emph{Cyberprint}. This foundation could be used to examine other potential features for discriminatory power, and to establish a new direction for network forensic analysis

    Smart Sensor Technologies for IoT

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    The recent development in wireless networks and devices has led to novel services that will utilize wireless communication on a new level. Much effort and resources have been dedicated to establishing new communication networks that will support machine-to-machine communication and the Internet of Things (IoT). In these systems, various smart and sensory devices are deployed and connected, enabling large amounts of data to be streamed. Smart services represent new trends in mobile services, i.e., a completely new spectrum of context-aware, personalized, and intelligent services and applications. A variety of existing services utilize information about the position of the user or mobile device. The position of mobile devices is often achieved using the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) chips that are integrated into all modern mobile devices (smartphones). However, GNSS is not always a reliable source of position estimates due to multipath propagation and signal blockage. Moreover, integrating GNSS chips into all devices might have a negative impact on the battery life of future IoT applications. Therefore, alternative solutions to position estimation should be investigated and implemented in IoT applications. This Special Issue, “Smart Sensor Technologies for IoT” aims to report on some of the recent research efforts on this increasingly important topic. The twelve accepted papers in this issue cover various aspects of Smart Sensor Technologies for IoT

    A Survey of Using Machine Learning in IoT Security and the Challenges Faced by Researchers

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has become more popular in the last 15 years as it has significantly improved and gained control in multiple fields. We are nowadays surrounded by billions of IoT devices that directly integrate with our lives, some of them are at the center of our homes, and others control sensitive data such as military fields, healthcare, and datacenters, among others. This popularity makes factories and companies compete to produce and develop many types of those devices without caring about how secure they are. On the other hand, IoT is considered a good insecure environment for cyber thefts. Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) also gained more importance in the last 15 years; they achieved success in the networking security field too. IoT has some similar security requirements such as traditional networks, but with some differences according to its characteristics, some specific security features, and environmental limitations, some differences are made such as low energy resources, limited computational capability, and small memory. These limitations inspire some researchers to search for the perfect and lightweight security ways which strike a balance between performance and security. This survey provides a comprehensive discussion about using machine learning and deep learning in IoT devices within the last five years. It also lists the challenges faced by each model and algorithm. In addition, this survey shows some of the current solutions and other future directions and suggestions. It also focuses on the research that took the IoT environment limitations into consideration