3,119 research outputs found

    Reliability assessment of distribution systems incorporating feeder restoration actions

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    This paper proposes a computational methodology for the evaluation of the IEEE reliability indices for distribution systems considering distribution system restoration. The goal of the proposed methodology is to move from a reliability assessment based on historical data to a computational approach. The developed tool allows the evaluation of the Service Restoration benefits, in terms of customers interruption duration in case of fault occurrences. Distribution System Restoration (DSR) is aimed at restoring loads after a fault by altering the topological structure of the distribution network while meeting electrical and operational constraints. The Spanning Tree Search algorithm is used to identify a post-outage topology that will restore the maximal amount of load with a minimal number of switching operations. The goal of the proposed tool is to determine the optimal switching sequences for the restoration process. The reliability indices incorporates contributions of all possible faults effects

    Reliability analysis of distribution systems with photovoltaic generation using a power flow simulator and a parallel Monte Carlo approach

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    This paper presents a Monte Carlo approach for reliability assessment of distribution systems with distributed generation using parallel computing. The calculations are carried out with a royalty-free power flow simulator, OpenDSS (Open Distribution System Simulator). The procedure has been implemented in an environment in which OpenDSS is driven from MATLAB. The test system is an overhead distribution system represented by means of a three-phase model that includes protective devices. The paper details the implemented procedure, which can be applied to systems with or without distributed generation, includes an illustrative case study and summarizes the results derived from the analysis of the test system during one year. The goal is to evaluate the test system performance considering different scenarios with different level of system automation and reconfiguration, and assess the impact that distributed photovoltaic generation can have on that performance. Several reliability indices, including those related to the impact of distributed generation, are obtained for every scenario.Postprint (published version

    Load Balancing with Energy Storage Systems Based on Co-Simulation of Multiple Smart Buildings and Distribution Networks

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    In this paper, we present a co-simulation framework that combines two main simulation tools, one that provides detailed multiple building energy simulation ability with Energy-Plus being the core engine, and the other one that is a distribution level simulator, Matpower. Such a framework can be used to develop and study district level optimization techniques that exploit the interaction between a smart electric grid and buildings as well as the interaction between buildings themselves to achieve energy and cost savings and better energy management beyond what one can achieve through techniques applied at the building level only. We propose a heuristic algorithm to do load balancing in distribution networks affected by service restoration activities. Balancing is achieved through the use of utility directed usage of battery energy storage systems (BESS). This is achieved through demand response (DR) type signals that the utility communicates to individual buildings. We report simulation results on two test cases constructed with a 9-bus distribution network and a 57-bus distribution network, respectively. We apply the proposed balancing heuristic and show how energy storage systems can be used for temporary relief of impacted networks

    Reliability Studies of Distribution Systems Integrated with Energy Storage

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    The integration of distributed generations (DGs) - renewable DGs, in particular- into distribution networks is gradually increasing, driven by environmental concerns and technological advancements. However, the intermittency and the variability of these resources adversely affect the optimal operation and reliability of the power distribution system. Energy storage systems (ESSs) are perceived as potential solutions to address system reliability issues and to enhance renewable energy utilization. The reliability contribution of the ESS depends on the ownership of these resources, market structure, and the regulatory framework. This along with the technical characteristics and the component unavailability of ESS significantly affect the reliability value of ESS to an active distribution system. It is, therefore, necessary to develop methodologies to conduct the reliability assessment of ESS integrated modern distribution systems incorporating above-mentioned factors. This thesis presents a novel reliability model of ESS that incorporates different scenarios of ownership, market/regulatory structures, and the ESS technical and failure characteristics. A new methodology to integrate the developed ESS reliability model with the intermittent DGs and the time-dependent loads is also presented. The reliability value of ESS in distribution grid capacity enhancement, effective utilization of renewable energy, mitigations of outages, and managing the financial risk of utilities under quality regulations are quantified. The methodologies introduced in this thesis will be useful to assess the market mechanism, policy and regulatory implications regarding ESS in future distribution system planning and operation. Another important aspect of a modern distribution system is the increased reliability needs of customers, especially with the growing use of sensitive process/equipment. The financial losses of customers due to industrial process disruption or malfunction of these equipment because of short duration (voltage sag and momentary interruption) and long duration (sustained interruption) reliability events could be substantial. It is, therefore, necessary to consider these short duration reliability events in the reliability studies. This thesis introduces a novel approach for the integrated modeling of the short and long duration reliability events caused by the random failures. Furthermore, the active management of distribution systems with ESS, DG, and microgrid has the potential to mitigate different reliability events. Appropriate models are needed to explore their contribution and to assist the utilities and system planners in reliability based system upgrades. New probabilistic models are developed in this thesis to assess the role of ESS together with DG and microgrid in mitigating the adverse impact of different reliability events. The developed methodologies can easily incorporate the complex protection settings, alternate supplies configurations, and the presence of distributed energy resources/microgrids in the context of modern distribution systems. The ongoing changes in modern distribution systems are creating an enormous paradigm shift in infrastructure planning, grid operations, utility business models, and regulatory policies. In this context, the proposed methodologies and the research findings presented in this thesis should be useful to devise the appropriate market mechanisms and regulatory policies and to carry out the system upgrades considering the reliability needs of customers in modern distribution systems

    Co-Optimization of Damage Assessment and Restoration: A Resilience-Driven Dynamic Crew Allocation for Power Distribution Systems

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    This study introduces a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model, effectively co-optimizing patrolling, damage assessment, fault isolation, repair, and load re-energization processes. The model is designed to solve a vital operational conundrum: deciding between further network exploration to obtain more comprehensive data or addressing the repair of already identified faults. As information on the fault location and repair timelines becomes available, the model allows for dynamic adaptation of crew dispatch decisions. In addition, this study proposes a conservative power flow constraint set that considers two network loading scenarios within the final network configuration. This approach results in the determination of an upper and a lower bound for node voltage levels and an upper bound for power line flows. To underscore the practicality and scalability of the proposed model, we have demonstrated its application using IEEE 123-node and 8500-node test systems, where it delivered promising results

    Supporting transient stability in future highly distributed power systems

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    Incorporating a substantial volume of microgeneration (consumer-led rather than centrally planed) within a system that is not designed for such a paradigm could lead to conflicts in the operating strategies of the new and existing centralised generation technologies. So it becomes vital for such substantial amounts of microgeneration among other decentralised resources to be controlled in the way that the aggregated response will support the wider system. In addition, the characteristic behaviour of such populations requires to be understood under different system conditions to ascertain measures of risk and resilience. Therefore, this paper provides two main contributions: firstly, conceptual control for a system incorporating a high penetration of microgeneration and dynamic load, termed a Highly Distributed Power System (HDPS), is proposed. Secondly, a technical solution that can support enhanced transient stability in such a system is evaluated and demonstrated

    Analytical methodology for reliability assessment of distribution networks with energy storage in islanded and emergency-tie restoration modes

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    A wide scale deployment of energy storage systems in power networks for energy balancing applications will lead to network reliability improvements. After a fault occurs in a network, energy storage will be able to help restore supply in the network areas isolated from the primary substation or in those re-connected to adjacent feeders of limited transfer capacity by emergency-ties. The reliability improvements introduced by energy storage need to be evaluated and quantified for both restoration modes. The objective of this paper is to assess the energy storage contribution in these restoration modes and to seek analytical, less computationally intensive solutions for such evaluation. The proposed analytical technique uses a probabilistic model of energy storage to assess the charge and discharge processes over a fault duration and the related operational strategy. In this way, reliability indices are calculated by taking into account the energy storage actions during a fault as well as the time-evolution of renewable generation and demand. These features lead to more realistic modelling of energy storage in analytical techniques. The proposed analytical technique was firstly validated by using a case study where the results obtained by Monte Carlo Simulation were used as a reference. Then, the proposed technique was applied to a distribution network to assess the reliability improvement provided by energy storage and to demonstrate the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed approach.The authors kindly acknowledge the support of Fundacion Iberdrola to SinCortes project
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