17 research outputs found

    Linear Precoders for Non-Regenerative Asymmetric Two-way Relaying in Cellular Systems

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    Two-way relaying (TWR) reduces the spectral-efficiency loss caused in conventional half-duplex relaying. TWR is possible when two nodes exchange data simultaneously through a relay. In cellular systems, data exchange between base station (BS) and users is usually not simultaneous e.g., a user (TUE) has uplink data to transmit during multiple access (MAC) phase, but does not have downlink data to receive during broadcast (BC) phase. This non-simultaneous data exchange will reduce TWR to spectrally-inefficient conventional half-duplex relaying. With infrastructure relays, where multiple users communicate through a relay, a new transmission protocol is proposed to recover the spectral loss. The BC phase following the MAC phase of TUE is now used by the relay to transmit downlink data to another user (RUE). RUE will not be able to cancel the back-propagating interference. A structured precoder is designed at the multi-antenna relay to cancel this interference. With multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) nodes, the proposed precoder also triangulates the compound MAC and BC phase MIMO channels. The channel triangulation reduces the weighted sum-rate optimization to power allocation problem, which is then cast as a geometric program. Simulation results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed protocol over conventional solutions.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Joint Unitary Triangularization for MIMO Networks

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    This work considers communication networks where individual links can be described as MIMO channels. Unlike orthogonal modulation methods (such as the singular-value decomposition), we allow interference between sub-channels, which can be removed by the receivers via successive cancellation. The degrees of freedom earned by this relaxation are used for obtaining a basis which is simultaneously good for more than one link. Specifically, we derive necessary and sufficient conditions for shaping the ratio vector of sub-channel gains of two broadcast-channel receivers. We then apply this to two scenarios: First, in digital multicasting we present a practical capacity-achieving scheme which only uses scalar codes and linear processing. Then, we consider the joint source-channel problem of transmitting a Gaussian source over a two-user MIMO channel, where we show the existence of non-trivial cases, where the optimal distortion pair (which for high signal-to-noise ratios equals the optimal point-to-point distortions of the individual users) may be achieved by employing a hybrid digital-analog scheme over the induced equivalent channel. These scenarios demonstrate the advantage of choosing a modulation basis based upon multiple links in the network, thus we coin the approach "network modulation".Comment: Submitted to IEEE Tran. Signal Processing. Revised versio

    Joint Unitary Triangularization for Gaussian Multi-User MIMO Networks

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    The problem of transmitting a common message to multiple users over the Gaussian multiple-input multiple-output broadcast channel is considered, where each user is equipped with an arbitrary number of antennas. A closed-loop scenario is assumed, for which a practical capacity-approaching scheme is developed. By applying judiciously chosen unitary operations at the transmit and receive nodes, the channel matrices are triangularized so that the resulting matrices have equal diagonals, up to a possible multiplicative scalar factor. This, along with the utilization of successive interference cancellation, reduces the coding and decoding tasks to those of coding and decoding over the single-antenna additive white Gaussian noise channel. Over the resulting effective channel, any off-the-shelf code may be used. For the two-user case, it was recently shown that such joint unitary triangularization is always possible. In this paper, it is shown that for more than two users, it is necessary to carry out the unitary linear processing jointly over multiple channel uses, i.e., space-time processing is employed. It is further shown that exact triangularization, where all resulting diagonals are equal, is still not always possible, and appropriate conditions for the existence of such are established for certain cases. When exact triangularization is not possible, an asymptotic construction is proposed, that achieves the desired property of equal diagonals up to edge effects that can be made arbitrarily small, at the price of processing a sufficiently large number of channel uses together.Comment: Extended version of published paper in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 61, no. 5, pp. 2662-2692, May 201

    Decode-and-Forward Relaying via Standard AWGN Coding and Decoding

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    A framework is developed for decode-and-forward based relaying using standard coding and decoding that are good for the single-input single-output (SISO) additive white Gaussian noise channel. The framework is applicable to various scenarios and demonstrated for several important cases. Each of these scenarios is transformed into an equivalent Gaussian multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) common-message broadcast problem, which proves useful even when all links are SISO ones. Over the effective MIMO broadcast channel, a recently developed Gaussian MIMO common-message broadcast scheme is applied. This scheme transforms the MIMO links into a set of parallel SISO channels with no loss of mutual information, using linear pre- and post-processing combined with successive decoding. Over these resulting SISO channels, “off-the-shelf” scalar codes may be used

    Zero-forcing based MIMO two-way relay with relay antenna selection: Transmission scheme and diversity analysis

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    Joint Precoder, Reflection Coefficients, and Equalizer Design for IRS-Assisted MIMO Systems

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    Security and Prioritization in Multiple Access Relay Networks

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    In this work, we considered a multiple access relay network and investigated the following three problems: 1- Tradeoff between reliability and security under falsified data injection attacks; 2-Prioritized analog relaying; 3- mitigation of Forwarding Misbehaviors in Multiple access relay network. In the first problem, we consider a multiple access relay network where multiple sources send independent data to a single destination through multiple relays which may inject a falsified data into the network. To detect the malicious relays and discard (erase) data from them, tracing bits are embedded in the information data at each source node. Parity bits may be also added to correct the errors caused by fading and noise. When the total amount of redundancy, tracing bits plus parity bits, is fixed, an increase in parity bits to increase the reliability requires a decrease in tracing bits which leads to a less accurate detection of malicious behavior of relays, and vice versa. We investigate the tradeoff between the tracing bits and the parity bits in minimizing the probability of decoding error and maximizing the throughput in multi-source, multi-relay networks under falsified data injection attacks. The energy and throughput gains provided by the optimal allocation of redundancy and the tradeoff between reliability and security are analyzed. In the second problem, we consider a multiple access relay network where multiple sources send independent data simultaneously to a common destination through multiple relay nodes. We present three prioritized analog cooperative relaying schemes that provide different class of service (CoS) to different sources while being relayed at the same time in the same frequency band. The three schemes take the channel variations into account in determining the relay encoding (combining) rule, but differ in terms of whether or how relays cooperate. Simulation results on the symbol error probability and outage probability are provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed schemes. In the third problem, we propose a physical layer approach to detect the relay node that injects false data or adds channel errors into the network encoder in multiple access relay networks. The misbehaving relay is detected by using the maximum a posteriori (MAP) detection rule which is optimal in the sense of minimizing the probability of incorrect decision (false alarm and miss detection). The proposed scheme does not require sending extra bits at the source, such as hash function or message authentication check bits, and hence there is no transmission overhead. The side information regarding the presence of forwarding misbehavior is exploited at the decoder to enhance the reliability of decoding. We derive the probability of false alarm and miss detection and the probability of bit error, taking into account the lossy nature of wireless links