3 research outputs found

    Physical-Layer Security with Full-Duplex Transceivers and Multiuser Receiver at Eve

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    Full-duplex communication enables simultaneous transmission from both ends of a communication link, thereby promising significant performance gains. Generally, it has been shown that the throughput and delay gains of full-duplex communication are somewhat limited in realistic network settings, leading researchers to study other possible applications that can accord higher gains. The potential of full-duplex communication in improving the physical-layer security of a communication link is investigated in this contribution. We specifically present a thorough analysis of the achievable ergodic secrecy rate and the secrecy degrees of freedom with full-duplex communication in the presence of a half-duplex eavesdropper node, with both single-user decoding and multi-user decoding capabilities. For the latter case, an eavesdropper with successive interference cancellation and joint decoding capabilities is assumed. Irrespective of the eavesdropper capabilities and channel strengths, the ergodic secrecy rate with full-duplex communication is found to grow linearly with the log of the direct channel signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) as opposed to the flattened out secrecy rate with conventional half-duplex communication. Consequently, the secrecy degrees of freedom with full-duplex is shown to be two as opposed to that of zero in half-duplex mode

    Relay-aided successive aligned interference cancellation for wireless X networks with full-duplex relays

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    In this work, we propose a simple yet effective beam-forming technique for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) multi-pair two-way relay channels. Two key ingredients in our technique are adoption of signal space alignment (SSA) for transmit and receive beamforming and amplify-and-forward (AF) relay beamforming based on advanced zero-forcing (ZF) criterion. From the sum-rate analysis on MIMO multi-pair two-way relay channels, we show that the proposed method achieves full multiplexing gain and substantial beamforming gain in realistic multi-pair two-way relay scenario.1114Nsciescopu