43,130 research outputs found

    Relatively Smooth Convex Optimization by First-Order Methods, and Applications

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    The usual approach to developing and analyzing first-order methods for smooth convex optimization assumes that the gradient of the objective function is uniformly smooth with some Lipschitz constant L. However, in many settings the differentiable convex function f(?) is not uniformly smooth-for example, in D-optimal design where f(x) := -ln det(HXHT) and X := Diag(x), or even the univariate setting with f(x) := -ln(x)+x2. In this paper we develop a notion of "relative smoothness" and relative strong convexity that is determined relative to a user-specified "reference function" h(?) (that should be computationally tractable for algorithms), and we show that many differentiable convex functions are relatively smooth with respect to a correspondingly fairly simple reference function h(?). We extend two standard algorithms-the primal gradient scheme and the dual averaging scheme-to our new setting, with associated computational guarantees. We apply our new approach to develop a new first-order method for the D-optimal design problem, with associated computational complexity analysis. Some of our results have a certain overlap with the recent work [H. H. Bauschke, J. Bolte, and M. Teboulle, Math. Oper. Res., 42 (2017), pp. 330-348]

    A Bregman forward-backward linesearch algorithm for nonconvex composite optimization: superlinear convergence to nonisolated local minima

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    We introduce Bella, a locally superlinearly convergent Bregman forward backward splitting method for minimizing the sum of two nonconvex functions, one of which satisfying a relative smoothness condition and the other one possibly nonsmooth. A key tool of our methodology is the Bregman forward-backward envelope (BFBE), an exact and continuous penalty function with favorable first- and second-order properties, and enjoying a nonlinear error bound when the objective function satisfies a Lojasiewicz-type property. The proposed algorithm is of linesearch type over the BFBE along candidate update directions, and converges subsequentially to stationary points, globally under a KL condition, and owing to the given nonlinear error bound can attain superlinear convergence rates even when the limit point is a nonisolated minimum, provided the directions are suitably selected

    MAGMA: Multi-level accelerated gradient mirror descent algorithm for large-scale convex composite minimization

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    Composite convex optimization models arise in several applications, and are especially prevalent in inverse problems with a sparsity inducing norm and in general convex optimization with simple constraints. The most widely used algorithms for convex composite models are accelerated first order methods, however they can take a large number of iterations to compute an acceptable solution for large-scale problems. In this paper we propose to speed up first order methods by taking advantage of the structure present in many applications and in image processing in particular. Our method is based on multi-level optimization methods and exploits the fact that many applications that give rise to large scale models can be modelled using varying degrees of fidelity. We use Nesterov's acceleration techniques together with the multi-level approach to achieve O(1/ϵ)\mathcal{O}(1/\sqrt{\epsilon}) convergence rate, where ϵ\epsilon denotes the desired accuracy. The proposed method has a better convergence rate than any other existing multi-level method for convex problems, and in addition has the same rate as accelerated methods, which is known to be optimal for first-order methods. Moreover, as our numerical experiments show, on large-scale face recognition problems our algorithm is several times faster than the state of the art

    A unified variance-reduced accelerated gradient method for convex optimization

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    We propose a novel randomized incremental gradient algorithm, namely, VAriance-Reduced Accelerated Gradient (Varag), for finite-sum optimization. Equipped with a unified step-size policy that adjusts itself to the value of the condition number, Varag exhibits the unified optimal rates of convergence for solving smooth convex finite-sum problems directly regardless of their strong convexity. Moreover, Varag is the first accelerated randomized incremental gradient method that benefits from the strong convexity of the data-fidelity term to achieve the optimal linear convergence. It also establishes an optimal linear rate of convergence for solving a wide class of problems only satisfying a certain error bound condition rather than strong convexity. Varag can also be extended to solve stochastic finite-sum problems.Comment: 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019