11 research outputs found

    Relations between random coding exponents and the statistical physics of random codes

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    The partition function pertaining to finite--temperature decoding of a (typical) randomly chosen code is known to have three types of behavior, corresponding to three phases in the plane of rate vs. temperature: the {\it ferromagnetic phase}, corresponding to correct decoding, the {\it paramagnetic phase}, of complete disorder, which is dominated by exponentially many incorrect codewords, and the {\it glassy phase} (or the condensed phase), where the system is frozen at minimum energy and dominated by subexponentially many incorrect codewords. We show that the statistical physics associated with the two latter phases are intimately related to random coding exponents. In particular, the exponent associated with the probability of correct decoding at rates above capacity is directly related to the free energy in the glassy phase, and the exponent associated with probability of error (the error exponent) at rates below capacity, is strongly related to the free energy in the paramagnetic phase. In fact, we derive alternative expressions of these exponents in terms of the corresponding free energies, and make an attempt to obtain some insights from these expressions. Finally, as a side result, we also compare the phase diagram associated with a simple finite-temperature universal decoder for discrete memoryless channels, to that of the finite--temperature decoder that is aware of the channel statistics.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Statistical Physics of Signal Estimation in Gaussian Noise: Theory and Examples of Phase Transitions

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    We consider the problem of signal estimation (denoising) from a statistical mechanical perspective, using a relationship between the minimum mean square error (MMSE), of estimating a signal, and the mutual information between this signal and its noisy version. The paper consists of essentially two parts. In the first, we derive several statistical-mechanical relationships between a few important quantities in this problem area, such as the MMSE, the differential entropy, the Fisher information, the free energy, and a generalized notion of temperature. We also draw analogies and differences between certain relations pertaining to the estimation problem and the parallel relations in thermodynamics and statistical physics. In the second part of the paper, we provide several application examples, where we demonstrate how certain analysis tools that are customary in statistical physics, prove useful in the analysis of the MMSE. In most of these examples, the corresponding statistical-mechanical systems turn out to consist of strong interactions that cause phase transitions, which in turn are reflected as irregularities and discontinuities (similar to threshold effects) in the behavior of the MMSE.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Random Coding Error Exponents for the Two-User Interference Channel

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    This paper is about deriving lower bounds on the error exponents for the two-user interference channel under the random coding regime for several ensembles. Specifically, we first analyze the standard random coding ensemble, where the codebooks are comprised of independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.) codewords. For this ensemble, we focus on optimum decoding, which is in contrast to other, suboptimal decoding rules that have been used in the literature (e.g., joint typicality decoding, treating interference as noise, etc.). The fact that the interfering signal is a codeword, rather than an i.i.d. noise process, complicates the application of conventional techniques of performance analysis of the optimum decoder. Also, unfortunately, these conventional techniques result in loose bounds. Using analytical tools rooted in statistical physics, as well as advanced union bounds, we derive single-letter formulas for the random coding error exponents. We compare our results with the best known lower bound on the error exponent, and show that our exponents can be strictly better. Then, in the second part of this paper, we consider more complicated coding ensembles, and find a lower bound on the error exponent associated with the celebrated Han-Kobayashi (HK) random coding ensemble, which is based on superposition coding.Comment: accepted IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    On the Reliability Function of Distributed Hypothesis Testing Under Optimal Detection

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    The distributed hypothesis testing problem with full side-information is studied. The trade-off (reliability function) between the two types of error exponents under limited rate is studied in the following way. First, the problem is reduced to the problem of determining the reliability function of channel codes designed for detection (in analogy to a similar result which connects the reliability function of distributed lossless compression and ordinary channel codes). Second, a single-letter random-coding bound based on a hierarchical ensemble, as well as a single-letter expurgated bound, are derived for the reliability of channel-detection codes. Both bounds are derived for a system which employs the optimal detection rule. We conjecture that the resulting random-coding bound is ensemble-tight, and consequently optimal within the class of quantization-and-binning schemes

    Relations Between Random Coding Exponents and the Statistical Physics of Random Codes ∗

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    random coding, free energy, partition function, phase transitions, error exponents * Internal Accession Date Only The partition function pertaining to finite–temperature decoding of a (typical) randomly chosen code is known to have three types of behavior, corresponding to three phases in the plane of rate vs. temperature: the ferromagnetic phase, corresponding to correct decoding, the paramagnetic phase, of complete disorder, which is dominated by exponentially many incorrect codewords, and the glassy phase (or the condensed phase), where the system is frozen at minimum energy and dominated by subexponentially many incorrect codewords. We show that the statistical physics associated with the two latter phases are intimately related to random coding exponents. In particular, the exponent associated with the probability of correct decoding at rates above capacity is directly related to the free energy in the glassy phase, and the exponent associated with probability of error (the error exponent) at rates below capacity, is strongly related to the free energy in the paramagnetic phase. In fact, we derive alternative expressions of these exponents in terms of the corresponding free energies, and make an attempt to obtain some insights from these expressions. Finally, as a side result, we also compare the phase diagram associated with a simple finite–temperature universal decoder, for discrete memoryless channels, to that of the finite–temperature decoder that is aware of the channel statistics

    Relations Between Random Coding Exponents and the Statistical Physics of Random Codes

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