7,891 research outputs found

    XML document design via GN-DTD

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    Designing a well-structured XML document is important for the sake of readability and maintainability. More importantly, this will avoid data redundancies and update anomalies when maintaining a large quantity of XML based documents. In this paper, we propose a method to improve XML structural design by adopting graphical notations for Document Type Definitions (GN-DTD), which is used to describe the structure of an XML document at the schema level. Multiples levels of normal forms for GN-DTD are proposed on the basis of conceptual model approaches and theories of normalization. The normalization rules are applied to transform a poorly designed XML document into a well-designed based on normalized GN-DTD, which is illustrated through examples

    Efficient Discovery of Ontology Functional Dependencies

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    Poor data quality has become a pervasive issue due to the increasing complexity and size of modern datasets. Constraint based data cleaning techniques rely on integrity constraints as a benchmark to identify and correct errors. Data values that do not satisfy the given set of constraints are flagged as dirty, and data updates are made to re-align the data and the constraints. However, many errors often require user input to resolve due to domain expertise defining specific terminology and relationships. For example, in pharmaceuticals, 'Advil' \emph{is-a} brand name for 'ibuprofen' that can be captured in a pharmaceutical ontology. While functional dependencies (FDs) have traditionally been used in existing data cleaning solutions to model syntactic equivalence, they are not able to model broader relationships (e.g., is-a) defined by an ontology. In this paper, we take a first step towards extending the set of data quality constraints used in data cleaning by defining and discovering \emph{Ontology Functional Dependencies} (OFDs). We lay out theoretical and practical foundations for OFDs, including a set of sound and complete axioms, and a linear inference procedure. We then develop effective algorithms for discovering OFDs, and a set of optimizations that efficiently prune the search space. Our experimental evaluation using real data show the scalability and accuracy of our algorithms.Comment: 12 page

    Algorithms and implementation of functional dependency discovery in XML : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Information Sciences in Information Systems at Massey University

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    1.1 Background Following the advent of the web, there has been a great demand for data interchange between applications using internet infrastructure. XML (extensible Markup Language) provides a structured representation of data empowered by broad adoption and easy deployment. As a subset of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), XML has been standardized by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) [Bray et al., 2004], XML is becoming the prevalent data exchange format on the World Wide Web and increasingly significant in storing semi-structured data. After its initial release in 1996, it has evolved and been applied extensively in all fields where the exchange of structured documents in electronic form is required. As with the growing popularity of XML, the issue of functional dependency in XML has recently received well deserved attention. The driving force for the study of dependencies in XML is it is as crucial to XML schema design, as to relational database(RDB) design [Abiteboul et al., 1995]

    Learning Models over Relational Data using Sparse Tensors and Functional Dependencies

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    Integrated solutions for analytics over relational databases are of great practical importance as they avoid the costly repeated loop data scientists have to deal with on a daily basis: select features from data residing in relational databases using feature extraction queries involving joins, projections, and aggregations; export the training dataset defined by such queries; convert this dataset into the format of an external learning tool; and train the desired model using this tool. These integrated solutions are also a fertile ground of theoretically fundamental and challenging problems at the intersection of relational and statistical data models. This article introduces a unified framework for training and evaluating a class of statistical learning models over relational databases. This class includes ridge linear regression, polynomial regression, factorization machines, and principal component analysis. We show that, by synergizing key tools from database theory such as schema information, query structure, functional dependencies, recent advances in query evaluation algorithms, and from linear algebra such as tensor and matrix operations, one can formulate relational analytics problems and design efficient (query and data) structure-aware algorithms to solve them. This theoretical development informed the design and implementation of the AC/DC system for structure-aware learning. We benchmark the performance of AC/DC against R, MADlib, libFM, and TensorFlow. For typical retail forecasting and advertisement planning applications, AC/DC can learn polynomial regression models and factorization machines with at least the same accuracy as its competitors and up to three orders of magnitude faster than its competitors whenever they do not run out of memory, exceed 24-hour timeout, or encounter internal design limitations.Comment: 61 pages, 9 figures, 2 table

    A Product Line Systems Engineering Process for Variability Identification and Reduction

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    Software Product Line Engineering has attracted attention in the last two decades due to its promising capabilities to reduce costs and time to market through reuse of requirements and components. In practice, developing system level product lines in a large-scale company is not an easy task as there may be thousands of variants and multiple disciplines involved. The manual reuse of legacy system models at domain engineering to build reusable system libraries and configurations of variants to derive target products can be infeasible. To tackle this challenge, a Product Line Systems Engineering process is proposed. Specifically, the process extends research in the System Orthogonal Variability Model to support hierarchical variability modeling with formal definitions; utilizes Systems Engineering concepts and legacy system models to build the hierarchy for the variability model and to identify essential relations between variants; and finally, analyzes the identified relations to reduce the number of variation points. The process, which is automated by computational algorithms, is demonstrated through an illustrative example on generalized Rolls-Royce aircraft engine control systems. To evaluate the effectiveness of the process in the reduction of variation points, it is further applied to case studies in different engineering domains at different levels of complexity. Subject to system model availability, reduction of 14% to 40% in the number of variation points are demonstrated in the case studies.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables; submitted to the IEEE Systems Journal on 3rd June 201