138 research outputs found

    Unleashing the Power of Imbalanced Modality Information for Multi-modal Knowledge Graph Completion

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    Multi-modal knowledge graph completion (MMKGC) aims to predict the missing triples in the multi-modal knowledge graphs by incorporating structural, visual, and textual information of entities into the discriminant models. The information from different modalities will work together to measure the triple plausibility. Existing MMKGC methods overlook the imbalance problem of modality information among entities, resulting in inadequate modal fusion and inefficient utilization of the raw modality information. To address the mentioned problems, we propose Adaptive Multi-modal Fusion and Modality Adversarial Training (AdaMF-MAT) to unleash the power of imbalanced modality information for MMKGC. AdaMF-MAT achieves multi-modal fusion with adaptive modality weights and further generates adversarial samples by modality-adversarial training to enhance the imbalanced modality information. Our approach is a co-design of the MMKGC model and training strategy which can outperform 19 recent MMKGC methods and achieve new state-of-the-art results on three public MMKGC benchmarks. Our code and data have been released at https://github.com/zjukg/AdaMF-MAT.Comment: Accepted by LREC-COLING 202

    A Survey on Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion: Taxonomy, Progress, and Prospects

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    Temporal characteristics are prominently evident in a substantial volume of knowledge, which underscores the pivotal role of Temporal Knowledge Graphs (TKGs) in both academia and industry. However, TKGs often suffer from incompleteness for three main reasons: the continuous emergence of new knowledge, the weakness of the algorithm for extracting structured information from unstructured data, and the lack of information in the source dataset. Thus, the task of Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion (TKGC) has attracted increasing attention, aiming to predict missing items based on the available information. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review of TKGC methods and their details. Specifically, this paper mainly consists of three components, namely, 1)Background, which covers the preliminaries of TKGC methods, loss functions required for training, as well as the dataset and evaluation protocol; 2)Interpolation, that estimates and predicts the missing elements or set of elements through the relevant available information. It further categorizes related TKGC methods based on how to process temporal information; 3)Extrapolation, which typically focuses on continuous TKGs and predicts future events, and then classifies all extrapolation methods based on the algorithms they utilize. We further pinpoint the challenges and discuss future research directions of TKGC

    Relational structure-aware knowledge graph representation in complex space

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    Relations in knowledge graphs have rich relational structures and various binary relational patterns. Various relation modelling strategies are proposed for embedding knowledge graphs, but they fail to fully capture both features of relations, rich relational structures and various binary relational patterns. To address the problem of insufficient embedding due to the complexity of the relations, we propose a novel knowledge graph representation model in complex space, namely MARS, to exploit complex relations to embed knowledge graphs. MARS takes the mechanisms of complex numbers and message-passing and then embeds triplets into relation-specific complex hyperplanes. Thus, MARS can well preserve various relation patterns, as well as structural information in knowledge graphs. In addition, we find that the scores generated from the score function approximate a Gaussian distribution. The scores in the tail cannot effectively represent triplets. To address this particular issue and improve the precision of embeddings, we use the standard deviation to limit the dispersion of the score distribution, resulting in more accurate embeddings of triplets. Comprehensive experiments on multiple benchmarks demonstrate that our model significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art models for link prediction and triple classification. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Navigating Healthcare Insights: A Birds Eye View of Explainability with Knowledge Graphs

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    Knowledge graphs (KGs) are gaining prominence in Healthcare AI, especially in drug discovery and pharmaceutical research as they provide a structured way to integrate diverse information sources, enhancing AI system interpretability. This interpretability is crucial in healthcare, where trust and transparency matter, and eXplainable AI (XAI) supports decision making for healthcare professionals. This overview summarizes recent literature on the impact of KGs in healthcare and their role in developing explainable AI models. We cover KG workflow, including construction, relationship extraction, reasoning, and their applications in areas like Drug-Drug Interactions (DDI), Drug Target Interactions (DTI), Drug Development (DD), Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR), and bioinformatics. We emphasize the importance of making KGs more interpretable through knowledge-infused learning in healthcare. Finally, we highlight research challenges and provide insights for future directions.Comment: IEEE AIKE 2023, 8 Page

    Edge-Enabled Anomaly Detection and Information Completion for Social Network Knowledge Graphs

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    In the rapidly advancing information era, various human behaviors are being precisely recorded in the form of data, including identity information, criminal records, and communication data. Law enforcement agencies can effectively maintain social security and precisely combat criminal activities by analyzing the aforementioned data. In comparison to traditional data analysis methods, deep learning models, relying on the robust computational power in cloud centers, exhibit higher accuracy in extracting data features and inferring data. However, within the architecture of cloud centers, the transmission of data from end devices introduces significant latency, hindering real-time inference of data. Furthermore, low-latency edge computing architectures face limitations in direct deployment due to relatively weak computing and storage capacities of nodes. To address these challenges, a lightweight distributed knowledge graph completion architecture is proposed. Firstly, we introduce a lightweight distributed knowledge graph completion architecture that utilizes knowledge graph embedding for data analysis. Subsequently, to filter out substandard data, a personnel data quality assessment method named PDQA is proposed. Lastly, we present a model pruning algorithm that significantly reduces the model size while maximizing performance, enabling lightweight deployment. In experiments, we compare the effects of 11 advanced models on completing the knowledge graph of public security personnel information. The results indicate that the RotatE model outperforms other models significantly in knowledge graph completion, with the pruned model size reduced by 70\%, and hits@10 reaching 86.97\%.}Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, Has been accepted by Wireless Networ

    Generalizing to Unseen Elements: A Survey on Knowledge Extrapolation for Knowledge Graphs

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    Knowledge graphs (KGs) have become valuable knowledge resources in various applications, and knowledge graph embedding (KGE) methods have garnered increasing attention in recent years. However, conventional KGE methods still face challenges when it comes to handling unseen entities or relations during model testing. To address this issue, much effort has been devoted to various fields of KGs. In this paper, we use a set of general terminologies to unify these methods and refer to them collectively as Knowledge Extrapolation. We comprehensively summarize these methods, classified by our proposed taxonomy, and describe their interrelationships. Additionally, we introduce benchmarks and provide comparisons of these methods based on aspects that are not captured by the taxonomy. Finally, we suggest potential directions for future research.Comment: Accepted to IJCAI 2023 Survey Trac

    From Discrimination to Generation: Knowledge Graph Completion with Generative Transformer

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    Knowledge graph completion aims to address the problem of extending a KG with missing triples. In this paper, we provide an approach GenKGC, which converts knowledge graph completion to sequence-to-sequence generation task with the pre-trained language model. We further introduce relation-guided demonstration and entity-aware hierarchical decoding for better representation learning and fast inference. Experimental results on three datasets show that our approach can obtain better or comparable performance than baselines and achieve faster inference speed compared with previous methods with pre-trained language models. We also release a new large-scale Chinese knowledge graph dataset AliopenKG500 for research purpose. Code and datasets are available in https://github.com/zjunlp/PromptKG/tree/main/GenKGC.Comment: Accepted by WWW 2022 Poste

    ProcK: Machine Learning for Knowledge-Intensive Processes

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    We present a novel methodology to build powerful predictive process models. Our method, denoted ProcK (Process & Knowledge), relies not only on sequential input data in the form of event logs, but can learn to use a knowledge graph to incorporate information about the attribute values of the events and their mutual relationships. The idea is realized by mapping event attributes to nodes of a knowledge graph and training a sequence model alongside a graph neural network in an end-to-end fashion. This hybrid approach substantially enhances the flexibility and applicability of predictive process monitoring, as both the static and dynamic information residing in the databases of organizations can be directly taken as input data. We demonstrate the potential of ProcK by applying it to a number of predictive process monitoring tasks, including tasks with knowledge graphs available as well as an existing process monitoring benchmark where no such graph is given. The experiments provide evidence that our methodology achieves state-of-the-art performance and improves predictive power when a knowledge graph is available

    On the Evolution of Knowledge Graphs: A Survey and Perspective

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    Knowledge graphs (KGs) are structured representations of diversified knowledge. They are widely used in various intelligent applications. In this article, we provide a comprehensive survey on the evolution of various types of knowledge graphs (i.e., static KGs, dynamic KGs, temporal KGs, and event KGs) and techniques for knowledge extraction and reasoning. Furthermore, we introduce the practical applications of different types of KGs, including a case study in financial analysis. Finally, we propose our perspective on the future directions of knowledge engineering, including the potential of combining the power of knowledge graphs and large language models (LLMs), and the evolution of knowledge extraction, reasoning, and representation

    Mutually-paced Knowledge Distillation for Cross-lingual Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning

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    This paper investigates cross-lingual temporal knowledge graph reasoning problem, which aims to facilitate reasoning on Temporal Knowledge Graphs (TKGs) in low-resource languages by transfering knowledge from TKGs in high-resource ones. The cross-lingual distillation ability across TKGs becomes increasingly crucial, in light of the unsatisfying performance of existing reasoning methods on those severely incomplete TKGs, especially in low-resource languages. However, it poses tremendous challenges in two aspects. First, the cross-lingual alignments, which serve as bridges for knowledge transfer, are usually too scarce to transfer sufficient knowledge between two TKGs. Second, temporal knowledge discrepancy of the aligned entities, especially when alignments are unreliable, can mislead the knowledge distillation process. We correspondingly propose a mutually-paced knowledge distillation model MP-KD, where a teacher network trained on a source TKG can guide the training of a student network on target TKGs with an alignment module. Concretely, to deal with the scarcity issue, MP-KD generates pseudo alignments between TKGs based on the temporal information extracted by our representation module. To maximize the efficacy of knowledge transfer and control the noise caused by the temporal knowledge discrepancy, we enhance MP-KD with a temporal cross-lingual attention mechanism to dynamically estimate the alignment strength. The two procedures are mutually paced along with model training. Extensive experiments on twelve cross-lingual TKG transfer tasks in the EventKG benchmark demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed MP-KD method.Comment: This paper is accepted by The Web Conference 202