3 research outputs found

    Relaci贸n de la presi贸n social con la percepci贸n de la imagen corporal y las caracter铆sticas sociodemogr谩ficas en adolescentes

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    The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between the level of social pressure and the perception of body image and sociodemographic characteristics in adolescents, with a sample of 138 participants, first and second year of diversified secondary education of three public educational institutions of the municipality Campo El铆as, Merida state, Venezuela, intentionally selected. A cross-sectional descriptive field study was performed, the sample was represented by 47.1% of the male gender and 52.9% of the female gender. The average age for adolescents was 16.09 years. 24.6% were perceived to be thin, 66.7% were normal and 8.7% were overweight. Differences in pressure levels in relation to sociodemographic variables (age, gender and socioeconomic status) were not statistically significant. However, the differences found in the level of social pressure with respect to body image perception were statistically significant (F = 8,099 p = 0,000). Conclusion: Adolescents with overweight body image perception are more likely to feel greater social pressure because of physical appearance.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la relaci贸n entre nivel de presi贸n social con la percepci贸n de la imagen corporal y las caracter铆sticas sociodemogr谩ficas en adolescentes, con una muestra de 138 participantes de primero y segundo a帽o de educaci贸n media diversificada de tres instituciones educativas p煤blicas del municipio Campo El铆as, estado M茅rida, Venezuela, seleccionadas de forma intencional. Se realiz贸 un estudio de campo descriptivo de corte transversal, la muestra estuvo representada por un 47,1 % del g茅nero masculino y un 52,9 % del g茅nero femenino. El promedio de edad para los adolescentes fue de 16,09 a帽os. El 24,6 % se percibi贸 delgado, el 66,7% normal y el 8,7 % con sobrepeso. Las diferencias encontradas en los niveles de presi贸n en relaci贸n a las variables sociodemogr谩ficas (edad, g茅nero y condici贸n socioecon贸mica) no fueron estad铆sticamente significativas. Sin embargo, las diferencias encontradas en el nivel de presi贸n social con respecto a la percepci贸n de la imagen corporal fueron estad铆sticamente significativas (F=8.099 p = 0.000). Conclusi贸n: Los adolescentes con percepci贸n de imagen corporal con sobrepeso son m谩s susceptibles de sentir mayor presi贸n social por la apariencia f铆sica