2 research outputs found

    QTRAN++: Improved Value Transformation for Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

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    QTRAN is a multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) algorithm capable of learning the largest class of joint-action value functions up to date. However, despite its strong theoretical guarantee, it has shown poor empirical performance in complex environments, such as Starcraft Multi-Agent Challenge (SMAC). In this paper, we identify the performance bottleneck of QTRAN and propose a substantially improved version, coined QTRAN++. Our gains come from (i) stabilizing the training objective of QTRAN, (ii) removing the strict role separation between the action-value estimators of QTRAN, and (iii) introducing a multi-head mixing network for value transformation. Through extensive evaluation, we confirm that our diagnosis is correct, and QTRAN++ successfully bridges the gap between empirical performance and theoretical guarantee. In particular, QTRAN++ newly achieves state-of-the-art performance in the SMAC environment. The code will be released

    ForMIC: Foraging via Multiagent RL with Implicit Communication

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    Multi-agent foraging (MAF) involves distributing a team of agents to search an environment and extract resources from it. Many foraging algorithms use biologically-inspired signaling mechanisms, such as pheromones, to help agents navigate from resources back to a central nest while relying on local sensing only. However, these approaches often rely on predictable pheromone dynamics and/or perfect robot localization. In nature, certain environmental factors (e.g., heat or rain) can disturb or destroy pheromone trails, while imperfect sensing can lead robots astray. In this work, we propose ForMIC, a distributed reinforcement learning MAF approach that relies on pheromones as a way to endow agents with implicit communication abilities via their shared environment. Specifically, full agents involuntarily lay trails of pheromones as they move; other agents can then measure the local levels of pheromones to guide their individual decisions. We show how these stigmergic interactions among agents can lead to a highly-scalable, decentralized MAF policy that is naturally resilient to common environmental disturbances, such as depleting resources and sudden pheromone disappearance. We present simulation results that compare our learning policy against existing state-of-the-art MAF algorithms, in a set of experiments varying team sizes, number and placement of resources, and key environmental disturbances. Our results demonstrate that our learned policy outperforms these baselines, approaching the performance of a planner with full observability and centralized agent allocation. Preprint of the paper submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO) journal's special issue on Resilience in Networked Robotic Systems in June 2020Comment: \c{opyright} 20XX IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work