5,878 research outputs found

    Comparing policy gradient and value function based reinforcement learning methods in simulated electrical power trade

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    In electrical power engineering, reinforcement learning algorithms can be used to model the strategies of electricity market participants. However, traditional value function based reinforcement learning algorithms suffer from convergence issues when used with value function approximators. Function approximation is required in this domain to capture the characteristics of the complex and continuous multivariate problem space. The contribution of this paper is the comparison of policy gradient reinforcement learning methods, using artificial neural networks for policy function approximation, with traditional value function based methods in simulations of electricity trade. The methods are compared using an AC optimal power flow based power exchange auction market model and a reference electric power system model

    Financial trading systems: Is recurrent reinforcement the via?

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    In this paper we propose a financial trading system whose trading strategy is developed by means of an artificial neural network approach based on a learning algorithm of recurrent reinforcement type. In general terms, this kind of approach consists: first, in directly specifying a trading policy based on some predetermined investorâs measure of profitability; second, in directly setting the financial trading system while using it. In particular, with respect to the prominent literature, in this contribution: first, we take into account as measure of profitability the reciprocal of the returns weighted direction symmetry index instead of the wide-spread Sharpe ratio; second, we obtain the differential version of the measure of profitability we consider, and obtain all the related learning relationships; third, we propose a simple procedure for the management of drawdown-like phenomena; finally, we apply our financial trading approach to some of the most prominent assets of the Italian stock market.Financial trading system, recurrent reinforcement learning, no-hidden-layer perceptron model, returns weighted directional symmetry measure, gradient ascent technique, Italian stock market.

    Introduction to the special issue on neural networks in financial engineering

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    There are several phases that an emerging field goes through before it reaches maturity, and computational finance is no exception. There is usually a trigger for the birth of the field. In our case, new techniques such as neural networks, significant progress in computing technology, and the need for results that rely on more realistic assumptions inspired new researchers to revisit the traditional problems of finance, problems that have often been tackled by introducing simplifying assumptions in the past. The result has been a wealth of new approaches to these time-honored problems, with significant improvements in many cases

    A Scalable Reinforcement Learning-based System Using On-Chain Data for Cryptocurrency Portfolio Management

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    On-chain data (metrics) of blockchain networks, akin to company fundamentals, provide crucial and comprehensive insights into the networks. Despite their informative nature, on-chain data have not been utilized in reinforcement learning (RL)-based systems for cryptocurrency (crypto) portfolio management (PM). An intriguing subject is the extent to which the utilization of on-chain data can enhance an RL-based system's return performance compared to baselines. Therefore, in this study, we propose CryptoRLPM, a novel RL-based system incorporating on-chain data for end-to-end crypto PM. CryptoRLPM consists of five units, spanning from information comprehension to trading order execution. In CryptoRLPM, the on-chain data are tested and specified for each crypto to solve the issue of ineffectiveness of metrics. Moreover, the scalable nature of CryptoRLPM allows changes in the portfolios' cryptos at any time. Backtesting results on three portfolios indicate that CryptoRLPM outperforms all the baselines in terms of accumulated rate of return (ARR), daily rate of return (DRR), and Sortino ratio (SR). Particularly, when compared to Bitcoin, CryptoRLPM enhances the ARR, DRR, and SR by at least 83.14%, 0.5603%, and 2.1767 respectively