57,203 research outputs found

    Bail-In: a sustainable mechanism for rescuing banks

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    Until the Great Recession, rescuing banks with taxpayers’ money had been the preferred way to deal with banking crises. The dramatic effects of these practices on the real economy highlighted that bailouts are not a sustainable method to resolve troubled banks going forward. As a result, a new regulatory framework has been proposed, forcing the financial industry to move from “bailout” to “bail-in.” Understanding the implications of such a change is key to ensuring the success of these new banking rules. This article aims to build up a comprehensive and unbiased set of research articles in order to draw conclusions about the current status of the academic literature in the field of capital and loss absorption requirements. A research agenda on the topic is also proposed. The methodological approach undertaken is based on ProKnow-C (Knowledge Development Process-Constructivist). We also contribute to the development of Proknow-C methodology by adding a cross-reference extension to the original framework. The results of our analysis point out that further research has to be undertaken on the subject of loss absorption requirements

    Global Microscope on the Microfinance Business Environment 2010: An Index and Study by the Economist Intelligence Unit

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    This report outlines the findings of the Economist Intelligence Unit¿s in-depth analysis of the microfi nance business environment in 54 countries. The index that underlies this report allows countries and regions to be compared across three broad categories: regulatory framework, institutional development and investment climate. The study uses a methodology which was originally developed for Latin America and the Caribbean in 2007 and was employed for the fi rst time on a global basis in 2009. Most of the research for this report was conducted prior to May 2010, although some later developments (up to July) were included where they were particularly signifi cant.Microbusinesses & Microfinance

    Climate-Related Investing Across Asset Classes

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    Responsible investment -- understood as the incorporation of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) information into investment analysis -- is a discipline that allows investors to:- Better assess long-term risks and opportunities in their portfolios; and- Better align their investment strategies with opportunities to create longterm wealth for investors and society alike.It is a tool for investors who seek to improve long-term financial returns through enhanced ESG analysis. It also appeals to mission or impact investors, who seek to achieve defined social and/or environmental goals while achieving targeted rates of return. In both cases, investors use responsible investment as a tool to improve their ability to achieve their goals.Climate change is among the most important issues addressed by today's responsible investment universe. The physical risks of climate change, the likelihood of major changes in political and regulatory investment environments as a result of climate change, the opportunities associated with a radical global transformation to a low-carbon economy -- these issues create far-reaching implications for investors as they make decisions about their investment strategies, and as they evaluate particular fund managers and investment opportunities. New ideas, products, and methods have entered the market to address the long-term implications of climate change.This short handbook takes as its premise that a climate lens reveals risks and opportunities across all elements of an investor's portfolio. Every asset class offers investors an opportunity to pursue climate-friendly investments, to mitigate exposure to climate risk, and to engage stakeholders to improve climate-related performance across the range of investment opportunities

    Assessing Microfinance for Water and Sanitation: Exploring Opportunities for Sustainable Scaling Up

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    The objective of this study, commissioned by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is to assess the potential market for using microfinance in the water and sanitation sector, and to identify specific opportunities for potential learning, investment, and support. This report focuses on these opportunities and suggests measures that are needed for sustainable scaling up, which can be supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and other development institutions

    Studies On The Potential Impacts Of The New Basel Capital Accord

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    In April 2003, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision published the third consultative paper (CP3) of the new Basel Capital Accord relating to the prudential regulation of banks, which was followed in July 2003 by the EU Commission’s draft directive with the same contents, but slightly different detailed rules (Capital Adequacy Directive, CAD3). During the consultative process both organisations expect comments from the players affected by the new capital regulation, thus from the central banks of each country as well. The significance of the new capital regulation is underlined by the fact that the Basel recommendation will soon be followed by the European Union’s directive (presumably in 2004), the implementation of which will be one of the largest regulative challenges for Hungary. Accordingly, the Magyar Nemzeti Bank pays special attention to preparing the implementation of the Basel II/CAD3 capital accords, laying the groundwork for the adaptation and carrying out the necessary background analyses. Our main objective in the first phase of this rather complex and far-reaching project was – through participation in the legislative process – to analyse the issues important and relevant for the MNB, as well as to assess the potential consequences of implementation in Hungary. During such analyses we focused on the macro-prudential consequences. Accordingly, we carried out a detailed assessment of five topics.Basel Capital Accord, Pro-cyclicality, Credit risk, Market Risk, Regulation, Corporate governance.

    A Resilient Power Capital Scan: How Foundations Could Use Grants and Investments to Advance Solar and Storage in Low-Income Communities

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    This report, one in a series of reports by Clean Energy Group and Meridian Institute on advancing resilient power in low-income communities, seeks to address how foundations can best develop a portfolio of capital interventions—from grants to impact investments—that together would successfully scale up the solar+storage/resilient power market to benefit low-income populations and to advance their missions. It provides a capital scan of foundation opportunities and actions to guide foundation financial support for this market

    Preemptive distress resolution through bank mergers

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    This paper suggests a motive for bank mergers that goes beyond alleged and typically unverifiable scale economies: preemtive resolution of banks´ financial distress. Such "distress mergers" can be a significant motivation for mergers because they can foster reorganizations, realize diversification gains, and avoid public attention. However, since none of these potential benefits comes without a cost, the overall assessment of distress mergers is unclear. We conduct an empirical analysis to provide evidence on consequences of distress mergers. The analysis is based on comprehensive data from Germany´s savings and cooperatives banks sectors over the period 1993 to 2001. During this period both sectors faced significant structural problems and superordinate institutions (associations) presumably have engaged in coordinated actions to manage distress mergers. The data comprise 3640 banks and 1484 mergers. Our results suggest that bank mergers as a means of preemtive distress resolution have moderate costs in terms of the economic impact on performance. We do find strong evidence consistent with diversification gains. Thus, distress mergers seem to have benefits without affecting systematic stability adversely

    Insurer Climate Risk Disclosure Survey: 2012 Findings and Recommendations

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    2012 was the warmest year on record in the Lower 48 states and the second most extreme weather year in U.S. history. This is not a coincidence. Extreme weather -- stronger, more damaging storms, unprecedented drought and heat in some regions and unprecedented rainfall and flooding in others -- are the predictable consequences of rising global temperatures.Eleven extreme weather events each caused at least a billion dollars in losses last year in the United States. A single event, Hurricane Sandy, caused more than $50 billion in economic losses. Insurance companies are on the hook for tens of billions of dollars in claims as a result of Sandy and other severe weather events. And American taxpayers are on the hook for tens of billions of dollars themselves, thanks to losses sustained by the National Flood Insurance Program as well as disaster relief spendingThis raises a fundamental question: Is the insurance industry prepared? Have insurers analyzed and measured their climate-related risk? Are they planning for life in a warmer world? These should be essential questions for insurance regulators in all 50 states to be asking, and some are

    Fuzzy Logic and Its Uses in Finance: A Systematic Review Exploring Its Potential to Deal with Banking Crises

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    The major success of fuzzy logic in the field of remote control opened the door to its application in many other fields, including finance. However, there has not been an updated and comprehensive literature review on the uses of fuzzy logic in the financial field. For that reason, this study attempts to critically examine fuzzy logic as an effective, useful method to be applied to financial research and, particularly, to the management of banking crises. The data sources were Web of Science and Scopus, followed by an assessment of the records according to pre-established criteria and an arrangement of the information in two main axes: financial markets and corporate finance. A major finding of this analysis is that fuzzy logic has not yet been used to address banking crises or as an alternative to ensure the resolvability of banks while minimizing the impact on the real economy. Therefore, we consider this article relevant for supervisory and regulatory bodies, as well as for banks and academic researchers, since it opens the door to several new research axes on banking crisis analyses using artificial intelligence techniques