25 research outputs found

    A First-order Method for Monotone Stochastic Variational Inequalities on Semidefinite Matrix Spaces

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    Motivated by multi-user optimization problems and non-cooperative Nash games in stochastic regimes, we consider stochastic variational inequality (SVI) problems on matrix spaces where the variables are positive semidefinite matrices and the mapping is merely monotone. Much of the interest in the theory of variational inequality (VI) has focused on addressing VIs on vector spaces.Yet, most existing methods either rely on strong assumptions, or require a two-loop framework where at each iteration, a projection problem, i.e., a semidefinite optimization problem needs to be solved. Motivated by this gap, we develop a stochastic mirror descent method where we choose the distance generating function to be defined as the quantum entropy. This method is a single-loop first-order method in the sense that it only requires a gradient-type of update at each iteration. The novelty of this work lies in the convergence analysis that is carried out through employing an auxiliary sequence of stochastic matrices. Our contribution is three-fold: (i) under this setting and employing averaging techniques, we show that the iterate generated by the algorithm converges to a weak solution of the SVI; (ii) moreover, we derive a convergence rate in terms of the expected value of a suitably defined gap function; (iii) we implement the developed method for solving a multiple-input multiple-output multi-cell cellular wireless network composed of seven hexagonal cells and present the numerical experiments supporting the convergence of the proposed method

    Stochastic proximal splitting algorithm for composite minimization

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    Supported by the recent contributions in multiple branches, the first-order splitting algorithms became central for structured nonsmooth optimization. In the large-scale or noisy contexts, when only stochastic information on the smooth part of the objective function is available, the extension of proximal gradient schemes to stochastic oracles is based on proximal tractability of the nonsmooth component and it has been deeply analyzed in the literature. However, there remained gaps illustrated by composite models where the nonsmooth term is not proximally tractable anymore. In this note we tackle composite optimization problems, where the access only to stochastic information on both smooth and nonsmooth components is assumed, using a stochastic proximal first-order scheme with stochastic proximal updates. We provide O(1k)\mathcal{O}\left( \frac{1}{k} \right) the iteration complexity (in expectation of squared distance to the optimal set) under the strong convexity assumption on the objective function. Empirical behavior is illustrated by numerical tests on parametric sparse representation models

    A damped forward-backward algorithm for stochastic generalized Nash equilibrium seeking

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    We consider a stochastic generalized Nash equilibrium problem (GNEP) with expected-value cost functions. Inspired by Yi and Pavel (Automatica, 2019), we propose a distributed GNE seeking algorithm by exploiting the forward-backward operator splitting and a suitable preconditioning matrix. Specifically, we apply this method to the stochastic GNEP, where, at each iteration, the expected value of the pseudo-gradient is approximated via a number of random samples. Our main contribution is to show almost sure convergence of our proposed algorithm if the sample size grows large enough

    A Stochastic forward-backward splitting method for solving monotone inclusions in Hilbert spaces

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    We propose and analyze the convergence of a novel stochastic forward-backward splitting algorithm for solving monotone inclusions given by the sum of a maximal monotone operator and a single-valued maximal monotone cocoercive operator. This latter framework has a number of interesting special cases, including variational inequalities and convex minimization problems, while stochastic approaches are practically relevant to account for perturbations in the data. The algorithm we propose is a stochastic extension of the classical deterministic forward-backward method, and is obtained considering the composition of the resolvent of the maximal monotone operator with a forward step based on a stochastic estimate of the single-valued operator. Our study provides a non-asymptotic error analysis in expectation for the strongly monotone case, as well as almost sure convergence under weaker assumptions. The approach we consider allows to avoid averaging, a feature critical when considering methods based on sparsity, and, for minimization problems, it allows to obtain convergence rates matching those obtained by stochastic extensions of so called accelerated methods. Stochastic quasi Fejer's sequences are a key technical tool to prove almost sure convergence.Comment: 20 page

    A Proximal-Point Algorithm with Variable Sample-sizes (PPAWSS) for Monotone Stochastic Variational Inequality Problems

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    We consider a stochastic variational inequality (SVI) problem with a continuous and monotone mapping over a closed and convex set. In strongly monotone regimes, we present a variable sample-size averaging scheme (VS-Ave) that achieves a linear rate with an optimal oracle complexity. In addition, the iteration complexity is shown to display a muted dependence on the condition number compared with standard variance-reduced projection schemes. To contend with merely monotone maps, we develop amongst the first proximal-point algorithms with variable sample-sizes (PPAWSS), where increasingly accurate solutions of strongly monotone SVIs are obtained via (VS-Ave) at every step. This allows for achieving a sublinear convergence rate that matches that obtained for deterministic monotone VIs. Preliminary numerical evidence suggests that the schemes compares well with competing schemes

    Distributed projected-reflected-gradient algorithms for stochastic generalized Nash equilibrium problems

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    We consider the stochastic generalized Nash equilibrium problem (SGNEP) with joint feasibility constraints and expected-value cost functions. We propose a distributed stochastic projected reflected gradient algorithm and show its almost sure convergence when the pseudogradient mapping is monotone and the solution is unique. The algorithm is based on monotone operator splitting methods tailored for SGNEPs when the expected-value pseudogradient mapping is approximated at each iteration via an increasing number of samples of the random variable. Finally, we show that a preconditioned variant of our proposed algorithm has convergence guarantees when the pseudogradient mapping is cocoercive.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1910.1177

    Stochastic Proximal Gradient Algorithm with Minibatches. Application to Large Scale Learning Models

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    Stochastic optimization lies at the core of most statistical learning models. The recent great development of stochastic algorithmic tools focused significantly onto proximal gradient iterations, in order to find an efficient approach for nonsmooth (composite) population risk functions. The complexity of finding optimal predictors by minimizing regularized risk is largely understood for simple regularizations such as ℓ1/ℓ2\ell_1/\ell_2 norms. However, more complex properties desired for the predictor necessitates highly difficult regularizers as used in grouped lasso or graph trend filtering. In this chapter we develop and analyze minibatch variants of stochastic proximal gradient algorithm for general composite objective functions with stochastic nonsmooth components. We provide iteration complexity for constant and variable stepsize policies obtaining that, for minibatch size NN, after O(1Nϵ)\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{N\epsilon}) iterations ϵ−\epsilon-suboptimality is attained in expected quadratic distance to optimal solution. The numerical tests on ℓ2−\ell_2-regularized SVMs and parametric sparse representation problems confirm the theoretical behaviour and surpasses minibatch SGD performance

    A Stochastic Subgradient Method for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Multi-Level Composition Optimization

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    We propose a single time-scale stochastic subgradient method for constrained optimization of a composition of several nonsmooth and nonconvex functions. The functions are assumed to be locally Lipschitz and differentiable in a generalized sense. Only stochastic estimates of the values and generalized derivatives of the functions are used. The method is parameter-free. We prove convergence with probability one of the method, by associating with it a system of differential inclusions and devising a nondifferentiable Lyapunov function for this system. For problems with functions having Lipschitz continuous derivatives, the method finds a point satisfying an optimality measure with error of order 1/N1/\sqrt{N}, after executing NN iterations with constant stepsize

    A Single Time-Scale Stochastic Approximation Method for Nested Stochastic Optimization

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    We study constrained nested stochastic optimization problems in which the objective function is a composition of two smooth functions whose exact values and derivatives are not available. We propose a single time-scale stochastic approximation algorithm, which we call the Nested Averaged Stochastic Approximation (NASA), to find an approximate stationary point of the problem. The algorithm has two auxiliary averaged sequences (filters) which estimate the gradient of the composite objective function and the inner function value. By using a special Lyapunov function, we show that NASA achieves the sample complexity of O(1/ϵ2){\cal O}(1/\epsilon^{2}) for finding an ϵ\epsilon-approximate stationary point, thus outperforming all extant methods for nested stochastic approximation. Our method and its analysis are the same for both unconstrained and constrained problems, without any need of batch samples for constrained nonconvex stochastic optimization. We also present a simplified variant of the NASA method for solving constrained single level stochastic optimization problems, and we prove the same complexity result for both unconstrained and constrained problems

    Nonasymptotic convergence of stochastic proximal point algorithms for constrained convex optimization

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    A very popular approach for solving stochastic optimization problems is the stochastic gradient descent method (SGD). Although the SGD iteration is computationally cheap and the practical performance of this method may be satisfactory under certain circumstances, there is recent evidence of its convergence difficulties and instability for unappropriate parameters choice. To avoid these drawbacks naturally introduced by the SGD scheme, the stochastic proximal point algorithms have been recently considered in the literature. We introduce a new variant of the stochastic proximal point method (SPP) for solving stochastic convex optimization problems subject to (in)finite intersection of constraints satisfying a linear regularity type condition. For the newly introduced SPP scheme we prove new nonasymptotic convergence results. In particular, for convex and Lipschitz continuous objective functions, we prove nonasymptotic estimates for the rate of convergence in terms of the expected value function gap of order O(1/k1/2)\mathcal{O}(1/k^{1/2}), where kk is the iteration counter. We also derive better nonasymptotic bounds for the rate of convergence in terms of expected quadratic distance from the iterates to the optimal solution for smooth strongly convex objective functions, which in the best case is of order O(1/k)\mathcal{O}(1/k). Since these convergence rates can be attained by our SPP algorithm only under some natural restrictions on the stepsize, we also introduce a restarting variant of SPP method that overcomes these difficulties and derive the corresponding nonasymptotic convergence rates. Numerical evidence supports the effectiveness of our methods in real-world problems