5 research outputs found

    Shock Regularization with Smoothness-Increasing Accuracy-Conserving Dirac-Delta Polynomial Kernels

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    A smoothness-increasing accuracy conserving filtering approach to the regularization of discontinuities is presented for single domain spectral collocation approximations of hyperbolic conservation laws. The filter is based on convolution of a polynomial kernel that approximates a delta-sequence. The kernel combines a kthk^{th} order smoothness with an arbitrary number of m{m} zero moments. The zero moments ensure a mthm^{th} order accurate approximation of the delta-sequence to the delta function. Through exact quadrature the projection error of the polynomial kernel on the spectral basis is ensured to be less than the moment error. A number of test cases on the advection equation, Burger's equation and Euler equations in 1D and 2D shown that the filter regularizes discontinuities while preserving high-order resolutio

    Uncertainty quantification in Eulerian-Lagrangian simulations of (point-)particle-laden flows with data-driven and empirical forcing models

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    An uncertainty quantification framework is developed for Eulerian-Lagrangian models of particle-laden flows, where the fluid is modeled through a system of partial differential equations in the Eulerian frame and inertial particles are traced as points in the Lagrangian frame. The source of uncertainty in such problems is the particle forcing, which is determined empirically or computationally with high-fidelity methods (data-driven). The framework relies on the averaging of the deterministic governing equations with the stochastic forcing and allows for an estimation of the first and second moment of the quantities of interest. Via comparison with Monte Carlo simulations, it is demonstrated that the moment equations accurately predict the uncertainty for problems whose Eulerian dynamics are either governed by the linear advection equation or the compressible Euler equations. In areas of singular particle interfaces and shock singularities significant uncertainty is generated. An investigation into the effect of the numerical methods shows that low-dissipative higher-order methods are necessary to capture numerical singularities (shock discontinuities, singular source terms, particle clustering) with low diffusion in the propagation of uncertainty

    An explicit semi-Lagrangian, spectral method for solution of Lagrangian transport equations in Eulerian-Lagrangian formulations

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    An explicit high order semi-Lagrangian method is developed for solving Lagrangian transport equations in Eulerian-Lagrangian formulations. To ensure a semi-Lagrangian approximation that is consistent with an explicit Eulerian, discontinuous spectral element method (DSEM) discretization used for the Eulerian formulation, Lagrangian particles are seeded at Gauss quadrature collocation nodes within an element. The particles are integrated explicitly in time to obtain an advected polynomial solution at the advected Gauss quadrature locations. This approximation is mapped back in a semi-Lagrangian fashion to the Gauss quadrature points through a least squares fit using constraints for element boundary values and optional constraints for mass and energy preservation. An explicit time integration is used for the semi-Lagrangian approximation that is consistent with the grid based DSEM solver, which ensures that particles seeded at the Gauss quadrature points do not leave the element's bounds. The method is hence local and parallel and facilitates the solution of the Lagrangian formulation without the grid complexity, and parallelization challenges of a particle solver in particle-mesh methods. Numerical tests with one and two dimensional advection equation are carried out. The method converges exponentially. The use of mass and energy constraints can improve accuracy depending on the accuracy of the time integration.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figure

    Multi-element SIAC filter for shock capturing applied to high-order discontinuous Galerkin spectral element methods

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    We build a multi-element variant of the smoothness increasing accuracy conserving (SIAC) shock capturing technique proposed for single element spectral methods by Wissink et al. (B.W. Wissink, G.B. Jacobs, J.K. Ryan, W.S. Don, and E.T.A. van der Weide. Shock regularization with smoothness-increasing accuracy-conserving Dirac-delta polynomial kernels. Journal of Scientific Computing, 77:579--596, 2018). In particular, the baseline scheme of our method is the nodal discontinuous Galerkin spectral element method (DGSEM) for approximating the solution of systems of conservation laws. It is well known that high-order methods generate spurious oscillations near discontinuities which can develop in the solution for nonlinear problems, even when the initial data is smooth. We propose a novel multi-element SIAC filtering technique applied to the DGSEM as a shock capturing method. We design the SIAC filtering such that the numerical scheme remains high-order accurate and that the shock capturing is applied adaptively throughout the domain. The shock capturing method is derived for general systems of conservation laws. We apply the novel SIAC filter to the two-dimensional Euler and ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations to several standard test problems with a variety of boundary conditions

    A high-order semi-Lagrangian method for the consistent Monte-Carlo solution of stochastic Lagrangian drift-diffusion models coupled with Eulerian discontinuous spectral element method

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    The explicit semi-Lagrangian method method for solution of Lagrangian transport equations as developed in [Natarajan and Jacobs, Computer and Fluids, 2020] is adopted for the solution of stochastic differential equations that is consistent with Discontinuous Spectral Element Method (DSEM) approximations of Eulerian conservation laws. The method extends the favorable properties of DSEM that include its high-order accuracy, its local and boundary fitted properties and its high performance on parallel platforms for the concurrent Monte-Carlo, semi-Lagrangian and Eulerian solution of a class of time-dependent problems that can be described by coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian formulations. The semi-Lagrangian method seeds particles at Gauss quadrature collocation nodes within a spectral element. The particles are integrated explicitly in time according to a drift velocity and a Wiener increment forcing and form the nodal basis for an advected interpolant. This interpolant is mapped back in a semi-Lagrangian fashion to the Gauss quadrature points through a least squares fit using constraints for element boundary values. Stochastic Monte-Carlo samples are averaged element-wise on the quadrature nodes. The stable explicit time step Wiener increment is sufficiently small to prevent particles from leaving the element's bounds. The semi-Lagrangian method is hence local and parallel and does not have the grid complexity, and parallelization challenges of the commonly used Lagrangian particle solvers in particle-mesh methods for solution of Eulerian-Lagrangian formulations. Formal proof is presented that the semi-Lagrangian algorithm evolves the solution according to the Eulerian Fokker-Planck equation. Numerical tests in one and two dimensions for drift-diffusion problems show that the method converges exponentially for constant and non-constant advection and diffusion velocities