1,519 research outputs found

    Meshed Up: Learnt Error Correction in 3D Reconstructions

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    Dense reconstructions often contain errors that prior work has so far minimised using high quality sensors and regularising the output. Nevertheless, errors still persist. This paper proposes a machine learning technique to identify errors in three dimensional (3D) meshes. Beyond simply identifying errors, our method quantifies both the magnitude and the direction of depth estimate errors when viewing the scene. This enables us to improve the reconstruction accuracy. We train a suitably deep network architecture with two 3D meshes: a high-quality laser reconstruction, and a lower quality stereo image reconstruction. The network predicts the amount of error in the lower quality reconstruction with respect to the high-quality one, having only view the former through its input. We evaluate our approach by correcting two-dimensional (2D) inverse-depth images extracted from the 3D model, and show that our method improves the quality of these depth reconstructions by up to a relative 10% RMSE.Comment: Accepted for the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 201

    Semantic 3D Reconstruction with Finite Element Bases

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    We propose a novel framework for the discretisation of multi-label problems on arbitrary, continuous domains. Our work bridges the gap between general FEM discretisations, and labeling problems that arise in a variety of computer vision tasks, including for instance those derived from the generalised Potts model. Starting from the popular formulation of labeling as a convex relaxation by functional lifting, we show that FEM discretisation is valid for the most general case, where the regulariser is anisotropic and non-metric. While our findings are generic and applicable to different vision problems, we demonstrate their practical implementation in the context of semantic 3D reconstruction, where such regularisers have proved particularly beneficial. The proposed FEM approach leads to a smaller memory footprint as well as faster computation, and it constitutes a very simple way to enable variable, adaptive resolution within the same model

    iSDF: Real-Time Neural Signed Distance Fields for Robot Perception

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    We present iSDF, a continual learning system for real-time signed distance field (SDF) reconstruction. Given a stream of posed depth images from a moving camera, it trains a randomly initialised neural network to map input 3D coordinate to approximate signed distance. The model is self-supervised by minimising a loss that bounds the predicted signed distance using the distance to the closest sampled point in a batch of query points that are actively sampled. In contrast to prior work based on voxel grids, our neural method is able to provide adaptive levels of detail with plausible filling in of partially observed regions and denoising of observations, all while having a more compact representation. In evaluations against alternative methods on real and synthetic datasets of indoor environments, we find that iSDF produces more accurate reconstructions, and better approximations of collision costs and gradients useful for downstream planners in domains from navigation to manipulation. Code and video results can be found at our project page: https://joeaortiz.github.io/iSDF/ .Comment: Project page: https://joeaortiz.github.io/iSDF

    Neural Feature Matching in Implicit 3D Representations

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    Recently, neural implicit functions have achieved impressive results for encoding 3D shapes. Conditioning on low-dimensional latent codes generalises a single implicit function to learn shared representation space for a variety of shapes, with the advantage of smooth interpolation. While the benefits from the global latent space do not correspond to explicit points at local level, we propose to track the continuous point trajectory by matching implicit features with the latent code interpolating between shapes, from which we corroborate the hierarchical functionality of the deep implicit functions, where early layers map the latent code to fitting the coarse shape structure, and deeper layers further refine the shape details. Furthermore, the structured representation space of implicit functions enables to apply feature matching for shape deformation, with the benefits to handle topology and semantics inconsistency, such as from an armchair to a chair with no arms, without explicit flow functions or manual annotations

    GO-Surf: Neural Feature Grid Optimization for Fast, High-Fidelity RGB-D Surface Reconstruction

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    We present GO-Surf, a direct feature grid optimization method for accurate and fast surface reconstruction from RGB-D sequences. We model the underlying scene with a learned hierarchical feature voxel grid that encapsulates multi-level geometric and appearance local information. Feature vectors are directly optimized such that after being tri-linearly interpolated, decoded by two shallow MLPs into signed distance and radiance values, and rendered via surface volume rendering, the discrepancy between synthesized and observed RGB/depth values is minimized. Our supervision signals -- RGB, depth and approximate SDF -- can be obtained directly from input images without any need for fusion or post-processing. We formulate a novel SDF gradient regularization term that encourages surface smoothness and hole filling while maintaining high frequency details. GO-Surf can optimize sequences of 11-22K frames in 1515-4545 minutes, a speedup of ×60\times60 over NeuralRGB-D, the most related approach based on an MLP representation, while maintaining on par performance on standard benchmarks. Project page: https://jingwenwang95.github.io/go_surf/Comment: 3DV2022 (Oral), first two authors contributed equally. Project page: https://jingwenwang95.github.io/go_surf

    Reg-NF: Efficient Registration of Implicit Surfaces within Neural Fields

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    Neural fields, coordinate-based neural networks, have recently gained popularity for implicitly representing a scene. In contrast to classical methods that are based on explicit representations such as point clouds, neural fields provide a continuous scene representation able to represent 3D geometry and appearance in a way which is compact and ideal for robotics applications. However, limited prior methods have investigated registering multiple neural fields by directly utilising these continuous implicit representations. In this paper, we present Reg-NF, a neural fields-based registration that optimises for the relative 6-DoF transformation between two arbitrary neural fields, even if those two fields have different scale factors. Key components of Reg-NF include a bidirectional registration loss, multi-view surface sampling, and utilisation of volumetric signed distance functions (SDFs). We showcase our approach on a new neural field dataset for evaluating registration problems. We provide an exhaustive set of experiments and ablation studies to identify the performance of our approach, while also discussing limitations to provide future direction to the research community on open challenges in utilizing neural fields in unconstrained environments.Comment: Accepted to ICRA 2024. The first two authors contributed equall

    A Hilbertian projection method for constrained level set-based topology optimisation

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    We present an extension of the projection method proposed by Challis et al (Int J Solids Struct\textit{Int J Solids Struct}. Volume 45\textbf{45}(14-15) (2008) 4130-4146) for constrained level set-based topology optimisation that harnesses the Hilbertian velocity extension-regularisation framework. Our Hilbertian projection method\textit{Hilbertian projection method} chooses a normal velocity for the level set function as a linear combination of: 1) an orthogonal projection operator applied to the extended optimisation objective shape sensitivity; and 2) a weighted sum of orthogonal basis functions for the extended constraint shape sensitivities. This combination aims for the best possible first-order improvement of the optimisation objective in addition to first-order improvement of the constraints. Our formulation utilising basis orthogonalisation naturally handles linearly dependent constraint shape sensitivities. Furthermore, use of the Hilbertian extension-regularisation framework ensures that the resulting normal velocity is extended away from the boundary and enriched with additional regularity. Our approach is generally applicable to any topology optimisation problem to be solved in the level set framework. We consider several benchmark constrained microstructure optimisation problems and demonstrate that our method is effective with little-to-no parameter tuning. We also find that our method performs well when compared to a Hilbertian sequential linear programming method.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure