1,545 research outputs found

    Quotients of polynomial rings and regular t-balanced Cayley maps on abelian groups

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    Given a finite group Γ\Gamma, a regular tt-balanced Cayley map (RBCMt_{t} for short) is a regular Cayley map CM(G,Ω,ρ)\mathcal{CM}(G,\Omega,\rho) such that ρ(ω)1=ρt(ω)\rho(\omega)^{-1}=\rho^{t}(\omega) for all ωΩ\omega\in\Omega. In this paper, we clarify a connection between quotients of polynomial rings and RBCMt_{t}'s on abelian groups, so as to propose a new approach for classifying RBCMt_{t}'s. We obtain many new results, in particular, a complete classification for RBCMt_{t}'s on abelian 2-groups.Comment: The previous version of this paper is entitled "A new approach to regular balanced Cayley maps on abelian pp-groups

    Regular Cayley maps on dihedral groups with the smallest kernel

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    Let M=CM(Dn,X,p)\mathcal{M}=CM(D_n,X,p) be a regular Cayley map on the dihedral group DnD_n of order 2n,n2,2n, n \ge 2, and let π\pi be the power function associated with M\mathcal{M}. In this paper it is shown that the kernel Ker(π)(\pi) of the power function π\pi is a dihedral subgroup of DnD_n and if n3,n \ne 3, then the kernel Ker(π)(\pi) is of order at least 44. Moreover, all M\mathcal{M} are classified for which Ker(π)(\pi) is of order 44. In particular, besides 44 sporadic maps on 4,4,84,4,8 and 1212 vertices respectively, two infinite families of non-tt-balanced Cayley maps on DnD_n are obtained

    Automorphism groups of Cayley graphs generated by block transpositions and regular Cayley maps

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    This paper deals with the Cayley graph Cay(Symn,Tn),\mathrm{Cay}(\mathrm{Sym}_n,T_n), where the generating set consists of all block transpositions. A motivation for the study of these particular Cayley graphs comes from current research in Bioinformatics. As the main result, we prove that Aut(Cay(Symn,Tn))(\mathrm{Cay}(\mathrm{Sym}_n,T_n)) is the product of the left translation group by a dihedral group Dn+1\mathsf{D}_{n+1} of order 2(n+1)2(n+1). The proof uses several properties of the subgraph Γ\Gamma of Cay(Symn,Tn)\mathrm{Cay}(\mathrm{Sym}_n,T_n) induced by the set TnT_n. In particular, Γ\Gamma is a 2(n2)2(n-2)-regular graph whose automorphism group is Dn+1,\mathsf{D}_{n+1}, Γ\Gamma has as many as n+1n+1 maximal cliques of size 2,2, and its subgraph Γ(V)\Gamma(V) whose vertices are those in these cliques is a 33-regular, Hamiltonian, and vertex-transitive graph. A relation of the unique cyclic subgroup of Dn+1\mathsf{D}_{n+1} of order n+1n+1 with regular Cayley maps on Symn\mathrm{Sym}_n is also discussed. It is shown that the product of the left translation group by the latter group can be obtained as the automorphism group of a non-tt-balanced regular Cayley map on Symn\mathrm{Sym}_n

    A classification of prime-valent regular Cayley maps on some groups

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    A Cayley map is a 2-cell embedding of a Cayley graph into an orientable surface with the same local orientation induced by a cyclic permutation of generators at each vertex. In this paper, we provide classifications of prime-valent regular Cayley maps on abelian groups, dihedral groups and dicyclic groups. Consequently, we show that all prime-valent regular Cayley maps on dihedral groups are balanced and all prime-valent regular Cayley maps on abelian groups are either balanced or anti-balanced. Furthermore, we prove that there is no prime-valent regular Cayley map on any dicyclic group

    Classification of reflexibile regular Cayley maps for dihedral groups

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    In this paper, we classify reflexible regular Cayley maps for dihedral groups.Comment: 19 page

    The Cayley isomorphism property for Cayley maps

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    In this paper we study finite groups which have Cayley isomorphism property with respect to Cayley maps, CIM-groups for a brief. We show that the structure of the CIM-groups is very restricted. It is described in Theorem~\ref{111015a} where a short list of possible candidates for CIM-groups is given. Theorem~\ref{111015c} provides concrete examples of infinite series of CIM-groups

    Regular balanced Cayley maps on PSL(2,p){\rm PSL}(2,p)

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    A {\it regular balanced Cayley map} (RBCM for short) on a finite group Γ\Gamma is an embedding of a Cayley graph on Γ\Gamma into a surface, with some special symmetric property. People have classified RBCM's for cyclic, dihedral, generalized quaternion, dicyclic, and semi-dihedral groups. In this paper we classify RBCM's on the group PSL(2,p){\rm PSL}(2,p) for each prime number p>3p>3.Comment: 14 pages, to appear on Discrete Mathematic

    Smooth skew-morphisms of the dihedral groups

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    A skew-morphism φ\varphi of a finite group AA is a permutation on AA such that φ(1)=1\varphi(1)=1 and φ(xy)=φ(x)φπ(x)(y)\varphi(xy)=\varphi(x)\varphi^{\pi(x)}(y) for all x,yAx,y\in A where π:AZφ\pi:A\to\mathbb{Z}_{|\varphi|} is an integer function. A skew-morphism is smooth if π(φ(x))=π(x)\pi(\varphi(x))=\pi(x) for all xAx\in A. The concept of smooth skew-morphisms is a generalization of that of tt-balanced skew-morphisms. The aim of the paper is to develop a general theory of smooth skew-morphisms. As an application we classify smooth skew-morphisms of the dihedral groups.Comment: 23page

    Rotational circulant graphs

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    A Frobenius group is a transitive permutation group which is not regular but only the identity element can fix two points. Such a group can be expressed as the semi-direct product G=KHG = K \rtimes H of a nilpotent normal subgroup KK and another group HH fixing a point. A first-kind GG-Frobenius graph is a connected Cayley graph on KK with connection set an HH-orbit aHa^H on KK that generates KK, where HH has an even order or aa is an involution. It is known that the first-kind Frobenius graphs admit attractive routing and gossiping algorithms. A complete rotation in a Cayley graph on a group GG with connection set SS is an automorphism of GG fixing SS setwise and permuting the elements of SS cyclically. It is known that if the fixed-point set of such a complete rotation is an independent set and not a vertex-cut, then the gossiping time of the Cayley graph (under a certain model) attains the smallest possible value. In this paper we classify all first-kind Frobenius circulant graphs that admit complete rotations, and describe a means to construct them. This result can be stated as a necessary and sufficient condition for a first-kind Frobenius circulant to be 2-cell embeddable on a closed orientable surface as a balanced regular Cayley map. We construct a family of non-Frobenius circulants admitting complete rotations such that the corresponding fixed-point sets are independent and not vertex-cuts. We also give an infinite family of counterexamples to the conjecture that the fixed-point set of every complete rotation of a Cayley graph is not a vertex-cut.Comment: Final versio

    Skew product groups for monolithic groups

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    Skew morphisms, which generalise automorphisms for groups, provide a fundamental tool for the study of regular Cayley maps and, more generally, for finite groups with a complementary factorisation G=BYG=BY, where YY is cyclic and core-free in GG. In this paper, we classify all examples in which BB is monolithic (meaning that it has a unique minimal normal subgroup, and that subgroup is not abelian) and core-free in GG. As a consequence, we obtain a classification of all proper skew morphisms of finite non-abelian simple groups