24 research outputs found

    Fidelity of Hyperbolic Space for Bayesian Phylogenetic Inference

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    Bayesian inference for phylogenetics is a gold standard for computing distributions of phylogenies. It faces the challenging problem of. moving throughout the high-dimensional space of trees. However, hyperbolic space offers a low dimensional representation of tree-like data. In this paper, we embed genomic sequences into hyperbolic space and perform hyperbolic Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Bayesian inference. The posterior probability is computed by decoding a neighbour joining tree from proposed embedding locations. We empirically demonstrate the fidelity of this method on eight data sets. The sampled posterior distribution recovers the splits and branch lengths to a high degree. We investigated the effects of curvature and embedding dimension on the Markov Chain's performance. Finally, we discuss the prospects for adapting this method to navigate tree space with gradients

    Efficient Sampling from Feasible Sets of SDPs and Volume Approximation

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    We present algorithmic, complexity, and implementation results on the problem of sampling points from a spectrahedron, that is the feasible region of a semidefinite program. Our main tool is geometric random walks. We analyze the arithmetic and bit complexity of certain primitive geometric operations that are based on the algebraic properties of spectrahedra and the polynomial eigenvalue problem. This study leads to the implementation of a broad collection of random walks for sampling from spectrahedra that experimentally show faster mixing times than methods currently employed either in theoretical studies or in applications, including the popular family of Hit-and-Run walks. The different random walks offer a variety of advantages , thus allowing us to efficiently sample from general probability distributions, for example the family of log-concave distributions which arise in numerous applications. We focus on two major applications of independent interest: (i) approximate the volume of a spectrahedron, and (ii) compute the expectation of functions coming from robust optimal control. We exploit efficient linear algebra algorithms and implementations to address the aforemen-tioned computations in very high dimension. In particular, we provide a C++ open source implementation of our methods that scales efficiently, for the first time, up to dimension 200. We illustrate its efficiency on various data sets

    Improving Gradient-guided Nested Sampling for Posterior Inference

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    We present a performant, general-purpose gradient-guided nested sampling algorithm, GGNS{\tt GGNS}, combining the state of the art in differentiable programming, Hamiltonian slice sampling, clustering, mode separation, dynamic nested sampling, and parallelization. This unique combination allows GGNS{\tt GGNS} to scale well with dimensionality and perform competitively on a variety of synthetic and real-world problems. We also show the potential of combining nested sampling with generative flow networks to obtain large amounts of high-quality samples from the posterior distribution. This combination leads to faster mode discovery and more accurate estimates of the partition function.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Code available at https://github.com/Pablo-Lemos/GGN