4 research outputs found

    Discovering Predictive Relational Object Symbols with Symbolic Attentive Layers

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    In this paper, we propose and realize a new deep learning architecture for discovering symbolic representations for objects and their relations based on the self-supervised continuous interaction of a manipulator robot with multiple objects on a tabletop environment. The key feature of the model is that it can handle a changing number number of objects naturally and map the object-object relations into symbolic domain explicitly. In the model, we employ a self-attention layer that computes discrete attention weights from object features, which are treated as relational symbols between objects. These relational symbols are then used to aggregate the learned object symbols and predict the effects of executed actions on each object. The result is a pipeline that allows the formation of object symbols and relational symbols from a dataset of object features, actions, and effects in an end-to-end manner. We compare the performance of our proposed architecture with state-of-the-art symbol discovery methods in a simulated tabletop environment where the robot needs to discover symbols related to the relative positions of objects to predict the observed effect successfully. Our experiments show that the proposed architecture performs better than other baselines in effect prediction while forming not only object symbols but also relational symbols. Furthermore, we analyze the learned symbols and relational patterns between objects to learn about how the model interprets the environment. Our analysis shows that the learned symbols relate to the relative positions of objects, object types, and their horizontal alignment on the table, which reflect the regularities in the environment.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2208.0102

    Symbolic Manipulation Planning with Discovered Object and Relational Predicates

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    Discovering the symbols and rules that can be used in long-horizon planning from a robot's unsupervised exploration of its environment and continuous sensorimotor experience is a challenging task. The previous studies proposed learning symbols from single or paired object interactions and planning with these symbols. In this work, we propose a system that learns rules with discovered object and relational symbols that encode an arbitrary number of objects and the relations between them, converts those rules to Planning Domain Description Language (PDDL), and generates plans that involve affordances of the arbitrary number of objects to achieve tasks. We validated our system with box-shaped objects in different sizes and showed that the system can develop a symbolic knowledge of pick-up, carry, and place operations, taking into account object compounds in different configurations, such as boxes would be carried together with a larger box that they are placed on. We also compared our method with the state-of-the-art methods and showed that planning with the operators defined over relational symbols gives better planning performance compared to the baselines

    DeepSym: Deep Symbol Generation and Rule Learning from Unsupervised Continuous Robot Interaction for Planning

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    Autonomous discovery of discrete symbols and rules from continuous interaction experience is a crucial building block of robot AI, but remains a challenging problem. Solving it will overcome the limitations in scalability, flexibility, and robustness of manually-designed symbols and rules, and will constitute a substantial advance towards autonomous robots that can learn and reason at abstract levels in open-ended environments. Towards this goal, we propose a novel and general method that finds action-grounded, discrete object and effect categories and builds probabilistic rules over them that can be used in complex action planning. Our robot interacts with single and multiple objects using a given action repertoire and observes the effects created in the environment. In order to form action-grounded object, effect, and relational categories, we employ a binarized bottleneck layer of a predictive, deep encoder-decoder network that takes as input the image of the scene and the action applied, and generates the resulting object displacements in the scene (action effects) in pixel coordinates. The binary latent vector represents a learned, action-driven categorization of objects. To distill the knowledge represented by the neural network into rules useful for symbolic reasoning, we train a decision tree to reproduce its decoder function. From its branches we extract probabilistic rules and represent them in PPDDL, allowing off-the-shelf planners to operate on the robot's sensorimotor experience. Our system is verified in a physics-based 3d simulation environment where a robot arm-hand system learned symbols that can be interpreted as 'rollable', 'insertable', 'larger-than' from its push and stack actions; and generated effective plans to achieve goals such as building towers from given cubes, balls, and cups using off-the-shelf probabilistic planners