2,559 research outputs found

    Referring Image Segmentation via Cross-Modal Progressive Comprehension

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    Referring image segmentation aims at segmenting the foreground masks of the entities that can well match the description given in the natural language expression. Previous approaches tackle this problem using implicit feature interaction and fusion between visual and linguistic modalities, but usually fail to explore informative words of the expression to well align features from the two modalities for accurately identifying the referred entity. In this paper, we propose a Cross-Modal Progressive Comprehension (CMPC) module and a Text-Guided Feature Exchange (TGFE) module to effectively address the challenging task. Concretely, the CMPC module first employs entity and attribute words to perceive all the related entities that might be considered by the expression. Then, the relational words are adopted to highlight the correct entity as well as suppress other irrelevant ones by multimodal graph reasoning. In addition to the CMPC module, we further leverage a simple yet effective TGFE module to integrate the reasoned multimodal features from different levels with the guidance of textual information. In this way, features from multi-levels could communicate with each other and be refined based on the textual context. We conduct extensive experiments on four popular referring segmentation benchmarks and achieve new state-of-the-art performances.Comment: Accepted by CVPR 2020. Code is available at https://github.com/spyflying/CMPC-Refse

    PolyFormer: Referring Image Segmentation as Sequential Polygon Generation

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    In this work, instead of directly predicting the pixel-level segmentation masks, the problem of referring image segmentation is formulated as sequential polygon generation, and the predicted polygons can be later converted into segmentation masks. This is enabled by a new sequence-to-sequence framework, Polygon Transformer (PolyFormer), which takes a sequence of image patches and text query tokens as input, and outputs a sequence of polygon vertices autoregressively. For more accurate geometric localization, we propose a regression-based decoder, which predicts the precise floating-point coordinates directly, without any coordinate quantization error. In the experiments, PolyFormer outperforms the prior art by a clear margin, e.g., 5.40% and 4.52% absolute improvements on the challenging RefCOCO+ and RefCOCOg datasets. It also shows strong generalization ability when evaluated on the referring video segmentation task without fine-tuning, e.g., achieving competitive 61.5% J&F on the Ref-DAVIS17 dataset

    Referring Multi-Object Tracking

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    Existing referring understanding tasks tend to involve the detection of a single text-referred object. In this paper, we propose a new and general referring understanding task, termed referring multi-object tracking (RMOT). Its core idea is to employ a language expression as a semantic cue to guide the prediction of multi-object tracking. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first work to achieve an arbitrary number of referent object predictions in videos. To push forward RMOT, we construct one benchmark with scalable expressions based on KITTI, named Refer-KITTI. Specifically, it provides 18 videos with 818 expressions, and each expression in a video is annotated with an average of 10.7 objects. Further, we develop a transformer-based architecture TransRMOT to tackle the new task in an online manner, which achieves impressive detection performance and outperforms other counterparts. The dataset and code will be available at https://github.com/wudongming97/RMOT.Comment: Accpeted by CVPR 2023. The dataset and code will be available at https://github.com/wudongming97/RMO

    Position-Aware Contrastive Alignment for Referring Image Segmentation

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    Referring image segmentation aims to segment the target object described by a given natural language expression. Typically, referring expressions contain complex relationships between the target and its surrounding objects. The main challenge of this task is to understand the visual and linguistic content simultaneously and to find the referred object accurately among all instances in the image. Currently, the most effective way to solve the above problem is to obtain aligned multi-modal features by computing the correlation between visual and linguistic feature modalities under the supervision of the ground-truth mask. However, existing paradigms have difficulty in thoroughly understanding visual and linguistic content due to the inability to perceive information directly about surrounding objects that refer to the target. This prevents them from learning aligned multi-modal features, which leads to inaccurate segmentation. To address this issue, we present a position-aware contrastive alignment network (PCAN) to enhance the alignment of multi-modal features by guiding the interaction between vision and language through prior position information. Our PCAN consists of two modules: 1) Position Aware Module (PAM), which provides position information of all objects related to natural language descriptions, and 2) Contrastive Language Understanding Module (CLUM), which enhances multi-modal alignment by comparing the features of the referred object with those of related objects. Extensive experiments on three benchmarks demonstrate our PCAN performs favorably against the state-of-the-art methods. Our code will be made publicly available.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Towards Omni-supervised Referring Expression Segmentation

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    Referring Expression Segmentation (RES) is an emerging task in computer vision, which segments the target instances in images based on text descriptions. However, its development is plagued by the expensive segmentation labels. To address this issue, we propose a new learning task for RES called Omni-supervised Referring Expression Segmentation (Omni-RES), which aims to make full use of unlabeled, fully labeled and weakly labeled data, e.g., referring points or grounding boxes, for efficient RES training. To accomplish this task, we also propose a novel yet strong baseline method for Omni-RES based on the recently popular teacher-student learning, where the weak labels are not directly transformed into supervision signals but used as a yardstick to select and refine high-quality pseudo-masks for teacher-student learning. To validate the proposed Omni-RES method, we apply it to a set of state-of-the-art RES models and conduct extensive experiments on a bunch of RES datasets. The experimental results yield the obvious merits of Omni-RES than the fully-supervised and semi-supervised training schemes. For instance, with only 10% fully labeled data, Omni-RES can help the base model achieve 100% fully supervised performance, and it also outperform the semi-supervised alternative by a large margin, e.g., +14.93% on RefCOCO and +14.95% on RefCOCO+, respectively. More importantly, Omni-RES also enable the use of large-scale vision-langauges like Visual Genome to facilitate low-cost RES training, and achieve new SOTA performance of RES, e.g., 80.66 on RefCOCO

    Multi-Modal Mutual Attention and Iterative Interaction for Referring Image Segmentation

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    We address the problem of referring image segmentation that aims to generate a mask for the object specified by a natural language expression. Many recent works utilize Transformer to extract features for the target object by aggregating the attended visual regions. However, the generic attention mechanism in Transformer only uses the language input for attention weight calculation, which does not explicitly fuse language features in its output. Thus, its output feature is dominated by vision information, which limits the model to comprehensively understand the multi-modal information, and brings uncertainty for the subsequent mask decoder to extract the output mask. To address this issue, we propose Multi-Modal Mutual Attention (M3Att\mathrm{M^3Att}) and Multi-Modal Mutual Decoder (M3Dec\mathrm{M^3Dec}) that better fuse information from the two input modalities. Based on {M3Dec\mathrm{M^3Dec}}, we further propose Iterative Multi-modal Interaction (IMI\mathrm{IMI}) to allow continuous and in-depth interactions between language and vision features. Furthermore, we introduce Language Feature Reconstruction (LFR\mathrm{LFR}) to prevent the language information from being lost or distorted in the extracted feature. Extensive experiments show that our proposed approach significantly improves the baseline and outperforms state-of-the-art referring image segmentation methods on RefCOCO series datasets consistently.Comment: IEEE TI

    Towards Robust Referring Image Segmentation

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    Referring Image Segmentation (RIS) aims to connect image and language via outputting the corresponding object masks given a text description, which is a fundamental vision-language task. Despite lots of works that have achieved considerable progress for RIS, in this work, we explore an essential question, "what if the description is wrong or misleading of the text description?". We term such a sentence as a negative sentence. However, we find that existing works cannot handle such settings. To this end, we propose a novel formulation of RIS, named Robust Referring Image Segmentation (R-RIS). It considers the negative sentence inputs besides the regularly given text inputs. We present three different datasets via augmenting the input negative sentences and a new metric to unify both input types. Furthermore, we design a new transformer-based model named RefSegformer, where we introduce a token-based vision and language fusion module. Such module can be easily extended to our R-RIS setting by adding extra blank tokens. Our proposed RefSegformer achieves the new state-of-the-art results on three regular RIS datasets and three R-RIS datasets, which serves as a new solid baseline for further research. The project page is at \url{https://lxtgh.github.io/project/robust_ref_seg/}.Comment: technical repor

    Contrastive Grouping with Transformer for Referring Image Segmentation

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    Referring image segmentation aims to segment the target referent in an image conditioning on a natural language expression. Existing one-stage methods employ per-pixel classification frameworks, which attempt straightforwardly to align vision and language at the pixel level, thus failing to capture critical object-level information. In this paper, we propose a mask classification framework, Contrastive Grouping with Transformer network (CGFormer), which explicitly captures object-level information via token-based querying and grouping strategy. Specifically, CGFormer first introduces learnable query tokens to represent objects and then alternately queries linguistic features and groups visual features into the query tokens for object-aware cross-modal reasoning. In addition, CGFormer achieves cross-level interaction by jointly updating the query tokens and decoding masks in every two consecutive layers. Finally, CGFormer cooperates contrastive learning to the grouping strategy to identify the token and its mask corresponding to the referent. Experimental results demonstrate that CGFormer outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both segmentation and generalization settings consistently and significantly.Comment: Accepted by CVPR 202