2 research outputs found

    Obtaining Reference's Topic Congruity in Indonesian Publications using Machine Learning Approach

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    There are some criteria on how an article is categorized as a good article for publications. It could depend on some aspect like formatting and clarity, but mainly it depends on how the content of the article is constructed. The consistency of the topic that the article was written could show us how the authors construct the main idea in the article content. One indication that shows this consistency is congruity in the article’s topic and the topic of literature or reference cited in the document listed in the bibliography. This works attempting to automate the topic detection on the article’s references then obtain the congruity to the article title’s topic through metadata extraction and text classification. This is done by extracting metadata of an article file to obtain all possible reference title using GROBID than classify the topic using a supervised classification model. We found that some refinements in the whole approach should be considered in the next step of this work

    Evaluating the Quality of the Indonesian Scientific Journal References using ParsCit, CERMINE and GROBID

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    There are several open-source tools available to extract the bibliographic references of the Pdf. Those tools based on the various approaches including rule-based approach, knowledge-based approach, machine learning-based approach, and the combination. To improve the services of the Indonesian Scientific Journal Database (ISJD), Center for Scientific Data and Documentation – Indonesian Institute of Sciences (PDDI-LIPI) intends to have an automatic bibliographic references extraction tool. The paper aims to analyze the quality of the reference metadata of the local journals with the three open-source tools, namely ParsCit, CERMINE and GROBID. The accuracy test of the three tools are poor. Those are 0.555, 0.633, and 0.605 for ParsCit, CERMINE, and GROBID respectively. It caused by many authors do not use a reference manager when they write the bibliography section. On the such condition this paper proposed to build an application to identify and correct errors in the bibliographic references of paper in ISJD. This application become a liaison between ISJD and open source tool for the bibliographic reference extraction. This paper proposed the combination of building software and using an open source