10 research outputs found

    New scheme for PAPR reduction in FBMC-OQAM systems based on combining TR and deep clipping techniques

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    Filter bank multi-carrier with offset quadrature amplitude modulation (FBMC-OQAM) system is a very efficient multicarrier modulation technique for 5G, but it suffers as all multicarriers designs from large peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). Tone reservation (TR) is a method designed to solve this problem by reserving several subcarriers called tones in the frequency domain to generate a cancellation signal in the time domain to eliminate high peaks. In this paper, we suggest a serial combination of tone reservation (TR) method with an enhanced version of clipping called deep clipping (DC) method (TR&DC) to enhance the peaks (PAPR) mitigation in FBMC-OQAM signal model without significantly impacting the quality of transmission. Numerical results and analysis show that the new TR&DC approach allows better overall performance and offers remarkable gain in term of PAPR mitigation than the TR method, with similar BER performance to TR over additive white gaussian noise channel and Rapp HPA model

    Enhanced Multicarrier Techniques for Professional Ad-Hoc and Cell-Based Communications (EMPhAtiC) Document Number D3.3 Reduction of PAPR and non linearities effects

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    Livrable d'un projet Européen EMPHATICLike other multicarrier modulation techniques, FBMC suffers from high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR), impacting its performance in the presence of a nonlinear high power amplifier (HPA) in two ways. The first impact is an in-band distortion affecting the error rate performance of the link. The second impact is an out-of-band effect appearing as power spectral density (PSD) regrowth, making the coexistence between FBMC based broad-band Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) systems with existing narrowband systems difficult to achieve. This report addresses first the theoretical analysis of in-band HPA distortions in terms of Bit Error Rate. Also, the out-of band impact of HPA nonlinearities is studied in terms of PSD regrowth prediction. Furthermore, the problem of PAPR reduction is addressed along with some HPA linearization techniques and nonlinearity compensation approaches

    Analysis of PAPR Reduction in 5G communication

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    The goal of this thesis is to analyze PAPR reduction performance in 5G communication. 5G communication technology is beyond 4G and LTE technology and expected to be employed around 2020. Research is going on for standardization of 5G technology. One of the key objective of 5G technology is to achieve high data rate (10Gbps). For this a large bandwidth is needed. Since limited frequency resources are available, the frequency spectrum should be efficiently utilized to obtain high data rate. Also to utilize white space, cognitive radio networks are needed. In cognitive radio network very low out of band radiation is desired. OFDM is used in 4G communication but it has the drawback of low spectral efficiency and high out of band radiation, which makes it a poor choice for 5G communication. So for 5G communication new waveform is required. FBMC, UFMC, GFDM are some of the waveform candidates for 5G communication. FBMC is a potential candidate for 5G communication and it is used in many 5G projects around the world. In this thesis FBMC is used as a waveform candidate for 5G communication. High PAPR is always a problem in multicarrier communication system. FBMC is also a multicarrier communication system, so it also suffers from high PAPR problem. To reduce the PAPR several PAPR reduction techniques have been proposed over the last few decades. Tone injection and companding are two promising techniques, which are used in PAPR reduction of multicarrier communication system. In this thesis a combined scheme of tone injection and companding is used, which gives significant performance improvement compared to the tone injection and companding techniques taken separately. Simulation is performed to analyses the PAPR and BER performance of FBMC-FMT and FBMC-SMT system. Also a new clipping based PAPR reduction scheme is proposed in this thesis. For this scheme simulation is performed to analyze the PAPR performance of FBMC-FMT, FBMC-SMT and FBMC-CMT system. All the simulations are performed in MATLAB

    Closed-form approximations of the peak-to-average power ratio distribution for multi-carrier modulation and their applications

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    International audienceThe theoretical analysis of the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) distribution for an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system, depends on the particular waveform considered in the modulation system. In this paper, we generalize this analysis by considering the generalized waveforms for multi-carrier (GWMC) modulation system based on any family of modulation functions, and we derive a general approximate expression for the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of its PAPR, for both finite and infinite integration time. These equations allow us to directly find the expressions of the PAPR distribution for any particular functions and characterize the behaviour of the PAPR distribution associated with different transmission and observation scenarios. In addition to that, a new approach to formulating the PAPR reduction problem as an optimization problem, is presented in this study

    A Necessary Condition for Waveforms with Better PAPR than OFDM

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    International audienceThis paper establishes a necessary condition that must be satisfied by the modulation waveforms of any generalized waveforms for multicarrier (GWMC) system with better peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) than conventional orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). GWMC systems include in particular all classical multicarrier modulation systems. As a consequence, we show that OFDM has the best PAPR performance over all GWMC systems that do not satisfy this necessary condition. We also identify an infinite family of GWMC systems with the same PAPR performance as OFDM. To illustrate our results, we present simulations of the PAPR behaviour for different GWMC systems, including some with better PAPR performance than OFDM

    A Closed Form Selected Mapping Algorithm for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Multicarrier Transmission

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    Nowadays, the demand for communication multi-carriers' channels, where the sub-channels are made mutually independent by using orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), is widespread both for wireless and wired communication systems. Even if OFDM is a spectrally efficient modulation scheme, due to the allowed number of subcarriers, high data rate, and good coverage, the transmitted signal can present high peak values in the time domain, due to inverse fast Fourier transform operations. This gives rise to high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) with respect to single carrier systems. These peaks can saturate the transmitting amplifiers, modifying the shape of the OFDM symbol and affecting its information content, and they give rise to electromagnetic compatibility issues for the surrounding electric devices. In this paper, a closed form PAPR reduction algorithm is proposed, which belongs to selected mapping (SLM) methods. These methods consist in shifting the phases of the components to minimize the amplitude of the peaks. The determination of the optimal set of phase shifts is a very complex problem; therefore, the SLM approaches proposed in literature all resort to iterative algorithms. Moreover, as this calculation must be performed online, both the computational cost and the effect on the bit rate (BR) cannot be established a priori. The proposed analytic algorithm finds the optimal phase shifts of an approximated formulation of the PAPR. Simulation results outperform unprocessed conventional OFDM transmission by several dBs. Moreover, the complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) shows that, in most of the packets, the proposed algorithm reduces the PAPR if compared with randomly selected phase shifts. For example, with a number of shifted phases U=8, the CCFD curves corresponding to the analytical and random methods intersect at a probability value equal to 10(-2), which means that in 99% of cases the former method reduces the PAPR more than the latter one. This is also confirmed by the value of the gain, which, at the same number of shifted phases and at the probability value equal to 10(-1), changes from 2.09 dB for the analytical to 1.68 dB for the random SLM