2,524 research outputs found

    Magic-State Functional Units: Mapping and Scheduling Multi-Level Distillation Circuits for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Architectures

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    Quantum computers have recently made great strides and are on a long-term path towards useful fault-tolerant computation. A dominant overhead in fault-tolerant quantum computation is the production of high-fidelity encoded qubits, called magic states, which enable reliable error-corrected computation. We present the first detailed designs of hardware functional units that implement space-time optimized magic-state factories for surface code error-corrected machines. Interactions among distant qubits require surface code braids (physical pathways on chip) which must be routed. Magic-state factories are circuits comprised of a complex set of braids that is more difficult to route than quantum circuits considered in previous work [1]. This paper explores the impact of scheduling techniques, such as gate reordering and qubit renaming, and we propose two novel mapping techniques: braid repulsion and dipole moment braid rotation. We combine these techniques with graph partitioning and community detection algorithms, and further introduce a stitching algorithm for mapping subgraphs onto a physical machine. Our results show a factor of 5.64 reduction in space-time volume compared to the best-known previous designs for magic-state factories.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Towards a Distributed Quantum Computing Ecosystem

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    The Quantum Internet, by enabling quantum communications among remote quantum nodes, is a network capable of supporting functionalities with no direct counterpart in the classical world. Indeed, with the network and communications functionalities provided by the Quantum Internet, remote quantum devices can communicate and cooperate for solving challenging computational tasks by adopting a distributed computing approach. The aim of this paper is to provide the reader with an overview about the main challenges and open problems arising with the design of a Distributed Quantum Computing ecosystem. For this, we provide a survey, following a bottom-up approach, from a communications engineering perspective. We start by introducing the Quantum Internet as the fundamental underlying infrastructure of the Distributed Quantum Computing ecosystem. Then we go further, by elaborating on a high-level system abstraction of the Distributed Quantum Computing ecosystem. Such an abstraction is described through a set of logical layers. Thereby, we clarify dependencies among the aforementioned layers and, at the same time, a road-map emerges

    Exploiting Quantum Teleportation in Quantum Circuit Mapping

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    Quantum computers are constantly growing in their number of qubits, but continue to suffer from restrictions such as the limited pairs of qubits that may interact with each other. Thus far, this problem is addressed by mapping and moving qubits to suitable positions for the interaction (known as quantum circuit mapping). However, this movement requires additional gates to be incorporated into the circuit, whose number should be kept as small as possible since each gate increases the likelihood of errors and decoherence. State-of-the-art mapping methods utilize swapping and bridging to move the qubits along the static paths of the coupling map---solving this problem without exploiting all means the quantum domain has to offer. In this paper, we propose to additionally exploit quantum teleportation as a possible complementary method. Quantum teleportation conceptually allows to move the state of a qubit over arbitrary long distances with constant overhead---providing the potential of determining cheaper mappings. The potential is demonstrated by a case study on the IBM Q Tokyo architecture which already shows promising improvements. With the emergence of larger quantum computing architectures, quantum teleportation will become more effective in generating cheaper mappings.Comment: To appear in ASP-DAC 202
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