1 research outputs found

    Using spatial partitioning to reduce the bit error rate of diffusion-based molecular communications

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    This work builds on our earlier work on designing demodulators for diffusion-based molecular communications using a Markovian approach. The demodulation filters take the form of an ordinary differential equation (ODE) which computes the log-posteriori probability of observing a transmission symbol given the continuous history of receptor activities. A limitation of our earlier work is that the receiver is assumed to be a small cubic volume called a voxel. In this work, we extend the maximum a-posteriori demodulation to the case where the receiver may consist of multiple voxels and derive the ODE for log-posteriori probability calculation. This extension allows us to study receiver behaviour of different volumes and shapes. In particular, it also allows us to consider spatially partitioned receivers where the chemicals in the receiver are not allowed to mix. The key result of this paper is that spatial partitioning can be used to reduce bit-error rate in diffusion-based molecular communications.Comment: 39 pages, 20 figures, submitted for possible publication in IEE