5 research outputs found

    Labeling Schemes with Queries

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    We study the question of ``how robust are the known lower bounds of labeling schemes when one increases the number of consulted labels''. Let ff be a function on pairs of vertices. An ff-labeling scheme for a family of graphs \cF labels the vertices of all graphs in \cF such that for every graph G\in\cF and every two vertices u,v∈Gu,v\in G, the value f(u,v)f(u,v) can be inferred by merely inspecting the labels of uu and vv. This paper introduces a natural generalization: the notion of ff-labeling schemes with queries, in which the value f(u,v)f(u,v) can be inferred by inspecting not only the labels of uu and vv but possibly the labels of some additional vertices. We show that inspecting the label of a single additional vertex (one {\em query}) enables us to reduce the label size of many labeling schemes significantly

    Reducing Network Latency Using Subpages in a Global Memory Environment

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    New high-speed networks greatly encourage the use of network memory as a cache for virtual memory and file pages, thereby reducing the need for disk access. Becausepages are the fundamental transfer and access units in remote memory systems, page size is a key performance factor. Recently, page sizes of modern processors have been increasing in order to provide more TLB coverage and amortize disk access costs. Unfortunately, for high-speed networks, small transfers are needed to provide low latency. This trend in page size is thus at odds with the use of network memory on high-speed networks. This paper studies the use of subpages as a means of reducing transfer size and latency in a remote-memory environment. Using trace-driven simulation, we show how and why subpages reduce latency and improve performance of programs using network memory. Our results show that memory-intensive applications execute up to 1.8 times faster when executing with 1K-byte subpages, when compared to the same..