41 research outputs found

    C2AE: Class Conditioned Auto-Encoder for Open-set Recognition

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    Models trained for classification often assume that all testing classes are known while training. As a result, when presented with an unknown class during testing, such closed-set assumption forces the model to classify it as one of the known classes. However, in a real world scenario, classification models are likely to encounter such examples. Hence, identifying those examples as unknown becomes critical to model performance. A potential solution to overcome this problem lies in a class of learning problems known as open-set recognition. It refers to the problem of identifying the unknown classes during testing, while maintaining performance on the known classes. In this paper, we propose an open-set recognition algorithm using class conditioned auto-encoders with novel training and testing methodology. In contrast to previous methods, training procedure is divided in two sub-tasks, 1. closed-set classification and, 2. open-set identification (i.e. identifying a class as known or unknown). Encoder learns the first task following the closed-set classification training pipeline, whereas decoder learns the second task by reconstructing conditioned on class identity. Furthermore, we model reconstruction errors using the Extreme Value Theory of statistical modeling to find the threshold for identifying known/unknown class samples. Experiments performed on multiple image classification datasets show proposed method performs significantly better than state of the art.Comment: CVPR2019 (Oral

    An Improved Baseline for Sentence-level Relation Extraction

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    Sentence-level relation extraction (RE) aims at identifying the relationship between two entities in a sentence. Many efforts have been devoted to this problem, while the best performing methods are still far from perfect. In this paper, we revisit two problems that affect the performance of existing RE models, namely entity representation and noisy or ill-defined labels. Our improved baseline model, incorporated with entity representations with typed markers, achieves an F1 of 74.6% on TACRED, significantly outperforms previous SOTA methods. Furthermore, the presented new baseline achieves an F1 of 91.1% on the refined Re-TACRED dataset, demonstrating that the pre-trained language models achieve unexpectedly high performance on this task. We release our code to the community for future research.Comment: Code available at https://github.com/wzhouad/RE_improved_baselin

    Learning Large Margin Sparse Embeddings for Open Set Medical Diagnosis

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    Fueled by deep learning, computer-aided diagnosis achieves huge advances. However, out of controlled lab environments, algorithms could face multiple challenges. Open set recognition (OSR), as an important one, states that categories unseen in training could appear in testing. In medical fields, it could derive from incompletely collected training datasets and the constantly emerging new or rare diseases. OSR requires an algorithm to not only correctly classify known classes, but also recognize unknown classes and forward them to experts for further diagnosis. To tackle OSR, we assume that known classes could densely occupy small parts of the embedding space and the remaining sparse regions could be recognized as unknowns. Following it, we propose Open Margin Cosine Loss (OMCL) unifying two mechanisms. The former, called Margin Loss with Adaptive Scale (MLAS), introduces angular margin for reinforcing intra-class compactness and inter-class separability, together with an adaptive scaling factor to strengthen the generalization capacity. The latter, called Open-Space Suppression (OSS), opens the classifier by recognizing sparse embedding space as unknowns using proposed feature space descriptors. Besides, since medical OSR is still a nascent field, two publicly available benchmark datasets are proposed for comparison. Extensive ablation studies and feature visualization demonstrate the effectiveness of each design. Compared with state-of-the-art methods, MLAS achieves superior performances, measured by ACC, AUROC, and OSCR

    Controlling Risk of Web Question Answering

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    Web question answering (QA) has become an indispensable component in modern search systems, which can significantly improve users' search experience by providing a direct answer to users' information need. This could be achieved by applying machine reading comprehension (MRC) models over the retrieved passages to extract answers with respect to the search query. With the development of deep learning techniques, state-of-the-art MRC performances have been achieved by recent deep methods. However, existing studies on MRC seldom address the predictive uncertainty issue, i.e., how likely the prediction of an MRC model is wrong, leading to uncontrollable risks in real-world Web QA applications. In this work, we first conduct an in-depth investigation over the risk of Web QA. We then introduce a novel risk control framework, which consists of a qualify model for uncertainty estimation using the probe idea, and a decision model for selectively output. For evaluation, we introduce risk-related metrics, rather than the traditional EM and F1 in MRC, for the evaluation of risk-aware Web QA. The empirical results over both the real-world Web QA dataset and the academic MRC benchmark collection demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.Comment: 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieva