22 research outputs found

    Scalable Successive-Cancellation Hardware Decoder for Polar Codes

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    Polar codes, discovered by Ar{\i}kan, are the first error-correcting codes with an explicit construction to provably achieve channel capacity, asymptotically. However, their error-correction performance at finite lengths tends to be lower than existing capacity-approaching schemes. Using the successive-cancellation algorithm, polar decoders can be designed for very long codes, with low hardware complexity, leveraging the regular structure of such codes. We present an architecture and an implementation of a scalable hardware decoder based on this algorithm. This design is shown to scale to code lengths of up to N = 2^20 on an Altera Stratix IV FPGA, limited almost exclusively by the amount of available SRAM

    Auto-Generation of Pipelined Hardware Designs for Polar Encoder

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    This paper presents a general framework for auto-generation of pipelined polar encoder architectures. The proposed framework could be well represented by a general formula. Given arbitrary code length NN and the level of parallelism MM, the formula could specify the corresponding hardware architecture. We have written a compiler which could read the formula and then automatically generate its register-transfer level (RTL) description suitable for FPGA or ASIC implementation. With this hardware generation system, one could explore the design space and make a trade-off between cost and performance. Our experimental results have demonstrated the efficiency of this auto-generator for polar encoder architectures

    A Multi-Kernel Multi-Code Polar Decoder Architecture

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    Polar codes have received increasing attention in the past decade, and have been selected for the next generation of wireless communication standard. Most research on polar codes has focused on codes constructed from a 2×22\times2 polarization matrix, called binary kernel: codes constructed from binary kernels have code lengths that are bound to powers of 22. A few recent works have proposed construction methods based on multiple kernels of different dimensions, not only binary ones, allowing code lengths different from powers of 22. In this work, we design and implement the first multi-kernel successive cancellation polar code decoder in literature. It can decode any code constructed with binary and ternary kernels: the architecture, sized for a maximum code length NmaxN_{max}, is fully flexible in terms of code length, code rate and kernel sequence. The decoder can achieve frequency of more than 11 GHz in 6565 nm CMOS technology, and a throughput of 615615 Mb/s. The area occupation ranges between 0.110.11 mm2^2 for Nmax=256N_{max}=256 and 2.012.01 mm2^2 for Nmax=4096N_{max}=4096. Implementation results show an unprecedented degree of flexibility: with Nmax=4096N_{max}=4096, up to 5555 code lengths can be decoded with the same hardware, along with any kernel sequence and code rate