621 research outputs found

    Reduced Path Successive Cancellation List Decoding for Polar Codes

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    Polar codes have already been adopted in 5G systems to improve error performance. Successive cancellation list (SCL) decoding is usually used at the decoder and involves lengthy processing. Therefore, different methods have been developed to reduce an SCL decoder’s complexity. In this paper, a reduced path successive cancellation list (RP-SCL) decoder is presented to reduce this complexity, where some decoding paths are pruned. The pruning is achieved by using three different thresholds: two for the path metric and one for the pruning depth in the decoding tree. An optimization procedure is considered to determine the optimum settings for these thresholds. The simulation tests are carried out over models of an additive white Gaussian noise channel and a fading channel by using 5G environments. The results reveal that the proposed RP-SCL decoder provides the complexity reduction in terms of the average number of processed paths at high SNR. Additionally, the computational complexity and the memory requirements decrease

    Symbol-Based Successive Cancellation List Decoder for Polar Codes

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    Polar codes is promising because they can provably achieve the channel capacity while having an explicit construction method. Lots of work have been done for the bit-based decoding algorithm for polar codes. In this paper, generalized symbol-based successive cancellation (SC) and SC list decoding algorithms are discussed. A symbol-based recursive channel combination relationship is proposed to calculate the symbol-based channel transition probability. This proposed method needs less additions than the maximum-likelihood decoder used by the existing symbol-based polar decoding algorithm. In addition, a two-stage list pruning network is proposed to simplify the list pruning network for the symbol-based SC list decoding algorithm.Comment: Accepted by 2014 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS

    Improved Successive Cancellation Decoding of Polar Codes

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    As improved versions of successive cancellation (SC) decoding algorithm, successive cancellation list (SCL) decoding and successive cancellation stack (SCS) decoding are used to improve the finite-length performance of polar codes. Unified descriptions of SC, SCL and SCS decoding algorithms are given as path searching procedures on the code tree of polar codes. Combining the ideas of SCL and SCS, a new decoding algorithm named successive cancellation hybrid (SCH) is proposed, which can achieve a better trade-off between computational complexity and space complexity. Further, to reduce the complexity, a pruning technique is proposed to avoid unnecessary path searching operations. Performance and complexity analysis based on simulations show that, with proper configurations, all the three improved successive cancellation (ISC) decoding algorithms can have a performance very close to that of maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding with acceptable complexity. Moreover, with the help of the proposed pruning technique, the complexities of ISC decoders can be very close to that of SC decoder in the moderate and high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime.Comment: This paper is modified and submitted to IEEE Transactions on Communication

    A Split-Reduced Successive Cancellation List Decoder for Polar Codes

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    This paper focuses on low complexity successive cancellation list (SCL) decoding of polar codes. In particular, using the fact that splitting may be unnecessary when the reliability of decoding the unfrozen bit is sufficiently high, a novel splitting rule is proposed. Based on this rule, it is conjectured that, if the correct path survives at some stage, it tends to survive till termination without splitting with high probability. On the other hand, the incorrect paths are more likely to split at the following stages. Motivated by these observations, a simple counter that counts the successive number of stages without splitting is introduced for each decoding path to facilitate the identification of correct and incorrect path. Specifically, any path with counter value larger than a predefined threshold \omega is deemed to be the correct path, which will survive at the decoding stage, while other paths with counter value smaller than the threshold will be pruned, thereby reducing the decoding complexity. Furthermore, it is proved that there exists a unique unfrozen bit u_{N-K_1+1}, after which the successive cancellation decoder achieves the same error performance as the maximum likelihood decoder if all the prior unfrozen bits are correctly decoded, which enables further complexity reduction. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed low complexity SCL decoder attains performance similar to that of the conventional SCL decoder, while achieving substantial complexity reduction.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - Special Issue on Recent Advances In Capacity Approaching Code

    A Reduced Latency List Decoding Algorithm for Polar Codes

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    Long polar codes can achieve the capacity of arbitrary binary-input discrete memoryless channels under a low complexity successive cancelation (SC) decoding algorithm. But for polar codes with short and moderate code length, the decoding performance of the SC decoding algorithm is inferior. The cyclic redundancy check (CRC) aided successive cancelation list (SCL) decoding algorithm has better error performance than the SC decoding algorithm for short or moderate polar codes. However, the CRC aided SCL (CA-SCL) decoding algorithm still suffer from long decoding latency. In this paper, a reduced latency list decoding (RLLD) algorithm for polar codes is proposed. For the proposed RLLD algorithm, all rate-0 nodes and part of rate-1 nodes are decoded instantly without traversing the corresponding subtree. A list maximum-likelihood decoding (LMLD) algorithm is proposed to decode the maximum likelihood (ML) nodes and the remaining rate-1 nodes. Moreover, a simplified LMLD (SLMLD) algorithm is also proposed to reduce the computational complexity of the LMLD algorithm. Suppose a partial parallel list decoder architecture with list size L=4L=4 is used, for an (8192, 4096) polar code, the proposed RLLD algorithm can reduce the number of decoding clock cycles and decoding latency by 6.97 and 6.77 times, respectively.Comment: 7 pages, accepted by 2014 IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS
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