41 research outputs found

    Recurrently Exploring Class-wise Attention in A Hybrid Convolutional and Bidirectional LSTM Network for Multi-label Aerial Image Classification

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    Aerial image classification is of great significance in remote sensing community, and many researches have been conducted over the past few years. Among these studies, most of them focus on categorizing an image into one semantic label, while in the real world, an aerial image is often associated with multiple labels, e.g., multiple object-level labels in our case. Besides, a comprehensive picture of present objects in a given high resolution aerial image can provide more in-depth understanding of the studied region. For these reasons, aerial image multi-label classification has been attracting increasing attention. However, one common limitation shared by existing methods in the community is that the co-occurrence relationship of various classes, so called class dependency, is underexplored and leads to an inconsiderate decision. In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end network, namely class-wise attention-based convolutional and bidirectional LSTM network (CA-Conv-BiLSTM), for this task. The proposed network consists of three indispensable components: 1) a feature extraction module, 2) a class attention learning layer, and 3) a bidirectional LSTM-based sub-network. Particularly, the feature extraction module is designed for extracting fine-grained semantic feature maps, while the class attention learning layer aims at capturing discriminative class-specific features. As the most important part, the bidirectional LSTM-based sub-network models the underlying class dependency in both directions and produce structured multiple object labels. Experimental results on UCM multi-label dataset and DFC15 multi-label dataset validate the effectiveness of our model quantitatively and qualitatively

    A Deep Multi-Attention Driven Approach for Multi-Label Remote Sensing Image Classification

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    Deep learning (DL) based methods have been found popular in the framework of remote sensing (RS) image scene classification. Most of the existing DL based methods assume that training images are annotated by single-labels, however RS images typically contain multiple classes and thus can simultaneously be associated with multi-labels. Despite the success of existing methods in describing the information content of very high resolution aerial images with RGB bands, any direct adaptation for high-dimensional high-spatial resolution RS images falls short of accurate modeling the spectral and spatial information content. To address this problem, this paper presents a novel approach in the framework of the multi-label classification of high dimensional RS images. The proposed approach is based on three main steps. The first step describes the complex spatial and spectral content of image local areas by a novel KBranch CNN that includes spatial resolution specific CNN branches. The second step initially characterizes the importance scores of different local areas of each image and then defines a global descriptor for each image based on these scores. This is achieved by a novel multi-attention strategy that utilizes the bidirectional long short-term memory networks. The final step achieves the classification of RS image scenes with multilabels. Experiments carried out on BigEarthNet (which is a large-scale Sentinel-2 benchmark archive) show the effectiveness of the proposed approach in terms of multi-label classification accuracy compared to the state-of-the-art approaches. The code of the proposed approach is publicly available at https://gitlab.tubit.tuberlin.de/rsim/MAML-RSIC.EC/H2020/759764/EU/Accurate and Scalable Processing of Big Data in Earth Observation/BigEart

    Relation Network for Multi-label Aerial Image Classification

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    Multi-label classification plays a momentous role in perceiving intricate contents of an aerial image and triggers several related studies over the last years. However, most of them deploy few efforts in exploiting label relations, while such dependencies are crucial for making accurate predictions. Although an LSTM layer can be introduced to modeling such label dependencies in a chain propagation manner, the efficiency might be questioned when certain labels are improperly inferred. To address this, we propose a novel aerial image multi-label classification network, attention-aware label relational reasoning network. Particularly, our network consists of three elemental modules: 1) a label-wise feature parcel learning module, 2) an attentional region extraction module, and 3) a label relational inference module. To be more specific, the label-wise feature parcel learning module is designed for extracting high-level label-specific features. The attentional region extraction module aims at localizing discriminative regions in these features and yielding attentional label-specific features. The label relational inference module finally predicts label existences using label relations reasoned from outputs of the previous module. The proposed network is characterized by its capacities of extracting discriminative label-wise features in a proposal-free way and reasoning about label relations naturally and interpretably. In our experiments, we evaluate the proposed model on the UCM multi-label dataset and a newly produced dataset, AID multi-label dataset. Quantitative and qualitative results on these two datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our model. To facilitate progress in the multi-label aerial image classification, the AID multi-label dataset will be made publicly available

    Deep Learning for Aerial Scene Understanding in High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery from the Lab to the Wild

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    Diese Arbeit präsentiert die Anwendung von Deep Learning beim Verständnis von Luftszenen, z. B. Luftszenenerkennung, Multi-Label-Objektklassifizierung und semantische Segmentierung. Abgesehen vom Training tiefer Netzwerke unter Laborbedingungen bietet diese Arbeit auch Lernstrategien für praktische Szenarien, z. B. werden Daten ohne Einschränkungen gesammelt oder Annotationen sind knapp

    Exploring semantic relationships for hierarchical land use classification based on convolutional neural networks

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    Land use (LU) is an important information source commonly stored in geospatial databases. Most current work on automatic LU classification for updating topographic databases considers only one category level (e.g. residential or agricultural) consisting of a small number of classes. However, LU databases frequently contain very detailed information, using a hierarchical object catalogue where the number of categories differs depending on the hierarchy level. This paper presents a method for the classification of LU on the basis of aerial images that differentiates a fine-grained class structure, exploiting the hierarchical relationship between categories at different levels of the class catalogue. Starting from a convolutional neural network (CNN) for classifying the categories of all levels, we propose a strategy to simultaneously learn the semantic dependencies between different category levels explicitly. The input to the CNN consists of aerial images and derived data as well as land cover information derived from semantic segmentation. Its output is the class scores at three different semantic levels, based on which predictions that are consistent with the class hierarchy are made. We evaluate our method using two test sites and show how the classification accuracy depends on the semantic category level. While at the coarsest level, an overall accuracy in the order of 90% can be achieved, at the finest level, this accuracy is reduced to around 65%. Our experiments also show which classes are particularly hard to differentiate. © 2020 Copernicus GmbH. All rights reserved

    Learning multi-label aerial image classification under label noise: a regularization approach using word embeddings

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    Training deep neural networks requires well-annotated datasets. However, real world datasets are often noisy, especially in a multi-label scenario, i.e. where each data point can be attributed to more than one class. To this end, we propose a regularization method to learn multi-label classification networks from noisy data. This regularization is based on the assumption that semantically close classes are more likely to appear together in a given image. Hereby, we encode label correlations with prior knowledge and regularize noisy network predictions using label correlations. To evaluate its effectiveness, we perform experiments on a mutli-label aerial image dataset contaminated with controlled levels of label noise. Results indicate that networks trained using the proposed method outperform those directly learned from noisy labels and that the benefits increase proportionally to the amount of noise present

    Semantic Interleaving Global Channel Attention for Multilabel Remote Sensing Image Classification

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    Multi-Label Remote Sensing Image Classification (MLRSIC) has received increasing research interest. Taking the cooccurrence relationship of multiple labels as additional information helps to improve the performance of this task. Current methods focus on using it to constrain the final feature output of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). On the one hand, these methods do not make full use of label correlation to form feature representation. On the other hand, they increase the label noise sensitivity of the system, resulting in poor robustness. In this paper, a novel method called Semantic Interleaving Global Channel Attention (SIGNA) is proposed for MLRSIC. First, the label co-occurrence graph is obtained according to the statistical information of the data set. The label co-occurrence graph is used as the input of the Graph Neural Network (GNN) to generate optimal feature representations. Then, the semantic features and visual features are interleaved, to guide the feature expression of the image from the original feature space to the semantic feature space with embedded label relations. SIGNA triggers global attention of feature maps channels in a new semantic feature space to extract more important visual features. Multihead SIGNA based feature adaptive weighting networks are proposed to act on any layer of CNN in a plug-and-play manner. For remote sensing images, better classification performance can be achieved by inserting CNN into the shallow layer. We conduct extensive experimental comparisons on three data sets: UCM data set, AID data set, and DFC15 data set. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed SIGNA achieves superior classification performance compared to state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods. It is worth mentioning that the codes of this paper will be open to the community for reproducibility research. Our codes are available at https://github.com/kyle-one/SIGNA.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    Multi-Label Noise Robust Collaborative Learning Model for Remote Sensing Image Classification

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    The development of accurate methods for multi-label classification (MLC) of remote sensing (RS) images is one of the most important research topics in RS. Methods based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have shown strong performance gains in RS MLC problems. However, CNN-based methods usually require a high number of reliable training images annotated by multiple land-cover class labels. Collecting such data is time-consuming and costly. To address this problem, the publicly available thematic products, which can include noisy labels, can be used to annotate RS images with zero-labeling cost. However, multi-label noise (which can be associated with wrong and missing label annotations) can distort the learning process of the MLC algorithm. The detection and correction of label noise are challenging tasks, especially in a multi-label scenario, where each image can be associated with more than one label. To address this problem, we propose a novel noise robust collaborative multi-label learning (RCML) method to alleviate the adverse effects of multi-label noise during the training phase of the CNN model. RCML identifies, ranks and excludes noisy multi-labels in RS images based on three main modules: 1) discrepancy module; 2) group lasso module; and 3) swap module. The discrepancy module ensures that the two networks learn diverse features, while producing the same predictions. The task of the group lasso module is to detect the potentially noisy labels assigned to the multi-labeled training images, while the swap module task is devoted to exchanging the ranking information between two networks. Unlike existing methods that make assumptions about the noise distribution, our proposed RCML does not make any prior assumption about the type of noise in the training set. Our code is publicly available online: http://www.noisy-labels-in-rs.orgComment: Our code is publicly available online: http://www.noisy-labels-in-rs.or