4 research outputs found

    Stream Attention for far-field multi-microphone ASR

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    A stream attention framework has been applied to the posterior probabilities of the deep neural network (DNN) to improve the far-field automatic speech recognition (ASR) performance in the multi-microphone configuration. The stream attention scheme has been realized through an attention vector, which is derived by predicting the ASR performance from the phoneme posterior distribution of individual microphone stream, focusing the recognizer's attention to more reliable microphones. Investigation on the various ASR performance measures has been carried out using the real recorded dataset. Experiments results show that the proposed framework has yielded substantial improvements in word error rate (WER)

    Robust Multi-channel Speech Recognition using Frequency Aligned Network

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    Conventional speech enhancement technique such as beamforming has known benefits for far-field speech recognition. Our own work in frequency-domain multi-channel acoustic modeling has shown additional improvements by training a spatial filtering layer jointly within an acoustic model. In this paper, we further develop this idea and use frequency aligned network for robust multi-channel automatic speech recognition (ASR). Unlike an affine layer in the frequency domain, the proposed frequency aligned component prevents one frequency bin influencing other frequency bins. We show that this modification not only reduces the number of parameters in the model but also significantly and improves the ASR performance. We investigate effects of frequency aligned network through ASR experiments on the real-world far-field data where users are interacting with an ASR system in uncontrolled acoustic environments. We show that our multi-channel acoustic model with a frequency aligned network shows up to 18% relative reduction in word error rate

    RAIM: Recurrent Attentive and Intensive Model of Multimodal Patient Monitoring Data

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    With the improvement of medical data capturing, vast amount of continuous patient monitoring data, e.g., electrocardiogram (ECG), real-time vital signs and medications, become available for clinical decision support at intensive care units (ICUs). However, it becomes increasingly challenging to model such data, due to high density of the monitoring data, heterogeneous data types and the requirement for interpretable models. Integration of these high-density monitoring data with the discrete clinical events (including diagnosis, medications, labs) is challenging but potentially rewarding since richness and granularity in such multimodal data increase the possibilities for accurate detection of complex problems and predicting outcomes (e.g., length of stay and mortality). We propose Recurrent Attentive and Intensive Model (RAIM) for jointly analyzing continuous monitoring data and discrete clinical events. RAIM introduces an efficient attention mechanism for continuous monitoring data (e.g., ECG), which is guided by discrete clinical events (e.g, medication usage). We apply RAIM in predicting physiological decompensation and length of stay in those critically ill patients at ICU. With evaluations on MIMIC- III Waveform Database Matched Subset, we obtain an AUC-ROC score of 90.18% for predicting decompensation and an accuracy of 86.82% for forecasting length of stay with our final model, which outperforms our six baseline models

    Distilling Knowledge Using Parallel Data for Far-field Speech Recognition

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    In order to improve the performance for far-field speech recognition, this paper proposes to distill knowledge from the close-talking model to the far-field model using parallel data. The close-talking model is called the teacher model. The far-field model is called the student model. The student model is trained to imitate the output distributions of the teacher model. This constraint can be realized by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between the output distribution of the student model and the teacher model. Experimental results on AMI corpus show that the best student model achieves up to 4.7% absolute word error rate (WER) reduction when compared with the conventionally-trained baseline models