3 research outputs found

    Recurrent Graph Syntax Encoder for Neural Machine Translation

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    Syntax-incorporated machine translation models have been proven successful in improving the model's reasoning and meaning preservation ability. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective graph-structured encoder, the Recurrent Graph Syntax Encoder, dubbed \textbf{RGSE}, which enhances the ability to capture useful syntactic information. The RGSE is done over a standard encoder (recurrent or self-attention encoder), regarding recurrent network units as graph nodes and injects syntactic dependencies as edges, such that RGSE models syntactic dependencies and sequential information (\textit{i.e.}, word order) simultaneously. Our approach achieves considerable improvements over several syntax-aware NMT models in English⇒\RightarrowGerman and English⇒\RightarrowCzech translation tasks. And RGSE-equipped big model obtains competitive result compared with the state-of-the-art model in WMT14 En-De task. Extensive analysis further verifies that RGSE could benefit long sentence modeling, and produces better translations.Comment: Work in Progres

    Transformer-Based Neural Text Generation with Syntactic Guidance

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    We study the problem of using (partial) constituency parse trees as syntactic guidance for controlled text generation. Existing approaches to this problem use recurrent structures, which not only suffer from the long-term dependency problem but also falls short in modeling the tree structure of the syntactic guidance. We propose to leverage the parallelism of Transformer to better incorporate parse trees. Our method first expands a partial template constituency parse tree to a full-fledged parse tree tailored for the input source text, and then uses the expanded tree to guide text generation. The effectiveness of our model in this process hinges upon two new attention mechanisms: 1) a path attention mechanism that forces one node to attend to only other nodes located in its path in the syntax tree to better incorporate syntax guidance; 2) a multi-encoder attention mechanism that allows the decoder to dynamically attend to information from multiple encoders. Our experiments in the controlled paraphrasing task show that our method outperforms SOTA models both semantically and syntactically, improving the best baseline's BLEU score from 11.83 to 26.27.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures and 5 table

    Graph-to-Graph Transformer for Transition-based Dependency Parsing

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    We propose the Graph2Graph Transformer architecture for conditioning on and predicting arbitrary graphs, and apply it to the challenging task of transition-based dependency parsing. After proposing two novel Transformer models of transition-based dependency parsing as strong baselines, we show that adding the proposed mechanisms for conditioning on and predicting graphs of Graph2Graph Transformer results in significant improvements, both with and without BERT pre-training. The novel baselines and their integration with Graph2Graph Transformer significantly outperform the state-of-the-art in traditional transition-based dependency parsing on both English Penn Treebank, and 13 languages of Universal Dependencies Treebanks. Graph2Graph Transformer can be integrated with many previous structured prediction methods, making it easy to apply to a wide range of NLP tasks.Comment: Accepted to Findings of EMNLP 202