9 research outputs found

    Smoothing graphons for modelling exchangeable relational data

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    Modelling exchangeable relational data can be described appropriately in graphon theory. Most Bayesian methods for modelling exchangeable relational data can be attributed to this framework by exploiting different forms of graphons. However, the graphons adopted by existing Bayesian methods are either piecewise-constant functions, which are insufficiently flexible for accurate modelling of the relational data, or are complicated continuous functions, which incur heavy computational costs for inference. In this work, we overcome these two shortcomings by smoothing piecewise-constant graphons, which permits continuous intensity values for describing relations, without impractically increasing computational costs. In particular, we focus on the Bayesian Stochastic Block Model (SBM) and demonstrate how to adapt the piecewise-constant SBM graphon to the smoothed version. We first propose the Integrated Smoothing Graphon (ISG) which introduces one smoothing parameter to the SBM graphon to generate continuous relational intensity values. Then, we further develop the Latent Feature Smoothing Graphon (LFSG), which improves the ISG, by introducing auxiliary hidden labels to decompose the calculation of the ISG intensity and enable efficient inference. Experimental results on real-world data sets validate the advantages of applying smoothing strategies to the Stochastic Block Model, demonstrating that smoothing graphons can greatly improve AUC and precision for link prediction without increasing computational complexity

    Computing Complexity of Cultures

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    Values are crucial for explaining the motivational basis of human attitudes and behavior, as well as social and personal organization. This project investigates methods to analyze values possessed by diverse individuals residing in several societies based in Japan and other foreign countries. The aim is to identify useful intercultural data analysis methods to examine the heterogeneity of societies within and across countries based on advanced AI technologies such as machine learning and ontology technologies. Our intercultural data analysis project is based on the publicly available data such as World Value Survey and European Social Survey. The project eventually aims at developing an intercultural data analysis tool for public and private service providers to identify potential target consumer segments of services/products and to indicate preferences of the potential customers in a foreign market