18,826 research outputs found

    Recovery of Exact Sparse Representations in the Presence of Bounded Noise

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    Beyond convergence rates: Exact recovery with Tikhonov regularization with sparsity constraints

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    The Tikhonov regularization of linear ill-posed problems with an â„“1\ell^1 penalty is considered. We recall results for linear convergence rates and results on exact recovery of the support. Moreover, we derive conditions for exact support recovery which are especially applicable in the case of ill-posed problems, where other conditions, e.g. based on the so-called coherence or the restricted isometry property are usually not applicable. The obtained results also show that the regularized solutions do not only converge in the â„“1\ell^1-norm but also in the vector space â„“0\ell^0 (when considered as the strict inductive limit of the spaces Rn\R^n as nn tends to infinity). Additionally, the relations between different conditions for exact support recovery and linear convergence rates are investigated. With an imaging example from digital holography the applicability of the obtained results is illustrated, i.e. that one may check a priori if the experimental setup guarantees exact recovery with Tikhonov regularization with sparsity constraints

    On the stable recovery of the sparsest overcomplete representations in presence of noise

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    Let x be a signal to be sparsely decomposed over a redundant dictionary A, i.e., a sparse coefficient vector s has to be found such that x=As. It is known that this problem is inherently unstable against noise, and to overcome this instability, the authors of [Stable Recovery; Donoho et.al., 2006] have proposed to use an "approximate" decomposition, that is, a decomposition satisfying ||x - A s|| < \delta, rather than satisfying the exact equality x = As. Then, they have shown that if there is a decomposition with ||s||_0 < (1+M^{-1})/2, where M denotes the coherence of the dictionary, this decomposition would be stable against noise. On the other hand, it is known that a sparse decomposition with ||s||_0 < spark(A)/2 is unique. In other words, although a decomposition with ||s||_0 < spark(A)/2 is unique, its stability against noise has been proved only for highly more restrictive decompositions satisfying ||s||_0 < (1+M^{-1})/2, because usually (1+M^{-1})/2 << spark(A)/2. This limitation maybe had not been very important before, because ||s||_0 < (1+M^{-1})/2 is also the bound which guaranties that the sparse decomposition can be found via minimizing the L1 norm, a classic approach for sparse decomposition. However, with the availability of new algorithms for sparse decomposition, namely SL0 and Robust-SL0, it would be important to know whether or not unique sparse decompositions with (1+M^{-1})/2 < ||s||_0 < spark(A)/2 are stable. In this paper, we show that such decompositions are indeed stable. In other words, we extend the stability bound from ||s||_0 < (1+M^{-1})/2 to the whole uniqueness range ||s||_0 < spark(A)/2. In summary, we show that "all unique sparse decompositions are stably recoverable". Moreover, we see that sparser decompositions are "more stable".Comment: Accepted in IEEE Trans on SP on 4 May 2010. (c) 2010 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other work
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