20 research outputs found


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    Kecap ikan secara tradisional dibuat dengan kadar garam tinggi dan waktu fermentasi yang lama. Penurunan kadar garam dalam proses pembuatan kecap ikan dilakukan berkenaan dengan tren hidup sehat. Penambahan enzim dilakukan untuk mempersingkat waktu fermentasi. Viscera ikan mengandung enzim protease dengan jumlah yang cukup tinggi. Limbah pengasapan salah satunya berupa viscera. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan viscera manyung (10, 30 dan 50%) terhadap kandungan total N pada kecap yang terbentuk dengan penambahan garam 20% selama 30 hari fermentasi. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap 10 hari dan dilakukan 3 kali pengulangan. Data total N dianalisa dengan ANOVA dan bila terdapat perbedaan nyata dilakukan uji lanjut BNJ pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Data menunjukkan bahwa jumlah viscera dan lama waktu fermentasi memberikan pengaruh terhadap kandungan total N kecap ikan selama fermentasi. Semakin tinggi kadar penambahan viscera maka total N pada kecap ikan yang dihasilkan akan semakin tinggi dengan perincian total N pada hari ke -10 penambahan viscera 10, 30 dan 50% berturut-turut 4,99; 6,61; 8,40 g/L total N pada hari ke-20 penambahan viscera 10, 30 dan 50% berturut-turut 7,6; 8,09; 8,25 g/L Total N pada hari ke-30 penambahan viscera 10, 30 dan 50% berturut-turut 8,30; 9,06 dan 9,67 g/L. Kata Kunci : viscera manyung, total N, kecap ika


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan crude enzim bromelin terhadap karakteristik fisika, kimia, organoleptik dan mikrobiologi pada kecap ikan dari chunk meat ikan tuna. Rancangan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan (perbedaan penambahan larutan crude enzim bromelin: 3%; 6%; 9%; 12% dan fermentasi spontan) dengan 3 kali ulangan. Data dianalisis secara statistik dengan menggunakan ANOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) pada taraf nyata 5%. Penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh penambahan larutan crude enzim bromelin terhadap rendemen, warna, kadar abu, kadar protein, kadar nitrogen total, kadar nitrogen amino dan organoleptik (warna, aroma), dan tidak berpengaruh terhadap pH, kadar lemak, natrium klorida (NaCl), organoleptik (rasa) dan Angka Lempeng Total (ALT). Pada hasil uji fisika, kimia, mikrobiologi dan organoleptik, produk terbaik adalah produk kecap ikan tuna dengan penambahan larutan crude enzim bromelin 12%, dengan nilai rendemen 83,74%; warna oHue 85,94; derjat keasaman (pH) 5,27; kadar abu 13,53%; kadar lemak 0,40%;kadar protein 15,03%; kadar nitrogen total 2,40%; kadar nitrogen amino 2,15%; natrium klorida (NaCl) 19,25%; organoleptik (warna 3,95; rasa 3,70; aroma 4,20) dan Angka Lempeng Total (ALT) 3,3 x 103 koloni/g. Kata Kunci: Crude enzim bromelin, chunk meat ikan tuna, kecap ika

    Proceedings of the Seminar on Advances in Fishery Post-Harvest Technology in Southeast Asia: Singapore, 6-11 May, 1991

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    As a sequel to the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center’s (SEAFDEC) 20th Anniversary Seminar on Development of Fish Products in Southeast Asia in 1987, the Marine Fisheries Research Department of SEAFDEC organized a second seminar to update information on the status of the fish processing industry in the region with particular attention to developments that had occurred since the first seminar in 1987. A workshop to discuss the SEAFDEC 1990 compilation of fish products in Southeast Asia was also held in conjunction with the seminar. The meeting was attended by researchers from Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Norway, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, and by participants from the Canadian International Development Agency and SEAFDEC. This volume reviews the advances made in the field of fishery post-harvest technology and presents edited papers, discussions and recommendations that emerged from the meeting

    High growth rate using new type demand feeding system with image processing program and fish behavior.

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    Demand feeding system serves feeds to fish, when fish switch on feeders. Although demand feeding system has advantages, it still has problems, e.g. hierarchy problem of fish school and system learning period problem for fish. New type of demand feeding system was develop to solve these problems using fish behaviour and image processing system. At first, behaviour experiment was conducted using the image processing software Roborealm to obtain the optimum parameter for computer program. Through the behaviour experiment, two typical behaviour patterns were detected. When fish was hungry, fish group came to the water surface (H: parameter >63%), and when fish was not hungry, fish came to bottom (L: <45%) of fish tank. These two parameters were obtained and were put into the computer program in the workstation. HD Wi-Fi camera continuously recorded the real time fish behaviour in fish tank, and when fish group came to above the “H”, then the command was sent from workstation to microcomputer to send the order to feeding device to feed on. The results of feeding experiment showed this system could provide pellets to fish day and night time equally following fish behaviour. This feeding system could provide the pellets to fish based on fish requirements. The growth rate was higher than other feeding system (timer feeder and demand feeder using an infrared light sensor)

    Larval rearing of Asian seabass using rotifer, protozoa, and Euplotes encysticus

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    Seed production of marine finfish in Malaysia is still facing problem particularly live feed for starter diet. Currently, aqua culturists use S or SS type rotifers, which have sizes from 100 to 200μm. Early stage larvae of some marine finfish species select feeds less than 100 μm. Protozoa is a collective term of aquatic microorganism that has been identified to be suitable live feed, as their body sizes are less than 100μm. Thus, the objective of this experiment is to compare the survival rates of Asian seabass larvae using four types of live feeds. Four types of live feed; rotifer, protozoa, E. encysticus, and mixed (rotifer, protozoa, and E. encysticus) were used in this experiment. The larvae were fed from 2 to 10 day-after-hatching. Asian seabass larvae were given the same amount of live feed in each larval rearing tank; twice a day. The feeding densities were 20 individual / mL for rotifers, protozoa, E. encysticus, and mixed group. Number of seabass larvae in each group was counted every day and their survival rates were determined. Starting from 3 DAH until 10 DAH, mixed group showed the higher survival rates than other groups. The most recommended live feed was mixed group

    Proceedings of the Twentieth Anniversary Seminar on Development of Fish Products in Southeast Asia, Singapore, 27 - 31 October, 1987

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    Abstracts of the various country reports, resource papers and case histories presented at the Seminar are cited individually

    Évaluation de la performance des procédés d'électrodialyse et de désaération à des fins de désodorisation d'un hydrolysat de laitance de hareng : caractérisation des molécules odorantes et des mécanismes impliqués dans leur retrait

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    En raison de préoccupations environnementales, économiques et sociales, de nombreux efforts ont été déployés au cours des dernières années afin de développer de nouvelles voies de valorisation des co-produits issus de l'industrie de transformation du poisson. À cet effet, il a été constaté que la transformation de ces co-produits en hydrolysats représentait une avenue d'intérêt puisque celle-ci permettait de produire des ressources ayant des activités biologiques. Toutefois, malgré ces aspects prometteurs, les hydrolysats de poisson présentent également l'inconvénient majeur d'être associés à des odeurs déplaisantes ce qui limite leur utilisation. Ainsi, le développement d'une méthode de désodorisation efficace revêt, dans ce contexte, un caractère crucial. L'objectif principal de cette thèse était de développer une méthode de désodorisation appliquée à un hydrolysat de laitance de hareng en évaluant, pour ce faire, la performance des procédés d'électrodialyse (ED) et de désaération à réduire le contenu odorant de cet hydrolysat. Dans un premier temps, le contenu odorant de l'hydrolysat de laitance de hareng a été caractérisé. Il a alors été démontré que le contenu odorant de cet hydrolysat comprenait 15 composés considérés comme principaux contributeurs à son odeur ainsi que les molécules de diméthylamine (DMA), triméthylamine (TMA) et d'oxyde de triméthylamine (TMAO). Ensuite, la performance des procédés d'ED et de désaération à réduire ce contenu odorant a été évaluée. L'ED ne s'est pas avérée performante à des fins de désodorisation et ce, indépendamment des conditions de pH et de courant testées. En revanche, le procédé de désaération a permis de réduire le contenu des composés considérés comme ayant une contribution significative à l'odeur de l'hydrolysat lorsque le traitement a été conduit à pH 7. Également, il a été constaté que la simple basification de l'hydrolysat à pH 10 permettait de conduire à une diminution significative du contenu des principaux contributeurs à l'odeur de ce dernier. Dans un second temps, puisque le traitement de désaération à pH 7 ainsi que la simple basification ont été identifiés comme des avenues d'intérêt afin de réduire le contenu odorant de l'hydrolysat de laitance de hareng, un intérêt particulier a été porté à ces deux conditions. Plus précisément, comme les solutions d'hydrolysat correspondant à ces conditions avaient subi en premier lieu un ajustement de pH puis un brassage d'une nuit sous inertie avant que d'être finalement traitées ou non par désaérateur, il demeurait indispensable de venir préciser le rôle respectif de chacune de ces étapes sur le contenu odorant ciblé. Il a alors été démontré que le brassage sous inertie n'avait aucun impact sur le contenu odorant ciblé contrairement au pH et au désaérateur. En effet, à pH 7, le désaérateur s'est avéré performant pour réduire le contenu des principaux contributeurs à l'odeur de l'hydrolysat du fait de leur meilleure disponibilité. A contrario, le traitement de désaération à pH 10 s'est accompagné d'une diminution dans le contenu en TMA et en DMA du fait de leur meilleure disponibilité sous de telles conditions. Finalement, lorsque la combinaison d'un traitement de désaération à pH 7 et d'une basification subséquente a été évaluée, une baisse significative du contenu des principaux contributeurs à l'odeur de l'hydrolysat a également été observée. Les analyses sensorielles ont confirmé que la combinaison d'un traitement de désaération à pH 7 et d'une basification subséquente ainsi que le simple traitement de désaération à pH 10 étaient les conditions les plus optimales pour désodoriser l'hydrolysat de laitance de hareng. Finalement, la méthode de désodorisation a été optimisée. À cet effet, la combinaison de traitements de désaération en conditions neutre et basique peut être considérée comme l'avenue la plus optimale afin de désodoriser l'hydrolysat de laitance de hareng. La performance de ces résultats a également été démontrée d'un point de vue sensoriel. De plus, un tel traitement n'a pas affecté la capacité antioxydante de l'hydrolysat de laitance de hareng. Ainsi, les travaux entrepris dans le cadre de cette thèse ont permis de développer une méthode de désodorisation efficace et simple d'utilisation d'un hydrolysat de laitance de hareng. Ceci offre donc l'opportunité d'accroître le potentiel d'utilisation de cette ressource d'intérêt.Due to environmental, economic and social concerns, many efforts have been made over the past few years to develop new valorization ways of by-products originating from the fish processing industry. For this purpose, the transformation of these by-products into hydrolysates was perceived as a promising avenue since it could result in the production of resources evidencing biological activities. Nevertheless, in spite of these promising aspects, fish hydrolysates present as well the major drawback to be associated with off-flavors limiting their use. Therefore, the development of an effective deodorization method appears to be, in this context, of significant importance. The main objective of this thesis was to develop a deodorization method applied to herring milt hydrolysate by assessing, to do so, the performance of electrodialysis (ED) and deaeration processes to reduce the odorous content of this hydrolysate. Firstly, the odorous content of herring milt hydrolysate was characterized. It was demonstrated that the odorous content of this hydrolysate included 15 compounds considered as being the main contributors to its odor as well as the molecules of dimethylamine (DMA), trimethylamine (TMA) and trimethylamine oxide (TMAO). Then, the performance of ED and deaeration processes to reduce this odorous content was assessed. At that stage, it was noticed that ED was not effective for deodorization purposes, independently of the pH and current conditions. On the contrary, the deaerator was efficient to reduce the content of the compounds considered as being the most potent odor-active ones of the hydrolysate while the treatment was conducted at pH 7. Also, it was found that the simple basification of the hydrolysate at pH 10 led to a significant decrease in the content of the most potent odor-active compounds. Secondly, since the deaerator treatment at pH 7 and the simple basification were identified as avenues of interest to reduce the odorous content of herring milt hydrolysate, a particular attention was paid regarding these two conditions. More precisely, since such results were obtained on herring milt hydrolysate solutions whose pH was first adjusted either to 7 or 10 before being stirred overnight with nitrogen and then treated or not by deaerator, in order to develop an optimal deodorization method, it remained essential to clarify the respective role of each of these steps. It was demonstrated that the overnight stirring had no impact on the targeted odorous content on the contrary to pH and deaeration step. In fact, at pH 7, the deaerator was shown to be effective to reduce the content of the most potent odor-active compounds of herring milt hydrolysate due to their better availability. On the contrary, the deaerator treatment at pH 10 was shown to be effective to reduce the DMA and TMA contents due to their better availability under such conditions. Finally, while the combination of the deaerator treatment at pH 7 and the subsequent basification was assessed, a significant decrease in the content of the most potent odor-active compounds was observed as well. Sensory analyses confirmed that the combination of deaerator treatment at pH 7 and subsequent basification as well as a simple deaerator treatment at pH 10 were the most optimal conditions for the deodorization of herring milt hydrolysate. Finally, the deodorization method by deaerator was optimized. Deaerator treatments under neutral and basic conditions could be considered as the most optimal avenue for the deodorization of herring milt hydrolysate. The performance of these results was demonstrated from a sensorial point of view as well. Also, such treatment had no impact on the antioxidant capacity of herring milt hydrolysate. This thesis work allowed to develop an effective and easy-to-use deodorization method of herring milt hydrolysate. Therefore, this represents the opportunity to increase the potential for the use of this valuable resource

    Food science sourcebook

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    2 v. : ill. ; 26 cm2nd edition.Rev. ed. of: Source book for food scientists. c1978"An AVI book."Pt. 1. Terms and descriptions -- pt. 2. Food composition,properties, and general data