14,066 research outputs found

    Recovering the Optimal Solution by Dual Random Projection

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    Random projection has been widely used in data classification. It maps high-dimensional data into a low-dimensional subspace in order to reduce the computational cost in solving the related optimization problem. While previous studies are focused on analyzing the classification performance of using random projection, in this work, we consider the recovery problem, i.e., how to accurately recover the optimal solution to the original optimization problem in the high-dimensional space based on the solution learned from the subspace spanned by random projections. We present a simple algorithm, termed Dual Random Projection, that uses the dual solution of the low-dimensional optimization problem to recover the optimal solution to the original problem. Our theoretical analysis shows that with a high probability, the proposed algorithm is able to accurately recover the optimal solution to the original problem, provided that the data matrix is of low rank or can be well approximated by a low rank matrix.Comment: The 26th Annual Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2013

    Rank-Sparsity Incoherence for Matrix Decomposition

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    Suppose we are given a matrix that is formed by adding an unknown sparse matrix to an unknown low-rank matrix. Our goal is to decompose the given matrix into its sparse and low-rank components. Such a problem arises in a number of applications in model and system identification, and is NP-hard in general. In this paper we consider a convex optimization formulation to splitting the specified matrix into its components, by minimizing a linear combination of the â„“1\ell_1 norm and the nuclear norm of the components. We develop a notion of \emph{rank-sparsity incoherence}, expressed as an uncertainty principle between the sparsity pattern of a matrix and its row and column spaces, and use it to characterize both fundamental identifiability as well as (deterministic) sufficient conditions for exact recovery. Our analysis is geometric in nature, with the tangent spaces to the algebraic varieties of sparse and low-rank matrices playing a prominent role. When the sparse and low-rank matrices are drawn from certain natural random ensembles, we show that the sufficient conditions for exact recovery are satisfied with high probability. We conclude with simulation results on synthetic matrix decomposition problems

    Recovery of Low-Rank Plus Compressed Sparse Matrices with Application to Unveiling Traffic Anomalies

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    Given the superposition of a low-rank matrix plus the product of a known fat compression matrix times a sparse matrix, the goal of this paper is to establish deterministic conditions under which exact recovery of the low-rank and sparse components becomes possible. This fundamental identifiability issue arises with traffic anomaly detection in backbone networks, and subsumes compressed sensing as well as the timely low-rank plus sparse matrix recovery tasks encountered in matrix decomposition problems. Leveraging the ability of â„“1\ell_1- and nuclear norms to recover sparse and low-rank matrices, a convex program is formulated to estimate the unknowns. Analysis and simulations confirm that the said convex program can recover the unknowns for sufficiently low-rank and sparse enough components, along with a compression matrix possessing an isometry property when restricted to operate on sparse vectors. When the low-rank, sparse, and compression matrices are drawn from certain random ensembles, it is established that exact recovery is possible with high probability. First-order algorithms are developed to solve the nonsmooth convex optimization problem with provable iteration complexity guarantees. Insightful tests with synthetic and real network data corroborate the effectiveness of the novel approach in unveiling traffic anomalies across flows and time, and its ability to outperform existing alternatives.Comment: 38 pages, submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor
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