14 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of the refractive index from experimental backscattering data using a globally convergent inverse method

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    The problem to be studied in this work is within the context of coefficient identification problems for the wave equation. More precisely, we consider the problem of reconstruction of the refractive index (or equivalently, the dielectric constant) of an inhomogeneous medium using one backscattering boundary measurement. The goal of this paper is to analyze the performance of a globally convergent algorithm of Beilina and Klibanov on experimental data acquired in the Microwave Laboratory at University of North Carolina at Charlotte. The main challenge working with experimental data is the the huge misfit between these data and computationally simulated data. We present data pre-processing steps to make the former somehow look similar to the latter. Results of both non-blind and blind targets are shown indicating good reconstructions even for high contrasts between the targets and the background medium.Comment: 25 page

    Computational design of nanophotonic structures using an adaptive finite element method

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    We consider the problem of the construction of the nanophotonic structures of arbitrary geometry with prescribed desired properties. We reformulate this problem as an optimization problem for the Tikhonov functional which is minimized on adaptively locally refined meshes. These meshes are refined only in places where the nanophotonic structure should be designed. Our special symmetric mesh refinement procedure allows the construction of different nanophotonic structures. We illustrate efficiency of our adaptive optimization algorithm on the construction of nanophotonic structure in two dimensions

    Application of the Finite Element Method in a Quantitative Imaging technique

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    We present the Finite Element Method (FEM) for the numerical solution of the multidimensional coefficient inverse problem (MCIP) in two dimensions. This method is used for explicit reconstruction of the coefficient in the hyperbolic equation using data resulted from a single measurement. To solve our MCIP we use approximate globally convergent method and then apply FEM for the resulted equation. Our numerical examples show quantitative reconstruction of the sound speed in small tumor-like inclusions

    Reconstruction of shapes and refractive indices from backscattering experimental data using the adaptivity

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    We consider the inverse problem of the reconstruction of the spatially distributed dielectric constant $\varepsilon_{r}\left(\mathbf{x}\right), \ \mathbf{x}\in \mathbb{R}^{3},whichisanunknowncoefficientintheMaxwell′sequations,fromtime−dependentbackscatteringexperimentalradardataassociatedwithasinglesourceofelectricpulses.Therefractiveindexis, which is an unknown coefficient in the Maxwell's equations, from time-dependent backscattering experimental radar data associated with a single source of electric pulses. The refractive index is n\left(\mathbf{x}\right) =\sqrt{\varepsilon_{r}\left(\mathbf{x}\right)}.Thecoefficient The coefficient \varepsilon_{r}\left(\mathbf{x}\right) $ is reconstructed using a two-stage reconstruction procedure. In the first stage an approximately globally convergent method proposed is applied to get a good first approximation of the exact solution. In the second stage a locally convergent adaptive finite element method is applied, taking the solution of the first stage as the starting point of the minimization of the Tikhonov functional. This functional is minimized on a sequence of locally refined meshes. It is shown here that all three components of interest of targets can be simultaneously accurately imaged: refractive indices, shapes and locations

    Reconstruction from blind experimental data for an inverse problem for a hyperbolic equation

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    We consider the problem of reconstruction of dielectrics from blind backscattered experimental data. Experimental data were collected by a device, which was built at University of North Carolina at Charlotte. This device sends electrical pulses into the medium and collects the time resolved backscattered data on a part of a plane. The spatially distributed dielectric constant εr(x),x∈R3\varepsilon_{r}(\mathbf{x}),\mathbf{x}\in \mathbb{R}^{3} is the unknown coefficient of a wave-like PDE. This coefficient is reconstructed from those data in blind cases. To do this, a globally convergent numerical method is used.Comment: 27 page