3 research outputs found

    An Investigation of Object Shadows Utilization In 3D Shape Re-Construction Using Inexpensive Equipment

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    An approach for automatic 3D object re-construction using its shadow ispresented. The approach investigates the use of information inherited by thegenerated object shadows to re-construct the object geometry. An algorithm isdeveloped that make use of object height information for the directions associatedwith the incident light and the generated object shadows, hence, acquired heightfeatures represents the object features that have actually obstructed the incidentlight. The technique is tested using objects of different shapes. Close to realmeasurements are gained and the overall accuracy of the system is found to bewithin 0.75 mm using the adopted imaging hardware and setup. Obtained resultsconfirmed the validity of the proposed approach

    Reconstruction of lambertian surfaces by discrete equal height contours and regions propagation

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    This paper describes two new methods for the reconstruction of discrete surfaces from shading images. Both approaches are based on the reconstruction of a discrete surface by mixing photometric and geometric techniques. The processing of photometric informations is based on reflectance maps which are classic tools of shape from shading. The geometric features are extracted from the discrete surface and propagated along the surface. The propagation is based in one case on equal height discrete contour propagation and in the other case on region propagation. Both methods allow photometric stereo. Results of reconstruction from synthetic and real images are presented. 1