2 research outputs found

    Representação documental de graffiti como patrimônio cultural: proposta metodológico-conceitual.

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    Issues concerning cultural heritage have been widely discussed due to the broadening of concepts related to heritage as well as those related to culture. Graffiti is considered a form of artistic expression in public spaces, popularly defined as a type of inscription done on walls. Due to the ephemeral aspect of graffiti, the study is presented with the objective of proposing a model of documentary representation of graffiti, in order to guarantee its consolidation as a cultural heritage, with its descriptive, cultural, spatiotemporal and ideological characteristics. The elements used in the methodology were applied semiotic analysis (colors, lines, surfaces, shapes and lights) and Ranganathanian faceted analysis (personality, matter, energy, space and time). The proposed model for the Documentary Representation of Graffiti presents the image representation of the graffiti in photographs, which allows its preservation as a cultural heritage, and nine types of metadata, as elements of documentary representation: Title, Artist, Creation, Cultural citation, Spatiotemporal citation, Ideological citation, Description, Summary and Keywords

    Reconstructing news spread networks and studying its dynamics

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