4 research outputs found

    Recompilation for Debugging Support in a JIT-Compiler

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    verifiably secure and compact architecture-neutral intermediate format, called Java byte codes. The Java byte codes can be either interpreted by a Java Virtual Machine or translated into native code by Java Just-In-Time compilers. Static Java compilers embed debug information in the Java class files to be used by the source level debuggers. However, the debug information is generated for architecture independent byte codes and most of the debug information is valid only when the byte codes are interpreted. Translating byte codes into native instructions puts a limitation on the amount of usable debug information that can be used by source level debuggers. In this paper, we present a new technique to generate valid debug information when JustIn -Time compilers are used. Our approach is based on the dynamic recompilation of Java methods by a fast code generator and lazily generates debug information when it is required. We also present three implementations for field watch support in the Java Virtual Machine Debugger Interface to investigate the runtime overhead and code size growth by our approach

    Source level debugging of dynamically translated programs

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    The capability to debug a program at the source level is useful and often indispensable. Debuggers usesophisticated techniques to provide a source view of a program, even though what is executing on the hard-ware is machine code. Debugging techniques evolve with significant changes in programming languagesand execution environments. Recently, software dynamic translation (SDT) has emerged as a new execu-tion mechanism. SDT inserts a run-time software layer between the program and the host machine, provid-ing flexibility in execution and program monitoring. Increasingly popular technologies that use thismechanism include dynamic optimization, dynamic instrumentation, security checking, binary translation,and host machine virtualization. However, the run-time program modifications in a SDT environment posesignificant challenges to a source level debugger. Currently debugging techniques do not exist for softwaredynamic translators. This thesis is the first to provide techniques for source level debugging of dynamically translatedprograms. The thesis proposes a novel debugging framework, called Tdb, that addresses the difficult chal-lenge of maintaining and providing source level information for programs whose binary code changes asthe program executes. The proposed framework has a number of important features. First, it does notrequire or induce changes in the program being debugged. In other words, programs are debugged is theirdeployment environment. Second, the framework is portable and can be applied to virtually any SDT sys-tem. The framework requires minimal changes to an SDT implementation, usually just a few lines of code.Third, the framework can be integrated with existing debuggers, such as Gdb, and does not require changesto these debuggers. This improves usability and adoption, eliminating the learning curve associated with anew debugging environment. Finally, the proposed techniques are efficient. The runtime overhead of thedebugged programs is low and comparable to that of existing debuggers. Tdb's techniques have been implemented for three different dynamic translators, on two differenthardware platforms. The experimental results demonstrate that source level debugging of dynamicallytranslated programs is feasible, and our implemented systems are portable, usable, and efficient

    Java in eingebetteten Systemen

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    Moderne, objektorientierte Sprachen spielen bei der Entwicklung von Software für eingebettete Systeme bislang kaum eine Rolle. Die Gründe hierfür sind vielfältig, meist wird jedoch die mangelnde Effizienz und der größere Speicherbedarf hervorgehoben. Obwohl Java viele Eigenschaften hat, die sehr für einen Einsatz in eingebetteten Systemen sprechen, so hängt doch gerade Java vielfach immer noch das Vorurteil an, in Systemen mit beschränkter Rechenleistung und Speicher zu viele Ressourcen zu benötigen. Diese Arbeit soll dazu beitragen, diese Vorurteile abzutragen. Sie stellt insbesondere Techniken vor, die den Speicherbedarf einer JVM so gering wie möglich halten und diese effizient mit der zur Verfügung stehenden Rechenleistung umgehen lassen. Viele der dargestellten Verfahren und Algorithmen wurden in der Kertasarie VM implementiert, einer virtuellen Maschine, die speziell für den Einsatz in eingebetteten Systemen konzipiert wurde. Durch die weit verbreitete Vernetzung eingebetteter Systeme über das Internet stellt sich in vielen Fällen zudem das Problem einer modernen, abstrakten und effizienten Form der Kommunikation. Aus diesem Grund liegt der zweite Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit auf dem Vergleich von objektorientierten Middleware-Architekturen, insbesondere von Java-RMI. Auch auf diesem Gebiet wird eine eigene, speziell an eingebettete Systeme angepasste RMI-Variante vorgestellt.Modern, object oriented languages do not play an important role when developing software for embedded systems. There are many reasons for it, most often an inadequate performance and a greater memory demand are mentioned. In spite of the fact that Java has many features suitable for embedded systems, Java often faces the prejudice to consume too much resources in systems with limited processing power and memory. This work is a contribution to diminish this prejudices. It presents techniques to limit the memory demands of a Java Virtual Machine and to effectively cope with limited computing power. Many of the presented methods and algorithms are implemented in the Kertasarie VM, a JVM designed to run in embedded systems.Due to the fact of increasing network capabilities embedded systems often face the problem of a modern, abstract and efficient communication. Therefore the second emphasis of this work is put on the comparison of object oriented middleware architectures, especially Java-RMI. An own implementation for embedded systems is also presented