3 research outputs found

    Topic-Level Bayesian Surprise and Serendipity for Recommender Systems

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    A recommender system that optimizes its recommendations solely to fit a user's history of ratings for consumed items can create a filter bubble, wherein the user does not get to experience items from novel, unseen categories. One approach to mitigate this undesired behavior is to recommend items with high potential for serendipity, namely surprising items that are likely to be highly rated. In this paper, we propose a content-based formulation of serendipity that is rooted in Bayesian surprise and use it to measure the serendipity of items after they are consumed and rated by the user. When coupled with a collaborative-filtering component that identifies similar users, this enables recommending items with high potential for serendipity. To facilitate the evaluation of topic-level models for surprise and serendipity, we introduce a dataset of book reading histories extracted from Goodreads, containing over 26 thousand users and close to 1.3 million books, where we manually annotate 449 books read by 4 users in terms of their time-dependent, topic-level surprise. Experimental evaluations show that models that use Bayesian surprise correlate much better with the manual annotations of topic-level surprise than distance-based heuristics, and also obtain better serendipitous item recommendation performance

    Recommending Serendipitous Items using Transfer Learning

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    Most recommender algorithms are designed to suggest relevant items, but suggesting these items does not always result in user satisfaction. Therefore, the efforts in recommender systems recently shifted towards serendipity, but generating serendipitous recommendations is difficult due to the lack of training data. To the best of our knowledge, there are many large datasets containing relevance scores (relevance oriented) and only one publicly available dataset containing a relatively small number of serendipity scores (serendipity oriented). This limits the learning capabilities of serendipity oriented algorithms. Therefore, in the absence of any known deep learning algorithms for recommending serendipitous items and the lack of large serendipity oriented datasets, we introduce SerRec our novel transfer learning method to recommend serendipitous items. SerRec uses transfer learning to firstly train a deep neural network for relevance scores using a large dataset and then tunes it for serendipity scores using a smaller dataset. Our method shows benefits of transfer learning for recommending serendipitous items as well as performance gains over the state-of-the-art serendipity oriented algorithmspeerReviewe