1,138 research outputs found

    Peeking into the other half of the glass : handling polarization in recommender systems.

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    This dissertation is about filtering and discovering information online while using recommender systems. In the first part of our research, we study the phenomenon of polarization and its impact on filtering and discovering information. Polarization is a social phenomenon, with serious consequences, in real-life, particularly on social media. Thus it is important to understand how machine learning algorithms, especially recommender systems, behave in polarized environments. We study polarization within the context of the users\u27 interactions with a space of items and how this affects recommender systems. We first formalize the concept of polarization based on item ratings and then relate it to the item reviews, when available. We then propose a domain independent data science pipeline to automatically detect polarization using the ratings rather than the properties, typically used to detect polarization, such as item\u27s content or social network topology. We perform an extensive comparison of polarization measures on several benchmark data sets and show that our polarization detection framework can detect different degrees of polarization and outperforms existing measures in capturing an intuitive notion of polarization. We also investigate and uncover certain peculiar patterns that are characteristic of environments where polarization emerges: A machine learning algorithm finds it easier to learn discriminating models in polarized environments: The models will quickly learn to keep each user in the safety of their preferred viewpoint, essentially, giving rise to filter bubbles and making them easier to learn. After quantifying the extent of polarization in current recommender system benchmark data, we propose new counter-polarization approaches for existing collaborative filtering recommender systems, focusing particularly on the state of the art models based on Matrix Factorization. Our work represents an essential step toward the new research area concerned with quantifying, detecting and counteracting polarization in human-generated data and machine learning algorithms.We also make a theoretical analysis of how polarization affects learning latent factor models, and how counter-polarization affects these models. In the second part of our dissertation, we investigate the problem of discovering related information by recommendation of tags on social media micro-blogging platforms. Real-time micro-blogging services such as Twitter have recently witnessed exponential growth, with millions of active web users who generate billions of micro-posts to share information, opinions and personal viewpoints, daily. However, these posts are inherently noisy and unstructured because they could be in any format, hence making them difficult to organize for the purpose of retrieval of relevant information. One way to solve this problem is using hashtags, which are quickly becoming the standard approach for annotation of various information on social media, such that varied posts about the same or related topic are annotated with the same hashtag. However hashtags are not used in a consistent manner and most importantly, are completely optional to use. This makes them unreliable as the sole mechanism for searching for relevant information. We investigate mechanisms for consolidating the hashtag space using recommender systems. Our methods are general enough that they can be used for hashtag annotation in various social media services such as twitter, as well as for general item recommendations on systems that rely on implicit user interest data such as e-learning and news sites, or explicit user ratings, such as e-commerce and online entertainment sites. To conclude, we propose a methodology to extract stories based on two types of hashtag co-occurrence graphs. Our research in hashtag recommendation was able to exploit the textual content that is available as part of user messages or posts, and thus resulted in hybrid recommendation strategies. Using content within this context can bridge polarization boundaries. However, when content is not available, is missing, or is unreliable, as in the case of platforms that are rich in multimedia and multilingual posts, the content option becomes less powerful and pure collaborative filtering regains its important role, along with the challenges of polarization

    Social Collaborative Retrieval

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    Socially-based recommendation systems have recently attracted significant interest, and a number of studies have shown that social information can dramatically improve a system's predictions of user interests. Meanwhile, there are now many potential applications that involve aspects of both recommendation and information retrieval, and the task of collaborative retrieval---a combination of these two traditional problems---has recently been introduced. Successful collaborative retrieval requires overcoming severe data sparsity, making additional sources of information, such as social graphs, particularly valuable. In this paper we propose a new model for collaborative retrieval, and show that our algorithm outperforms current state-of-the-art approaches by incorporating information from social networks. We also provide empirical analyses of the ways in which cultural interests propagate along a social graph using a real-world music dataset.Comment: 10 page


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    Recommender agents are being widely used by E-commerce business to help customers make decisions from a large amount of choices. To improve the performance of recommendation agents, three main approaches (content-based approaches, collaborative approaches and hybrid approaches) have been proposed to address recommendation problem whose basic idea is to discover similarity of items and users and predicate users’ preference toward a set of items. This provides potential for using social network analysis to make recommendations since social network analysis can be used to investigate the relationships of customers. In this research, we illustrate the concepts of social network analysis and how it can be employed to make better recommendations in E-commerce context. Application and research opportunities are presented

    Encouraging Inactive Users towards Effective Recommendation

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    Disagreement amongst users in a social network might occur when some of them have different opinion or preferences towards certain items (e.g. topics). Some of the users in the social network might have dynamic preferences due to certain situations. With these differences in opinion amongst the users, some of the users might decide to become either less-active or inactive in providing their opinions on items for recommendation processes to be possible or effective. The current state of the users will lead to a cold-start problem where the recommender system will be unable to find accurate preference information of the users for a recommendation of new items to be provided to them. It will also be difficult to identify these inactive or less-active users within a group for the recommendation of items to be done effectively. Attempts have been made by several researchers to reduce the cold-start problem using singular value decomposition (SVD) algorithm, but the disagreement problem amongst users will still occur due to the dynamic preferences of the users towards items. It was hypothesized in this thesis that an influence based preference modelling could resolve the disagreement problem. It is possible to encourage less-active or inactive users to become active only if they have been identified with a group of their trustworthy neighbours. A suitable clustering technique that does not require pre-specified parameters (e.g. the number of clusters or the number of cluster members) was needed to accurately identify trustworthy users with groups (i.e. clusters) and also identify exemplars (i.e. Cluster representatives) from each group. Several existing clustering techniques such as Highly connected subgraphs (HCS), Markov clustering and Affinity Propagation (AP) clustering were explored in this thesis to check if they have the capabilities to achieve these required outputs. The suitable clustering technique amongst these techniques that is able to identify exemplars in each cluster could be validated using pattern information of past social activities, estimated trust values or familiarity values. The proposed method for estimating these values was based on psychological theories such as the theory of interpersonal behaviour (TIB) and rational choice theory as it was necessary to predict the trustworthiness behaviour of social users. It will also be revealed that users with high trust values (i.e. Trustworthy users) are not necessarily exemplars of various clusters, but they are more likely to encourage less active users in accepting recommended items preferred by the exemplar of their respective cluster

    How Algorithmic Confounding in Recommendation Systems Increases Homogeneity and Decreases Utility

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    Recommendation systems are ubiquitous and impact many domains; they have the potential to influence product consumption, individuals' perceptions of the world, and life-altering decisions. These systems are often evaluated or trained with data from users already exposed to algorithmic recommendations; this creates a pernicious feedback loop. Using simulations, we demonstrate how using data confounded in this way homogenizes user behavior without increasing utility

    Web3Recommend: Decentralised recommendations with trust and relevance

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    Web3Recommend is a decentralized Social Recommender System implementation that enables Web3 Platforms on Android to generate recommendations that balance trust and relevance. Generating recommendations in decentralized networks is a non-trivial problem because these networks lack a global perspective due to the absence of a central authority. Further, decentralized networks are prone to Sybil Attacks in which a single malicious user can generate multiple fake or Sybil identities. Web3Recommend relies on a novel graph-based content recommendation design inspired by GraphJet, a recommendation system used in Twitter enhanced with MeritRank, a decentralized reputation scheme that provides Sybil-resistance to the system. By adding MeritRank's decay parameters to the vanilla Social Recommender Systems' personalized SALSA graph algorithm, we can provide theoretical guarantees against Sybil Attacks in the generated recommendations. Similar to GraphJet, we focus on generating real-time recommendations by only acting on recent interactions in the social network, allowing us to cater temporally contextual recommendations while keeping a tight bound on the memory usage in resource-constrained devices, allowing for a seamless user experience. As a proof-of-concept, we integrate our system with MusicDAO, an open-source Web3 music-sharing platform, to generate personalized, real-time recommendations. Thus, we provide the first Sybil-resistant Social Recommender System, allowing real-time recommendations beyond classic user-based collaborative filtering. The system is also rigorously tested with extensive unit and integration tests. Further, our experiments demonstrate the trust-relevance balance of recommendations against multiple adversarial strategies in a test network generated using data from real music platforms
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