14 research outputs found

    A probabilistic model to resolve diversity-accuracy challenge of recommendation systems

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    Recommendation systems have wide-spread applications in both academia and industry. Traditionally, performance of recommendation systems has been measured by their precision. By introducing novelty and diversity as key qualities in recommender systems, recently increasing attention has been focused on this topic. Precision and novelty of recommendation are not in the same direction, and practical systems should make a trade-off between these two quantities. Thus, it is an important feature of a recommender system to make it possible to adjust diversity and accuracy of the recommendations by tuning the model. In this paper, we introduce a probabilistic structure to resolve the diversity-accuracy dilemma in recommender systems. We propose a hybrid model with adjustable level of diversity and precision such that one can perform this by tuning a single parameter. The proposed recommendation model consists of two models: one for maximization of the accuracy and the other one for specification of the recommendation list to tastes of users. Our experiments on two real datasets show the functionality of the model in resolving accuracy-diversity dilemma and outperformance of the model over other classic models. The proposed method could be extensively applied to real commercial systems due to its low computational complexity and significant performance.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Towards Diversity in Recommendations Using Social Networks

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    While there has been a lot of research towards improving the accuracy of recommender systems, the resulting systems have tended to become increasingly narrow in suggestion variety. An emerging trend in recommendation systems is to actively seek out diversity in recommendations, where the aim is to provide unexpected, varied, and serendipitous recommendations to the user. Our main contribution in this paper is a new approach to diversity in recommendations called "Social Diversity," a technique that uses social network information to diversify recommendation results. Social Diversity utilizes social networks in recommender systems to leverage the diverse underlying preferences of different user communities to introduce diversity into recommendations. This form of diversification ensures that users in different social networks (who may not collaborate in real life, since they are in a different network) share information, helping to prevent siloization of knowledge and recommendations. We describe our approach and show its feasibility in providing diverse recommendations for the MovieLens dataset

    MapReduce and Streaming Algorithms for Diversity Maximization in Metric Spaces of Bounded Doubling Dimension

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    Given a dataset of points in a metric space and an integer kk, a diversity maximization problem requires determining a subset of kk points maximizing some diversity objective measure, e.g., the minimum or the average distance between two points in the subset. Diversity maximization is computationally hard, hence only approximate solutions can be hoped for. Although its applications are mainly in massive data analysis, most of the past research on diversity maximization focused on the sequential setting. In this work we present space and pass/round-efficient diversity maximization algorithms for the Streaming and MapReduce models and analyze their approximation guarantees for the relevant class of metric spaces of bounded doubling dimension. Like other approaches in the literature, our algorithms rely on the determination of high-quality core-sets, i.e., (much) smaller subsets of the input which contain good approximations to the optimal solution for the whole input. For a variety of diversity objective functions, our algorithms attain an (α+ϵ)(\alpha+\epsilon)-approximation ratio, for any constant ϵ>0\epsilon>0, where α\alpha is the best approximation ratio achieved by a polynomial-time, linear-space sequential algorithm for the same diversity objective. This improves substantially over the approximation ratios attainable in Streaming and MapReduce by state-of-the-art algorithms for general metric spaces. We provide extensive experimental evidence of the effectiveness of our algorithms on both real world and synthetic datasets, scaling up to over a billion points.Comment: Extended version of http://www.vldb.org/pvldb/vol10/p469-ceccarello.pdf, PVLDB Volume 10, No. 5, January 201

    Diverse near neighbor problem

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    Motivated by the recent research on diversity-aware search, we investigate the k-diverse near neighbor reporting problem. The problem is defined as follows: given a query point q, report the maximum diversity set S of k points in the ball of radius r around q. The diversity of a set S is measured by the minimum distance between any pair of points in SS (the higher, the better). We present two approximation algorithms for the case where the points live in a d-dimensional Hamming space. Our algorithms guarantee query times that are sub-linear in n and only polynomial in the diversity parameter k, as well as the dimension d. For low values of k, our algorithms achieve sub-linear query times even if the number of points within distance r from a query qq is linear in nn. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first known algorithms of this type that offer provable guarantees.Charles Stark Draper LaboratoryNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award NSF CCF-1012042)David & Lucile Packard Foundatio

    When Diversity Is Needed... But Not Expected!

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    International audienceRecent studies have highlighted the correlation between users' satisfaction and diversity within recommenders, especially the fact that diversity increases users' confidence when choosing an item. Understanding the reasons of this positive impact on recommenders is now becoming crucial. Based on this assumption, we designed a user study that focuses on the utility of this new dimension, as well as its perceived qualities. This study has been conducted on 250 users and it compared 5 recommendation approaches, based on collaborative filtering, content-based filtering and popularity, along with various degrees of diversity. Results show that, when recommendations are made explicit, diversity may reduce users' acceptance rate. However, it helps increasing users' satisfaction. Moreover, this study highlights the need to build users' preference models that are diverse enough, so as to generate good recommendations

    Semantics and result disambiguation for keyword search on tree data

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    Keyword search is a popular technique for searching tree-structured data (e.g., XML, JSON) on the web because it frees the user from learning a complex query language and the structure of the data sources. However, the convenience of keyword search comes with drawbacks. The imprecision of the keyword queries usually results in a very large number of results of which only very few are relevant to the query. Multiple previous approaches have tried to address this problem. Some of them exploit structural and semantic properties of the tree data in order to filter out irrelevant results while others use a scoring function to rank the candidate results. These are not easy tasks though and in both cases, relevant results might be missed and the users might spend a significant amount of time searching for their intended result in a plethora of candidates. Another drawback of keyword search on tree data, also due to the incapacity of keyword queries to precisely express the user intent, is that the query answer may contain different types of meaningful results even though the user is interested in only some of them. Both problems of keyword search on tree data are addressed in this dissertation. First, an original approach for answering keyword queries is proposed. This approach extracts structural patterns of the query matches and reasons with them in order to return meaningful results ranked with respect to their relevance to the query. The proposed semantics performs comparisons between patterns of results by using different types of ho-momorphisms between the patterns. These comparisons are used to organize the patterns into a graph of patterns which is leveraged to determine ranking and filtering semantics. The experimental results show that the approach produces query results of higher quality compared to the previous ones. To address the second problem, an original approach for clustering the keyword search results on tree data is introduced. The clustered output allows the user to focus on a subset of the results, and to save time and effort while looking for the relevant results. The approach performs clustering at different levels of granularity to group similar results together effectively. The similarity of the results and result clusters is decided using relations on structural patterns of the results defined based on homomor-phisms between path patterns. An originality of the clustering approach is that the clusters are ranked at different levels of granularity to quickly guide the user to the relevant result patterns. An efficient stack-based algorithm is presented for generating result patterns and constructing the clustering hierarchy. The extensive experimentation with multiple real datasets show that the algorithm is fast and scalable. It also shows that the clustering methodology allows the users to effectively retrieve their intended results, and outperforms a recent state-of-the-art clustering approach. In order to tackle the second problem from a different aspect, diversifying the results of keyword search is addressed. Diversification aims to provide the users with a ranked list of results which balances the relevance and redundancy of the results. Measures for quantifying the relevance and dissimilarity of result patterns are presented and a heuristic for generating a diverse set of results using these metrics is introduced

    Schema-aware keyword search on linked data

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    Keyword search is a popular technique for querying the ever growing repositories of RDF graph data on the Web. This is due to the fact that the users do not need to master complex query languages (e.g., SQL, SPARQL) and they do not need to know the underlying structure of the data on the Web to compose their queries. Keyword search is simple and flexible. However, it is at the same time ambiguous since a keyword query can be interpreted in different ways. This feature of keyword search poses at least two challenges: (a) identifying relevant results among a multitude of candidate results, and (b) dealing with the performance scalability issue of the query evaluation algorithms. In the literature, multiple schema-unaware approaches are proposed to cope with the above challenges. Some of them identify as relevant results only those candidate results which maintain the keyword instances in close proximity. Other approaches filter out irrelevant results using their structural characteristics or rank and top-k process the retrieved results based on statistical information about the data. In any case, these approaches cannot disambiguate the query to identify the intent of the user and they cannot scale satisfactorily when the size of the data and the number of the query keywords grow. In recent years, different approaches tried to exploit the schema (structural summary) of the RDF (Resource Description Framework) data graph to address the problems above. In this context, an original hierarchical clustering technique is introduced in this dissertation. This approach clusters the results based on a semantic interpretation of the keyword instances and takes advantage of relevance feedback from the user. The clustering hierarchy uses pattern graphs which are structured queries and clustering together result graphs with the same structure. Pattern graphs represent possible interpretations for the keyword query. By navigating though the hierarchy the user can select the pattern graph which is relevant to her intent. Nevertheless, structural summaries are approximate representations of the data and, therefore, might return empty answers or miss results which are relevant to the user intent. To address this issue, a novel approach is presented which combines the use of the structural summary and the user feedback with a relaxation technique for pattern graphs to extract additional results potentially of interest to the user. Query caching and multi-query optimization techniques are leveraged for the efficient evaluation of relaxed pattern graphs. Although the approaches which consider the structural summary of the data graph are promising, they require interaction with the user. It is claimed in this dissertation that without additional information from the user, it is not possible to produce results of high quality from keyword search on RDF data with the existing techniques. In this regard, an original keyword query language on RDF data is introduced which allows the user to convey his intention flexibly and effortlessly by specifying cohesive keyword groups. A cohesive group of keywords in a query indicates that its keywords should form a cohesive unit in the query results. It is experimentally demonstrated that cohesive keyword queries improve the result quality effectively and prune the search space of the pattern graphs efficiently compared to traditional keyword queries. Most importantly, these benefits are achieved while retaining the simplicity and the convenience of traditional keyword search. The last issue addressed in this dissertation is the diversification problem for keyword search on RDF data. The goal of diversification is to trade off relevance and diversity in the results set of a keyword query in order to minimize the dissatisfaction of the average user. Novel metrics are developed for assessing relevance and diversity along with techniques for the generation of a relevant and diversified set of query interpretations for a keyword query on an RDF data graph. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the metrics and the efficiency of the approach