32 research outputs found

    Recognizing well-parenthesized expressions in the streaming model

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    Motivated by a concrete problem and with the goal of understanding the sense in which the complexity of streaming algorithms is related to the complexity of formal languages, we investigate the problem Dyck(s) of checking matching parentheses, with ss different types of parenthesis. We present a one-pass randomized streaming algorithm for Dyck(2) with space \Order(\sqrt{n}\log n), time per letter \polylog (n), and one-sided error. We prove that this one-pass algorithm is optimal, up to a \polylog n factor, even when two-sided error is allowed. For the lower bound, we prove a direct sum result on hard instances by following the "information cost" approach, but with a few twists. Indeed, we play a subtle game between public and private coins. This mixture between public and private coins results from a balancing act between the direct sum result and a combinatorial lower bound for the base case. Surprisingly, the space requirement shrinks drastically if we have access to the input stream in reverse. We present a two-pass randomized streaming algorithm for Dyck(2) with space \Order((\log n)^2), time \polylog (n) and one-sided error, where the second pass is in the reverse direction. Both algorithms can be extended to Dyck(s) since this problem is reducible to Dyck(2) for a suitable notion of reduction in the streaming model.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum Chebyshev's Inequality and Applications

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    In this paper we provide new quantum algorithms with polynomial speed-up for a range of problems for which no such results were known, or we improve previous algorithms. First, we consider the approximation of the frequency moments FkF_k of order k3k \geq 3 in the multi-pass streaming model with updates (turnstile model). We design a PP-pass quantum streaming algorithm with memory MM satisfying a tradeoff of P2M=O~(n12/k)P^2 M = \tilde{O}(n^{1-2/k}), whereas the best classical algorithm requires PM=Θ(n12/k)P M = \Theta(n^{1-2/k}). Then, we study the problem of estimating the number mm of edges and the number tt of triangles given query access to an nn-vertex graph. We describe optimal quantum algorithms that perform O~(n/m1/4)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n}/m^{1/4}) and O~(n/t1/6+m3/4/t)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n}/t^{1/6} + m^{3/4}/\sqrt{t}) queries respectively. This is a quadratic speed-up compared to the classical complexity of these problems. For this purpose we develop a new quantum paradigm that we call Quantum Chebyshev's inequality. Namely we demonstrate that, in a certain model of quantum sampling, one can approximate with relative error the mean of any random variable with a number of quantum samples that is linear in the ratio of the square root of the variance to the mean. Classically the dependency is quadratic. Our algorithm subsumes a previous result of Montanaro [Mon15]. This new paradigm is based on a refinement of the Amplitude Estimation algorithm of Brassard et al. [BHMT02] and of previous quantum algorithms for the mean estimation problem. We show that this speed-up is optimal, and we identify another common model of quantum sampling where it cannot be obtained. For our applications, we also adapt the variable-time amplitude amplification technique of Ambainis [Amb10] into a variable-time amplitude estimation algorithm.Comment: 27 pages; v3: better presentation, lower bound in Theorem 4.3 is ne

    Information Cost Tradeoffs for Augmented Index and Streaming Language Recognition

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    This paper makes three main contributions to the theory of communication complexity and stream computation. First, we present new bounds on the information complexity of AUGMENTED-INDEX. In contrast to analogous results for INDEX by Jain, Radhakrishnan and Sen [J. ACM, 2009], we have to overcome the significant technical challenge that protocols for AUGMENTED-INDEX may violate the "rectangle property" due to the inherent input sharing. Second, we use these bounds to resolve an open problem of Magniez, Mathieu and Nayak [STOC, 2010] that asked about the multi-pass complexity of recognizing Dyck languages. This results in a natural separation between the standard multi-pass model and the multi-pass model that permits reverse passes. Third, we present the first passive memory checkers that verify the interaction transcripts of priority queues, stacks, and double-ended queues. We obtain tight upper and lower bounds for these problems, thereby addressing an important sub-class of the memory checking framework of Blum et al. [Algorithmica, 1994]

    Incidence Geometries and the Pass Complexity of Semi-Streaming Set Cover

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    Set cover, over a universe of size nn, may be modelled as a data-streaming problem, where the mm sets that comprise the instance are to be read one by one. A semi-streaming algorithm is allowed only O(npoly{logn,logm})O(n\, \mathrm{poly}\{\log n, \log m\}) space to process this stream. For each p1p \ge 1, we give a very simple deterministic algorithm that makes pp passes over the input stream and returns an appropriately certified (p+1)n1/(p+1)(p+1)n^{1/(p+1)}-approximation to the optimum set cover. More importantly, we proceed to show that this approximation factor is essentially tight, by showing that a factor better than 0.99n1/(p+1)/(p+1)20.99\,n^{1/(p+1)}/(p+1)^2 is unachievable for a pp-pass semi-streaming algorithm, even allowing randomisation. In particular, this implies that achieving a Θ(logn)\Theta(\log n)-approximation requires Ω(logn/loglogn)\Omega(\log n/\log\log n) passes, which is tight up to the loglogn\log\log n factor. These results extend to a relaxation of the set cover problem where we are allowed to leave an ε\varepsilon fraction of the universe uncovered: the tight bounds on the best approximation factor achievable in pp passes turn out to be Θp(min{n1/(p+1),ε1/p})\Theta_p(\min\{n^{1/(p+1)}, \varepsilon^{-1/p}\}). Our lower bounds are based on a construction of a family of high-rank incidence geometries, which may be thought of as vast generalisations of affine planes. This construction, based on algebraic techniques, appears flexible enough to find other applications and is therefore interesting in its own right.Comment: 20 page

    On the communication complexity of sparse set disjointness and exists-equal problems

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    In this paper we study the two player randomized communication complexity of the sparse set disjointness and the exists-equal problems and give matching lower and upper bounds (up to constant factors) for any number of rounds for both of these problems. In the sparse set disjointness problem, each player receives a k-subset of [m] and the goal is to determine whether the sets intersect. For this problem, we give a protocol that communicates a total of O(k\log^{(r)}k) bits over r rounds and errs with very small probability. Here we can take r=\log^{*}k to obtain a O(k) total communication \log^{*}k-round protocol with exponentially small error probability, improving on the O(k)-bits O(\log k)-round constant error probability protocol of Hastad and Wigderson from 1997. In the exist-equal problem, the players receive vectors x,y\in [t]^n and the goal is to determine whether there exists a coordinate i such that x_i=y_i. Namely, the exists-equal problem is the OR of n equality problems. Observe that exists-equal is an instance of sparse set disjointness with k=n, hence the protocol above applies here as well, giving an O(n\log^{(r)}n) upper bound. Our main technical contribution in this paper is a matching lower bound: we show that when t=\Omega(n), any r-round randomized protocol for the exists-equal problem with error probability at most 1/3 should have a message of size \Omega(n\log^{(r)}n). Our lower bound holds even for super-constant r <= \log^*n, showing that any O(n) bits exists-equal protocol should have \log^*n - O(1) rounds