1 research outputs found

    Recognizing Generalized Transmission Graphs of Line Segments and Circular Sectors

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    Suppose we have an arrangement A\mathcal{A} of nn geometric objects x1,…,xnβŠ†R2x_1, \dots, x_n \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2 in the plane, with a distinguished point pip_i in each object xix_i. The generalized transmission graph of A\mathcal{A} has vertex set {x1,…,xn}\{x_1, \dots, x_n\} and a directed edge xixjx_ix_j if and only if pj∈xip_j \in x_i. Generalized transmission graphs provide a generalized model of the connectivity in networks of directional antennas. The complexity class βˆƒR\exists \mathbb{R} contains all problems that can be reduced in polynomial time to an existential sentence of the form βˆƒx1,…,xn:Ο•(x1,…,xn)\exists x_1, \dots, x_n: \phi(x_1,\dots, x_n), where x1,…,xnx_1,\dots, x_n range over R\mathbb{R} and Ο•\phi is a propositional formula with signature (+,βˆ’,β‹…,0,1)(+, -, \cdot, 0, 1). The class βˆƒR\exists \mathbb{R} aims to capture the complexity of the existential theory of the reals. It lies between NP\mathbf{NP} and PSPACE\mathbf{PSPACE}. Many geometric decision problems, such as recognition of disk graphs and of intersection graphs of lines, are complete for βˆƒR\exists \mathbb{R}. Continuing this line of research, we show that the recognition problem of generalized transmission graphs of line segments and of circular sectors is hard for βˆƒR\exists \mathbb{R}. As far as we know, this constitutes the first such result for a class of directed graphs.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure