10,355 research outputs found

    Rotor wake interactions with an obstacle on the ground

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    An investigation of the flow around an obstacle positioned within the wake of a rotor is described. A flow visualisation survey was performed using a smoke wand and particle image velocimetry, and surface pressure measurements on the obstacle were taken. The flow patterns were strongly dependent upon the rotor height above the ground and obstacle, and the relative position of the obstacle and rotor axis. High positive and suction pressures were measured on the obstacle surfaces, and these were unsteady in response to the passage of the vortex driven rotor wake over the surfaces. Integrated surface forces are of the order of the rotor thrust, and unsteady pressure information shows local unsteady loading of the same order as the mean loading. Rotor blade-tip vortex trajectories are responsible for the generation of these forces

    Simulation of the Aerodynamic Interaction between Rotor and Ground Obstacle Using Vortex Method

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    The mutual aerodynamic interaction between rotor wake and surrounding obstacles is complex, and generates high compensatory workload for pilots, degradation of the handling qualities, and performance, and unsteady force on the structure of the obstacles. The interaction also affects the minimum distance between rotorcrafts and obstacles to operate safely. A vortex-based approach is then employed to investigate the complex aerodynamic interaction between rotors and ground obstacle, and identify the distance where the interaction ends, and this is also the objective of the GARTEUR AG22 working group activities. In this approach, the aerodynamic loads of the rotor blades are described through a panel method, and the unsteady behaviour of the rotor wake is modelled using a vortex particle method. The effects of the ground plane and obstacle are accounted for via a viscous boundary model. The method is then applied to a “Large” and a “Wee” rotor near the ground and obstacle, and compared with the earlier experiments carried out at the University of Glasgow. The results show that predicted rotor induced inflow and flow field compare reasonably well with the experiments. Furthermore, at certain conditions, the tip vortices are pushed up and re-injected into the rotor wake due to the effect of the obstacle resulting in a recirculation. Moreover, contrary to without the obstacle case, peak and thickness of the radial outwash near the obstacle are smaller due to the barrier effect of the obstacle, and an upwash is observed. In addition, as the rotor closes to the obstacle, the rotor slipstreams impinge directly on the obstacle, and the upwash near the obstacle is faster, indicating a stronger interaction between the rotor wake and the obstacle. In addition, contrary to the case without the obstacle, the fluctuations of the rotor thrust, and rolling and pitching moments are obviously strengthened. When the distance between the rotor and the obstacle is larger than 3R, the effect of the obstacle is small

    Geometry of unsteady fluid transport during fluid–structure interactions

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    We describe the application of tools from dynamical systems to define and quantify the unsteady fluid transport that occurs during fluid–structure interactions and in unsteady recirculating flows. The properties of Lagrangian coherent structures (LCS) are used to enable analysis of flows with arbitrary time-dependence, thereby extending previous analytical results for steady and time-periodic flows. The LCS kinematics are used to formulate a unique, physically motivated definition for fluid exchange surfaces and transport lobes in the flow. The methods are applied to numerical simulations of two-dimensional flow past a circular cylinder at a Reynolds number of 200; and to measurements of a freely swimming organism, the Aurelia aurita jellyfish. The former flow provides a canonical system in which to compare the present geometrical analysis with classical, Eulerian (e.g. vortex shedding) perspectives of fluid–structure interactions. The latter flow is used to deduce the physical coupling that exists between mass and momentum transport during self-propulsion. In both cases, the present methods reveal a well-defined, unsteady recirculation zone that is not apparent in the corresponding velocity or vorticity fields. Transport rates between the ambient flow and the recirculation zone are computed for both flows. Comparison of fluid transport geometry for the cylinder crossflow and the self-propelled swimmer within the context of existing theory for two-dimensional lobe dynamics enables qualitative localization of flow three-dimensionality based on the planar measurements. Benefits and limitations of the implemented methods are discussed, and some potential applications for flow control, unsteady propulsion, and biological fluid dynamics are proposed

    Unsteady Aerodynamic Interaction Between Rotor and Ground Obstacle

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    The mutual aerodynamic interaction between rotor wake and surrounding obstacles is complex, and generates high compensatory workload for pilots, degradation of the handling qualities and performance, and unsteady force on the structure of the obstacles. The interaction also affects the minimum distance between rotorcrafts and obstacles to operate safely. A vortex-based approach is then employed to investigate the complex aerodynamic interaction between rotors and ground obstacle, and identify the distance where the interaction ends, and this is also the objective of the GARTEUR AG22 working group activities. In this approach, the aerodynamic loads of the rotor blades are described through a panel method, and the unsteady behaviour of the rotor wake is modelled using a vortex particle method. The effects of the ground plane and obstacle are accounted for via a viscous boundary model. The method is then applied to a “Large” and a “Wee” rotor near the ground and obstacle, and compared with the earlier experiments carried out at the University of Glasgow. The results show that the predicted rotor induced inflow and flow field compare reasonably well with the experiments. Furthermore, at certain conditions the tip vortices are pushed up and re-injected into the rotor wake due to the effect of the obstacle resulting in a recirculation. Moreover, contrary to without the obstacle case, the peak and thickness of the radial outwash near the obstacle is smaller due to the barrier effect of the obstacle, and an up-wash is observed. Additionally, as the rotor closes to the obstacle, the rotor slipstreams impinge directly on the obstacle, and the up-wash near the obstacle is faster, indicating a stronger interaction between the rotor wake and the obstacle. Also, contrary to the case without the obstacle, the fluctuations of the rotor thrust, rolling and pitching moments are obviously strengthened. When the distance between the rotor and the obstacle is larger than 3R, the effect of the obstacle is small

    Stirring and transport enhancement in a continuously modulated free-surface flow

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    The transport of fluid from a recirculation region adjacent to a free surface is studied using a numerical method validated with experimental flow visualization. The flow is an example of a liquid film coating process, and consists of two counter-rotating rolls placed side-by-side and half-submerged in a bath of fluid. In the gap between the rolls a recirculation zone exists just below the free surface, around which the flow splits into two films. Fluid recirculating for long periods has been identified as a source of coating defects, so this paper considers a possible method of inducing stirring. The flow is modulated by driving one of the rolls through a Hooke's joint, which delivers a well-characterized periodic perturbation to the roll speed. In response to this speed modulation, the free surface undergoes a periodic change in position and shape which drives an exchange of fluid between the recirculation region and the surrounding flow. The amplitude of the free-surface motion is strongly dependent on modulation frequency. The dynamics of the free surface preclude a quasi-steady approach, even in the small-frequency limit, and so a fully time-dependent analysis based on the finite element method is employed. Trigonometric temporal interpolation of the finite element data is used to make passive tracer advection calculations more efficient, and excellent agreement is seen between simulation and experiment. Computations of the stable and unstable invariant manifolds associated with periodic points on the free surface reveal that the exchange of fluid is governed by a self-intersecting turnstile mechanism, by which most fluid entrained during a modulation cycle is ejected later in the same cycle. Transport over several cycles is explored by observation of the evacuation of passive tracers initially distributed uniformly in the recirculation zone. Results demonstrate the persistence of unmixed cores whose size is dependent on the modulation frequency. By considering the percentage of tracers remaining after a fixed number of cycles, contours in frequency-amplitude space show that for each modulation amplitude there is a frequency which produces the most effective transport, with up to 80 % of tracers removed by a modulation which produces only a 5 % change in film thickness. Finally it is shown how modulation of both rolls at slightly different phases can reduce the film thickness variation to about 1 % while maintaining the level of transport

    Recirculation effects produced by a pair of heated jets impinging on a ground plane

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    Exhaust recirculation effects produced by two heated jets impinging on ground plan

    Study of Multilouvered Heat Exchangers at Low Reynolds numbers

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    Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Project 13

    Direct numerical simulation of a turbulent flow over an axisymmetric hill

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    Direct numerical simulation (DNS) of a turbulent flow over an axisymmetric hill has been carried out to study the three-dimensional flow separation and reattachment that occur on the lee-side of the geometry. The flow Reynolds number is ReH = 6500, based on free-stream quantities and hill height (H). A synthetic inflow boundary condition, combined with a data feed-in method, has been used to generate the turbulent boundary layer approaching to the hill. The simulation has been run using a typical DNS resolution of DxĂľ ÂĽ 12:5; DzĂľ ÂĽ 6:5, and DyĂľ1 ÂĽ 1:0 and about 10 points in the viscous sublayer. It was found that a separation bubble exists at the foot of the wind-side of the hill and the incoming turbulent boundary layer flow undergoes re-laminarization process around the crest of the hill. These lead to a significant flow separation at the lee-side of the hill, where a very large primary separation bubble embedded with a smaller secondary separations have been captured. The present low-Re simulation reveals some flow features that are not observed by high-Re experiments, thus is useful for future experimental studies
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