163,714 research outputs found

    Breaking Language Barriers: A Question Answering Dataset for Hindi and Marathi

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    The recent advances in deep-learning have led to the development of highly sophisticated systems with an unquenchable appetite for data. On the other hand, building good deep-learning models for low-resource languages remains a challenging task. This paper focuses on developing a Question Answering dataset for two such languages- Hindi and Marathi. Despite Hindi being the 3rd most spoken language worldwide, with 345 million speakers, and Marathi being the 11th most spoken language globally, with 83.2 million speakers, both languages face limited resources for building efficient Question Answering systems. To tackle the challenge of data scarcity, we have developed a novel approach for translating the SQuAD 2.0 dataset into Hindi and Marathi. We release the largest Question-Answering dataset available for these languages, with each dataset containing 28,000 samples. We evaluate the dataset on various architectures and release the best-performing models for both Hindi and Marathi, which will facilitate further research in these languages. Leveraging similarity tools, our method holds the potential to create datasets in diverse languages, thereby enhancing the understanding of natural language across varied linguistic contexts. Our fine-tuned models, code, and dataset will be made publicly available

    Explaining Speech Classification Models via Word-Level Audio Segments and Paralinguistic Features

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    Recent advances in eXplainable AI (XAI) have provided new insights into how models for vision, language, and tabular data operate. However, few approaches exist for understanding speech models. Existing work focuses on a few spoken language understanding (SLU) tasks, and explanations are difficult to interpret for most users. We introduce a new approach to explain speech classification models. We generate easy-to-interpret explanations via input perturbation on two information levels. 1) Word-level explanations reveal how each word-related audio segment impacts the outcome. 2) Paralinguistic features (e.g., prosody and background noise) answer the counterfactual: ``What would the model prediction be if we edited the audio signal in this way?'' We validate our approach by explaining two state-of-the-art SLU models on two speech classification tasks in English and Italian. Our findings demonstrate that the explanations are faithful to the model's inner workings and plausible to humans. Our method and findings pave the way for future research on interpreting speech models.Comment: 8 page

    DRAGON: A Dialogue-Based Robot for Assistive Navigation with Visual Language Grounding

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    Persons with visual impairments (PwVI) have difficulties understanding and navigating spaces around them. Current wayfinding technologies either focus solely on navigation or provide limited communication about the environment. Motivated by recent advances in visual-language grounding and semantic navigation, we propose DRAGON, a guiding robot powered by a dialogue system and the ability to associate the environment with natural language. By understanding the commands from the user, DRAGON is able to guide the user to the desired landmarks on the map, describe the environment, and answer questions from visual observations. Through effective utilization of dialogue, the robot can ground the user's free-form descriptions to landmarks in the environment, and give the user semantic information through spoken language. We conduct a user study with blindfolded participants in an everyday indoor environment. Our results demonstrate that DRAGON is able to communicate with the user smoothly, provide a good guiding experience, and connect users with their surrounding environment in an intuitive manner.Comment: Webpage and videos are at https://sites.google.com/view/dragon-wayfinding/hom

    Inspecting Spoken Language Understanding from Kids for Basic Math Learning at Home

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    Enriching the quality of early childhood education with interactive math learning at home systems, empowered by recent advances in conversational AI technologies, is slowly becoming a reality. With this motivation, we implement a multimodal dialogue system to support play-based learning experiences at home, guiding kids to master basic math concepts. This work explores Spoken Language Understanding (SLU) pipeline within a task-oriented dialogue system developed for Kid Space, with cascading Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Natural Language Understanding (NLU) components evaluated on our home deployment data with kids going through gamified math learning activities. We validate the advantages of a multi-task architecture for NLU and experiment with a diverse set of pretrained language representations for Intent Recognition and Entity Extraction tasks in the math learning domain. To recognize kids' speech in realistic home environments, we investigate several ASR systems, including the commercial Google Cloud and the latest open-source Whisper solutions with varying model sizes. We evaluate the SLU pipeline by testing our best-performing NLU models on noisy ASR output to inspect the challenges of understanding children for math learning in authentic homes.Comment: Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA) at ACL 202
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