32,500 research outputs found

    Large Language Models for Supply Chain Optimization

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    Supply chain operations traditionally involve a variety of complex decision making problems. Over the last few decades, supply chains greatly benefited from advances in computation, which allowed the transition from manual processing to automation and cost-effective optimization. Nonetheless, business operators still need to spend substantial efforts in \emph{explaining} and interpreting the optimization outcomes to stakeholders. Motivated by the recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs), we study how this disruptive technology can help bridge the gap between supply chain automation and human comprehension and trust thereof. We design \name{} -- a framework that accepts as input queries in plain text, and outputs insights about the underlying optimization outcomes. Our framework does not forgo the state-of-the-art combinatorial optimization technology, but rather leverages it to quantitatively answer what-if scenarios (e.g., how would the cost change if we used supplier B instead of supplier A for a given demand?). Importantly, our design does not require sending proprietary data over to LLMs, which can be a privacy concern in some circumstances. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework on a real server placement scenario within Microsoft's cloud supply chain. Along the way, we develop a general evaluation benchmark, which can be used to evaluate the accuracy of the LLM output in other scenarios

    Denoising Autoencoders for fast Combinatorial Black Box Optimization

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    Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs) require flexible probability models that can be efficiently learned and sampled. Autoencoders (AE) are generative stochastic networks with these desired properties. We integrate a special type of AE, the Denoising Autoencoder (DAE), into an EDA and evaluate the performance of DAE-EDA on several combinatorial optimization problems with a single objective. We asses the number of fitness evaluations as well as the required CPU times. We compare the results to the performance to the Bayesian Optimization Algorithm (BOA) and RBM-EDA, another EDA which is based on a generative neural network which has proven competitive with BOA. For the considered problem instances, DAE-EDA is considerably faster than BOA and RBM-EDA, sometimes by orders of magnitude. The number of fitness evaluations is higher than for BOA, but competitive with RBM-EDA. These results show that DAEs can be useful tools for problems with low but non-negligible fitness evaluation costs.Comment: corrected typos and small inconsistencie

    Combinatorial Network Optimization with Unknown Variables: Multi-Armed Bandits with Linear Rewards

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    In the classic multi-armed bandits problem, the goal is to have a policy for dynamically operating arms that each yield stochastic rewards with unknown means. The key metric of interest is regret, defined as the gap between the expected total reward accumulated by an omniscient player that knows the reward means for each arm, and the expected total reward accumulated by the given policy. The policies presented in prior work have storage, computation and regret all growing linearly with the number of arms, which is not scalable when the number of arms is large. We consider in this work a broad class of multi-armed bandits with dependent arms that yield rewards as a linear combination of a set of unknown parameters. For this general framework, we present efficient policies that are shown to achieve regret that grows logarithmically with time, and polynomially in the number of unknown parameters (even though the number of dependent arms may grow exponentially). Furthermore, these policies only require storage that grows linearly in the number of unknown parameters. We show that this generalization is broadly applicable and useful for many interesting tasks in networks that can be formulated as tractable combinatorial optimization problems with linear objective functions, such as maximum weight matching, shortest path, and minimum spanning tree computations
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